Releases: alchemy-fr/Phraseanet
Update instructions :
- If you come from a 4.1.6 version : Nothing special except for the primary datastore backup before performing an update.
- If you come from an earlier version : you need to manually perform a "drop", "create", "populate" of elasticsearch index.
Version summary :
- General improvement for the report and introducing bin/report for report export automation
- Authentication improvement in supporting multiple IDPs.
- Adding log cleaning feature
Release notes - Phraseanet - 4.1.7
Stack (docker compose, helm)
we have bumped minimal version for docker and docker compose.
the dc helper functionality is now compliant with docker compose (see readme).
New Features & Improvements
PHRAS-3297 Send an email to users once a year to get approval for accounts
PHRAS-2872 Phraseanet Authentication uses phrasea auth service as idp
PHRAS-2995 Add phraseanet-service as Oauth service provider for Phraseanet 4.1
PHRAS-3694 bin/maintenance clean:users, add more parameters
PHRAS-3779 Prod - expose-cli - IDP integration
PHRAS-3728 Multiple SAML Idp support
PHRAS-3812 Docker-compose RabbitMQ define hostname and database name
PHRAS-3783 Prod - Order manager - Adding Download Expiration date
PHRAS-3804 Home - Acceptio Cookies consent provider integration - GDPR
PHRAS-3823 Report - bin/report a command line report generator
PHRAS-3828 bin/report and GUI Export databox content
PHRAS-1718 Bump recaptcha version
PHRAS-1974 Autodelete inactive users after a given period
PHRAS-3813 bin/maintenance clean databox's logs table
PHRAS-3819 Bin/maintenance clean webhook's log - WebhookEvents
PHRAS-3152 Bin/maintenance Cleaner for table "LazaretSessions"
PHRAS-3462 Bin/maintenance clean:apilog and clean:WorkerRunningJob - applicationbox
PHRAS-473 Prod - Advanced search - display fields labels and other improvements
PHRAS-2759 Report - Adding a feature in Report to display all documents sent by email
PHRAS-3318 Authentication : Saml Authentication in docker and kubernetes context
PHRAS-3596 Prod - Expose client - Filtering Expose publications and other GUI improvements
PHRAS-3598 Webhook - Emit improvement - Count and Log errors - stop to notify endpoint in error.
PHRAS-3683 Docker Compose - dc functionality improvement - support space in env value
PHRAS-3794 Install - elasticsearch configuration - \`populate\_order\` became \`MODIFICATION\_DATE\` by default
PHRAS-3798 bin/setup - system:config set - filtering sensitive credentials on stdout
PHRAS-3738 Admin - worker - job tab - Adding filter on databox , date, record_id
PHRAS-3754 Admin - user detail - more tab Record ACL, publications and baskets
PHRAS-3761 Admin - worker manager - jobs - running process - computation of current duration
PHRAS-3793 Shared baskets - Update record_right when a share expires
PHRAS-3802 Home - forgotten password - change end user message
PHRAS-3807 Border manager - lazaret - more default file extension lib/conf.d/configuration.yml
PHRAS-3816 Improvement of db index on WorkerRunningJob table
PHRAS-3821 Docker - Faster start for fpm and worker container
PHRAS-3822 Prod : Improve Image Watermarking
PHRAS-3825 Admin - worker manager - queue - add filter "Hide empty queues"
PHRAS-3826 ci - ci refactoring - migrate to github action
PHRAS-3827 Admin - users list - keep selection and page when validate or back in users edit
PHRAS-3739 Add JQ (php extension) to the stack
PHRAS-3764 Missing string - Check spelling for the pop up "empty collection"
PHRAS-3778 Docker - logs output optim for fpm, workers, scheduler, gateway
PHRAS-3830 Prod - advanced search - operator for field type number
PHRAS-3832 Report - download record list - improvement
PHRAS-3833 Report - export databox action and others fixes
PHRAS-3838 Prod - Expose - v2 - flatten assets break
PHRAS-3765 Oauth2 : allow to pass client custom parameters into session
PHRAS-3702 Migration patch error 4.1.6-rc3 to 4.1.6-rc4 bin/setup system:upgrade always fail on basket table
PHRAS-2948 Quarantine checker - fix checker deactivation
PHRAS-3273 Prod - mapbox user pref - map\_zoom generates an error when is memorized by mapboxgl and read by mapboxJS
PHRAS-3569 Prod - video tools - sometimes an ERROR occurs about a record file type
PHRAS-3664 Prod - record moving between collections action : no retry on indexation failure
PHRAS-3757 Phraseanet - Phrasea Uploader - multivalued fields are merge in one value
PHRAS-3758 Prod - Baskets - Unable to start a feedback from the Action menu
PHRAS-3782 Preview "train" keyboard navigation crashes on page-1
PHRAS-3785 Stamp is KO, resulting err500 in download
PHRAS-3791 SAML AUTHENTICATION : Log out generates an 500 error
PHRAS-3795 Prod - fix 404 on GET assets/common/css/fonts/icomoon.woff
PHRAS-3800 Prod - xss injection with filename
PHRAS-3806 ps-auth : Flushing rights when changing group is not working
PHRAS-3808 Prod - video tools - Hiding "video tools" menu item when user doesn't have this right
PHRAS-3811 docker-compose fix typo in writeMetadatas service profiles
PHRAS-3814 Share basket fix migration patch
PHRAS-3815 Prod - share basket - wrong object in sent email
PHRAS-3818 Prod- Expose cli - several fix
PHRAS-3824 xss on preview
PHRAS-3829 Prod - basket content - Design is broken for screen "set order"
PHRAS-3831 Admin - submit xml setting return an 500 error
PHRAS-3836 Admin - status bits name - fix character encoding
PHRAS-3837 Docker - fix image build
PHRAS-3820 Migration - fix migration patch 4.0 to 4.1.7
PHRAS-3817 Webhook - created subdef - permalink is empty
PHRAS-3314 Prod - Expose - Publication with huge amount of assets - loading assets is very long - wrong UX
Update instructions
docker docker-compose : add profile "setup" and "redis-session" to your
Change in methode for defining the
key inconfiguration.yml
env is removed and content of it have need to be splited in 2 envPHRASEANET_SCHEME
- The env
define a new env namedPHRASEANET_BASE_URL
is used for setservername
key inconfiguration.yml
"setup" profile launch the setup container for performing an app installation
or reportPHRASEANET_*
env var values to Phraseanetconfiguration.yml
file -
"redis-session" profile launch a
redis session
container for storing the user's php session
and permit the scaling of Phraseanet container- when you migrate, it can be useful to empty the application cache by
rm -Rf cache/*
- when you migrate, it can be useful to empty the application cache by
Migration instructions: After a backup of all dabases and file
Run upgrade for bump versionbin/setup system:upgrade
The "shared basket" feature introduces a major change in the database schema. -
Elasticsearch index action : Requires a drop, create, populate if you come from 4.1.6-rc1 or lower,
not required if you update from 4.1.6-rc2.
Version summary :
This changelog include also 4.1.6-rc3, 4.1.6-rc4 and 4.1.6-rc5
Shared Baskets :
the Phraseanet basket can now be shared between several users and the feedback becomes now an option on this shared basket.
- keys features :
- It's possible to define an expiration date for a shared basket.
- It's possible to set a contributor right for basket's participants.
- A feedback request can be added to the shared basket.
- keys features :
Printed PDF
Completing options in printed PDF that we introduced in 4.1.6-rc2.
Font size can be set for record indexation and record's information block.
Color for field Label can be defined.
Print record's information block under preview is now an option.
Refactoring Phraseanet installation and setup process in docker-compose and HELM.
It is now possible to not write the databox field on file's metadatas for the record's original document.
It is now possible to set a subdefinition not built by Phraseanet.
- A file can be added using API on this subdefinition
- Move user session in new dedicated redis container.
- Adding an container for "saml-service"
- Helm chart improvement : add missing values
- Dedicate a container for Phraseanet installation and Setup
New Features
PHRAS-3380 Shared Basket features
PHRAS-3712 Admin - Sudefinition - building a subdefinition becomes an option
PHRAS-3713 Admin - Writing metadatas into record's original document becomes an option
PHRAS-3564 Phraseanet - subdefinition service - API for building a subdefinition file from a source file (alpha)
PHRAS-3704 worker - Build Phrasea rendition with the subdefinition worker (beta)
PHRAS-3700 Bump switfmailer version - Microsoft dropped support for TLS 1.0 und 1.1
PHRAS-3697 Printed PDF user choice improvement, font size, color , block information.
PHRAS-3695 Prod - basket and feedback displayed informations improvement
PHRAS-3692 Prod - Default user's setting - in configuration.yml : add face order display settings
PHRAS-3686 Prod - caption : characters \(#,!\) into a clickable url link can lead to cut the link
PHRAS-3684 Prod - Workzone - basket tab - visually separate basket/stories in 3 blocks. "Shared with me" , " My baskets" , "Stories"
PHRAS-3678 LightBox - Improvements for Basket Share
PHRAS-3675 Worker - fix heartbeat sent to RabbitMQ channel by worker
PHRAS-3674 Prod - Record Information - Add Databox name in information
PHRAS-3665 Check - Prod : Validation reminder can be disabled on feedback
PHRAS-3663 Prod - workzone - basket tab - filter refactoring - css issue
PHRAS-3662 Prod - shared basket - fix design - icon in detailed view and action bar etc
PHRAS-3657 Docker | helm - ready for scale the fpm container - refactoring install and setup and php session store.
PHRAS-3525 Admin - worker service - job tab - add purge on all running job - warn user with js alert
PHRAS-3121 Prod - Tools - Tab subdefinition rebuild - option for choosing which subdefintion will be rebuilt \(thumbnail, preview etc ...\)
PHRAS-1545 Prod - order manager - several fix and improvements back and front
PHRAS-3720 Webhooks - option for SSL validity and webhook "record.subdef.created " add permalink, size and mime in json
PHRAS-3729 Uploader PUll mode now compatible with multi destination
PHRAS-3719 Admin - Worker - Job tab - Adding filter on job kind
PHRAS-3235 Admin - Collection - Emptying a collection is now made by "delete worker"
Bug fix
PHRAS-3717 API - Wrong extension on subdefinition upload/substitute with parameter adapt=0
PHRAS-3711 Admin - Users - Modify, edit multiple users rights
PHRAS-3685 Prod - create story - don't propose to set a name for a story
PHRAS-3679 Prod reload when editing multi-databox records
PHRAS-3672 Prod - Wording issue - share overlay - deleting a list of users
PHRAS-3664 Prod - record moving between collections action : no retry on indexation failure.
PHRAS-3650 Worker - broken Pipe on RabbitMQ connection due to "consumer\_timeout"
PHRAS-3649 Prod - sharing a basket : loading 1000 users list fails in share
PHRAS-3645 Thesaurus - Candidates are not generated for fields with special character
PHRAS-3639 Prod - Video tools - Subtitle editing - error when try to edit the last item
PHRAS-3612 Prod - thesaurus used for classement - Gui string html missmatch
PHRAS-3591 Admin - Databases - Subdefinition setting - lenght of subdef name is limit to 16 characters but 64 in database column
PHRAS-3698 Docker - Dockerfiles - FPM images - Fix the Imagemagick download path
PHRAS-2646 Error in 4.1 a feedback with null or empty in Name
PHRAS-3666 Prod - Print - PDF - Generated pdf can't be printed even if no password is defined
Update instructions
- docker docker-compose : add profile "gateway-classic" to your
- Migration instructions: just run upgrade for bump version
- Elasticsearch index action : Requires a drop, create, populate
Version summary :
- A new facet named "Thumbnail_orientation" is available in replacement/addition of "_orientation" (based on exif orientation)
This facet is based on orientation of generated subdef named "thumbnail".
see section searchengine setting/ aggregate in Admin to activate it.
the features require an Elasticsearch index drop, create, populate - Adding a separate docker-compose profile to nginx container for a better stack compositing
- Admin Gui users, more search options for users, improved user export, and more information in user details.
New Features
PHRAS-3215 Prod - facets - use image orientation from subdefinition and make a facet of it
PHRAS-3643 Bin/console records:build-subdef add option --publish to emit build message to Rabbitmq
PHRAS-3653 Worker queue message : publish messages as persistent into rabbitmq queues
PHRAS-3560 Admin - Users list and search improvement and export users as .csv, add "last connection"
PHRAS-3223 Admin - user details - Display AuthFailure and UsrAuthProvider info
Bug fix
PHRAS-3651 prod-facets : tech facets "no value" wrongly translated, some always return 0 answers
PHRAS-3655 Integrity constraint violation when deleting a user with an entry inside table ApiOauthCodes
Update instructions
- Migration patch: no patch to play, just run upgrade for bump the version
- Elasticsearch index action : none
Version summary :
Big improvement of generated PDF,
- Password protection
- Download link
- Title and message on home
- Subdefintion mapping
Prod - Publications editing, user experience improvements
New Features
PHRAS-3642 API - Return databox subdefs on new endpoint /api/v3/databoxes/\{databox\_id\}/subdefs/ and /api/v3/databoxes/subdefs/
PHRAS-3636 docker - docker-compose - Add container for execute primary datastore \(mysql\) backup
PHRAS-3633 Prod - Printed PDF Improvement - add a Title , Password, download link to the PDF
PHRAS-3595 Prod - New publication - features and UX improvement
PHRAS-3631 Prod : Notifications : Add a fonction to mark all notification as read
PHRAS-3229 Thesaurus GUI improvement - import - refresh candidat terms
Bug fix
PHRAS-3637 API - Upload Url | Prod GUI - Let's Encrypt ssl certificate verification fail. use the correct guzzle version
PHRAS-3635 user list : general toggles change selection
PHRAS-3626 Prod - detailed view - Print, Export windows appear behind the detailed view \(z-index\)
PHRAS-3620 Admin - subviews : a bad path can lead to creating file at the roots of the Phraseanet sources.
PHRAS-3619 After record removal, we have an HTTP status 200 on the /records route of the API on the deleted record
PHRAS-3285 Thesaurus - candidat panel - The Stock is not available
PHRAS-3628 API - create record - 500 error if No file
Version summary :
Search Engine
- It is possible to search for records where fields are filled with a given value, eg : search record where field is fullfilled
- It is also possible to search record using documentary field if empty, eg : search record where "Title" field is empty
. - Display an "Unset" facet to quick filter results with no value in field.
This is an option that the user can activate in "Prod", "workzone", "facets setting", useful to detect and fix an incomplete indexing.
- It is possible to search for records where fields are filled with a given value, eg : search record where field is fullfilled
Record classification by drag and drop on thesaurus terms
- It is now possible to add terms to record or story by drag and drop them to a thesaurus term.
Feedback improvement:
- Change the feedback's deadline or reopen it.
- Add manually new user during the feedback.
- Send manually a feedback reminder by email to selected users including a new connection link (token).
Including a CGU files (as pdf) in the downloaded ZIP.
- the attached PDF includes thumbnails and descriptions of downloaded files.
Phrasea Expose in Phraseanet Production
- Better integration between Prod and Phrasea Expose service.
- Add mapping for fields and subdefinitions when adding records to a publication.
Databox subdefs - Create watermarked subdefs.
Generate sub definition for HEIC file.
Worker Record Actions for replacing legacy task "record mover".
Webhook Improvement
- It is now possible to subscribe only on some events.
- More events are emitted on record/story actions.
- record/story creation / deletion
- record/story editing
- record/story status changed
- record/story collection change
- record/story file substitution
- Change the webhook json content, including "before" and "after" state for
- Collection change
- StatusBits change
- Indexation change
docker and docker-compose
- Add docker-compose
for a better stack compositing - Add container for legacy schedulers
- Add docker-compose
API improvement on story and search endpoint
- Story search mode improvement of
- Story search mode improvement of
Implement HTTP proxy support server side for request made by :
- Webhook Emit
- Geonames request
- Communication with Phrasea Expose
- Communication with Phrasea Uploader
Bug Fix :
PHRAS-3566 Prod - upload - It is possible to apply status on upload even if the user does not have "Change status" right
PHRAS-3565 Prod - Editing - fields using Geonames service - the fields are not filled anymore
PHRAS-3544 Prod - tool - file with is not invalidate when made rotation or recreate subdefinition.
PHRAS-3541 Prod - Image rotation NOK - ETAG is not renew - File is correctly rotated but not invalidate in browser cache.
PHRAS-3528 Prod - export - web browser loops download zip file
PHRAS-3509 Prod - tools - document substitution - the generation message for sub-definition is published twice.
PHRAS-3460 Prod - Detailed view - Timeline tab (History) - events sorting is wrong and some events do not appear
PHRAS-3386 Prod - Baskets zone is blank after re-opening the workzone
PHRAS-3356 Prod - detailed view - related story - broken when no right to Access report
PHRAS-3348 Prod - Feedback (AKA Validation) : Update validation expiration date do not update the validation token expiration Date
PHRAS-3126 Prod - search bar - background blue coloration is missing when search filter is active.
PHRAS-3032 Prod - Multi Stories editing - Editing need to be applied only on stories (not on included records).
PHRAS-3374 Prod - upload overlay - rendering issue on Upload Overlays loading
PHRAS-3421 Prod - expose - authentication for multi expose with password is NOK
PHRAS-3443 Prod - Maintenance message is not displayed to the end user
PHRAS-3490 Admin - databases - collection setting- A duplication of value occurs when deleting suggested values
PHRAS-2832 Lightbox Error 500 when a basket contains recordid not anymore in the DB
PHRAS-3285 Thesaurus - the Stock is not available on the candidates section of the Thesaurus
PHRAS-3583 Search Engine - Sort records results on customer's Fields date or number return 500 error.
PHRAS-3360 Configuration.yml , Missing "Worker" section introduce in version 4.1.1
PHRAS-2441 Lifetimes for session in configuration.yml not taken into account , make clean between "TTL" and "lifetimes"
New Features :
PHRAS-3417 Search on field with no value and generate facets
PHRAS-3381 Prod - Thesaurus as tx - use Thesaurus for classification plan - Drag and Drop record on a terms
PHRAS-3216 Prod - Feedback- Workzone - feedback improvement , renew user , manual
PHRAS-3288 Prod - Workzone - Add more users in existing feedback.
PHRAS-3287 Prod - Workzone - feedback - send a reminder email with link to feedback,
PHRAS-3080 When a document is exported , add a PDF File with Databox's CGU
PHRAS-2896 Generate subdef for HEIC file - HEIF (High Efficiency Image Format)
PHRAS-3535 Prod - Feedback (AKA Validation) - Add features , send a new access token to user in message windows, reload basket after expiration date change
PHRAS-3580 Admin - databoxs - databox subdefs - Create watermarked subdefs
Improvements :
PHRAS-3584 Story - maintain a link between the story cover and the record used to define it.
PHRAS-3536 Admin - Users list - add "last connection " colon in user list - mapped on colon "Users.last_connection" of application box
PHRAS-3456 Admin - User registration - Send the email unlock account in first, Before e-mail for password definition
PHRAS-3366 Admin - base base setting - Button "Re-index database now" change behavior, send a populate
PHRAS-3524 Prod - windows Notification - Notification for a "received basket" require a double click.
PHRAS-3522 Prod - Notification - notifications windows contain uninterpreted HTML (URL)
PHRAS-3516 Prod - Advance search -Sort results by field type string
PHRAS-3256 Email notification - Take the recipient language (locale) in account
PHRAS-3519 Use "move" method after each Copy (upload, worker, API)
PHRAS-3469 optimisation of slow request “get notifications” due to "MySQL Baskets select"
PHRAS-3499 Worker - Stamp process - Stamp on file is made by worker export by email
PHRAS-3447 Worker - add flock (file lock) and Get Mutex in WorkerRunningJob table
PHRAS-3445 Worker - editrecord - explode editing mds to small message for each records - add retry and error queues
PHRAS-3427 Worker - configuration - rabbitmq support the AMQPS SSL connection.
PHRAS-3454 Worker - write metadata « undefined index count »
PHRAS-3494 Docker - launch a container with worker images in legacy scheduler context "bin/console scheduler: start"
PHRAS-3484 Docker - Check rabbitmq and Mariadb version and fix
PHRAS-3551 Docker-compose - refacto - worker - use profile - launch one worker for each Job
PHRAS-3463 Docker - worker container - add (again) Supervisor into it and launch "Phraseanet worker" with (env based)
PHRAS-3372 Docker - refacto add env: for Playing upgrade, for no setup if need
PHRAS-3364 Docker-compose - Add COMPOSE_FILE in .env - put mailhog in other docker-compose file
PHRAS-3361 Docker-compose - Declaring a network for Phraseanet stack - stop using "default" network
PHRAS-3346 Docker - add Healthcheck for gateway container option
PHRAS-3324 Docker-compose.yml upgrade from 3.4 to 3.9 version and add profiles for stack compositing.
PHRAS-3102 Docker-compose - MariaDb container- Add env for set slow query - max_connection etc ...
PHRAS-3475 Prod - expose - expose setting , define and store mapping - which subdefinition is uploaded to an publication
PHRAS-3474 Prod - expose - expose setting , define and store mapping for field send to expose asset description
PHRAS-3507 Prod - Expose - Set null when user select "No parent publication" and other fix
PHRAS-3442 Optimise List_notifications in 4.1
PHRAS-3438 conf/configuration.yml - Set an http and ftp proxy (squid in dev mode) and use serveur Side eg worker ; geocoding request, ftp, uploader etc...
PHRAS-3413 Webhook emit improvement , define an emit Timeout - default 30 sec - this timeout can be override in configuration.yml
PHRAS-3399 Prod - feedback - Right issue and others improvements
PHRAS-3394 Prod - CSS - Rewriting "black-dialog-wrap" classe
PHRAS-3393 API V3 patch use record adapter
PHRAS-3391 Prod - Detailed view - feedback context - add confirmation when user try to delete a Record
PHRAS-3390 Prod - Workzone - basket tab - local menu - "Delete" action, add "Archive" and "Cancel" choice in confirmation windows
PHRAS-3389 Search - thesaurus - Concept Path - Stop to use Thesaurus from other databox.
PHRAS-3388 Prod - Baskets - Validation Basket - Improve validation UX - show feedback result in Detailed view
PHRAS-3378 Prod -Detailed view - Apply number formatting to result count " Result 1 900 / 902 723"
PHRAS-3375 Export by email - add download-link-validity: 24 , Email - download link TTL
PHRAS-3371 Prod - Detailed View - Check navigation between records with keyboards.
PHRAS-3353 Prod - Avoid purging the browser's local cache for JS - versioned file for commons.min.js
PHRAS-3352 Prod- Workzone - keep sort (order) and filter define by the user - date or alpha
PHRAS-3350 Password renewal and creation - link send by email - token TTL - token table of applicationBox
PHRAS-3341 Prod - Detailed view - title bar - refactoring UX
PHRAS-3237 Worker - Port "record mover" task as Worker And rename It "RecordsActions"
PHRAS-3166 Worker webhook - clean old webhook table (maintains value)
PHRAS-3146 Worker - Consuming Dead Letters - Add TTL to msg in error for auto purge
PHRAS-3457 Notifications cleanup
Release notes - Phraseanet - Version 4.1.3
Version summary
API V3 first iteration of new API
- Search endpoint with story
- Searchraw endpoint, a new faster search method
- Record CRUD -
Phraseanet-service Expose is now included in Production
Worker: More processes are now made by worker
- Export by ftp
- Sending of a feedback reminder
New Feature
* [PHRAS-3188] - PS Expose in Prod - Design of Expose front in Phraseanet
* [PHRAS-3189] - PS Expose in Phraseanet core - Prod, Admin and worker - MVP
* [PHRAS-3253] - PS Expose in Phraseanet core - User authentication via Auth service
* [PHRAS-3315] - PS Expose uploader worker - Use of a new Upload method - PS-276 - Direct upload to Minio or S3
* [PHRAS-3262] - PS Expose - Prod - Set user/group right on a publication
* [PHRAS-3124] - PS Expose - Insert record description and geopoint into Expose assets description
* [PHRAS-3124] - API V3 MVP
* [PHRAS-3174] - API V3 new actions on records endpoint (get, post, delete...)
* [PHRAS-3124] - API V3 - /searchraw endpoint, serve result from Elasticsearch index.
* [PHRAS-3279] - API V3 /searchraw : Add record permalinks to es
* [PHRAS-2443] - API V3 - Stories content count and paginate /story
* [PHRAS-3300] - Prod / Worker-delete-queue : Deletion is long when having a huge amount of files into a database.
* [PHRAS-3326] - Prod - Workzone - Basket items - Behavior change, default action is "copy" now, not "move" anymore
* [PHRAS-2003] - Prod - Detailed view - mapbox web gl - Change "star" icon to other method to display asset position.
* [PHRAS-3214] - Feedback Reminders - Refacto and readiness for worker
* [PHRAS-3190] - Phraseanet-production-client in Phraseanet github repository AKA all dependencies in one repository
* [PHRAS-3218] - Prod - editing - Field date format - Reduce input errors on date fields, check "yyyy/mm/dd" and "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
* [PHRAS-3219] - Thesaurus - alert js - Error generated by string (in translation file) with carriage return
* [PHRAS-3220] - Docker - Phraseanet entrypoint - chown optimisation
* [PHRAS-3231] - Docker - Multi value for PHRASEANET_TRUSTED_PROXIES
* [PHRAS-3321] - Docker - container worker : Manage ImageMagick policies (/etc/Imagemagick/policy.xml)
* [PHRAS-3230] - Docker - Create env variable for trusted-proxies in docker-compose.yml
* [PHRAS-3129] - Docker - Worker - If rabbitMQ is not up, worker needs to exit with 1
* [PHRAS-3336] - Docker - Docker-compose - improvement - Set Mailhog, Set application-name, cache clearing, chmod on configuration.yml
* [PHRAS-3236] - Worker - Port Ftp send task as Worker
* [PHRAS-3239] - Worker - Queue: how to purge a queue in admin worker queue tab
* [PHRAS-3240] - Worker - Send feedback reminder with a worker
* [PHRAS-3282] - Worker - Refacto some code on queue (queue naming, retry delay)
* [PHRAS-3325] - Docker - Worker - If DB is not up, worker need to exit with code 1
* [PHRAS-3330] - Docker - Worker - Change launch method for "bin/console worker:execute" (Phase 1)
* [PHRAS-3251] - Permalink generation - build permalink when generate subdef and Make a new cli cmd for build missing permalink
* [PHRAS-3261] - Prod - MapboxGL MapboxJS improvement - Add search zone on map and add position as we have in mapboxJS.
* [PHRAS-3265] - Port to 4.1 - Take into account max_result_window when creating elastisearch index
* [PHRAS-3270] - Prod - Editing - MapboxGL - editing assets position form several record improvement
* [PHRAS-3274] - Prod - Editing - Request is too long when editing a large amount of records
* [PHRAS-3276] - Prod - Detailed view - Timeline Tab - Feedback send action appears as Push send
* [PHRAS-3277] - Change validation-reminder-days: 2 for a percent of time before expiration default value is 20 %
* [PHRAS-3301] - Documentation - API V1, search with truncation - truncation=1/0
* [PHRAS-3306] - prod - Expose - Several fixes
* [PHRAS-3309] - Prod - Baskets - Feedback Basket - Warn user when trying to delete item in a "feedback"
* [PHRAS-3323] - Prod - Workzone - Basket menu - Remove "export" item
* [PHRAS-3338] - Prod - Detailed view - title bar - Add icon for basket or feedback, change place of record count (after the basket title)
* [PHRAS-3210] - Stop execute query on Tokens during user connection (send feedback reminder)
* [PHRAS-3221] - Prod - Admin about url to switch scheme from https to http
* [PHRAS-3228] - Uploader - Pull mode by Phraseanet - Report refactoring Oauth made in April 2020
* [PHRAS-3311] - Admin - Worker manager - Tab Job - Hide payload column
Bug fix
* [PHRAS-2060] - Prod - Editing - Impossible to define Geoloc of an asset, if it does not contain geoloc when archived
* [PHRAS-2752] - Prod - Geolocation - Editing - When selecting one asset, geolocation tab shows locations of all selected pictures
* [PHRAS-3211] - Prod - Editing- Date field - The editor's date picker is always displayed on the French language
* [PHRAS-3212] - Upload JS Error message during upload: "img.toDataURL is not a function"
* [PHRAS-3227] - Unable to load a thesaurus file, due to localization of thesaurus module
* [PHRAS-3244] - Worker - admin - populate - Populate again a database after manual interruption is not possible
* [PHRAS-3255] - Prod - editing - Set assets position with mapboxWebGL is NOK
* [PHRAS-3257] - Prod - Detailed view - Unproper content display when clicking on "also in basket/feedback"
* [PHRAS-3258] - Prod - Query - Editing and Detailed view MapboxJS doesn't load map named Streets and Outdoor
* [PHRAS-3267] - API V3 - Bad "total" story children count AND 500:"permalink already exists"
* [PHRAS-3268] - Prod - Detailed View - Basket context - Deleting a record from a basket is NOK
* [PHRAS-3281] - Prod - Editing - The preview tab is not working
* [PHRAS-3284] - Plugins : "ClassNotFoundException" on bin/console after plugin install
* [PHRAS-3310] - admin - worker manager - Tab "Job" - 500 Error when table "WorkerRunningJob" contains a huge number of lines
* [PHRAS-3331] - Prod - Story - Ordering elements of a story is not working on a Docker environment
* [PHRAS-3322] - Prod - Detailed view - Basket context - Removing record from (current) Basket is NOK
* [PHRAS-3278] - Release 4.1.3 and Migration patch for 4.1.3
* [PHRAS-2873] - Phraseanet repositories reorganization
* [PHRAS-3295] - Change method for Playing test (old fashion) on CircleCI with php7
Release notes - Phraseanet - Version 4.1.2
New Feature
* [PHRAS-3116] - Prod - video-tools - GUI to generate and edit subtitles for videos
* [PHRAS-2504] - Integration of auto subtitling and translation service for subtitling by Gingalab.
* [PHRAS-2541] - Dev-Design-Prod/Publish window
* [PHRAS-2542] - Refacto design "move" record from collection overlay.
* [PHRAS-2615] - API and configuration.yml Change syntax and behavior of api_token_header
* [PHRAS-2843] - Allow any parameter settings during installation
* [PHRAS-3117] - Prod: move video tools from action bar to local thumbnail edit menu
* [PHRAS-3122] - Cancel editing dialog : not very clear...
* [PHRAS-3128] - Worker check queue monitor for display in admin worker-manager section
* [PHRAS-3135] - Docker - container Fpm entrypoint - SMTP test if env is null or not defined
* [PHRAS-3158] - Docker-compose: Use new install option for download, lazaret, etc..
* [PHRAS-3139] - Change on databases models for subview sizes and geolocalisation fields configuration
* [PHRAS-3143] - Clarifai - the substitution file is submitted when record is created
* [PHRAS-3145] - Plugin Clarifai stop submit at each build of subdef
* [PHRAS-3147] - Thesaurus GUI - launch a populate directly from GUI
* [PHRAS-3148] - Thesaurus GUI - redirect all popup in modal on main windows
* [PHRAS-3151] - Fix Mapbox deprecation Mapbox Studio Classic
* [PHRAS-3156] - Prod - request map - memorize zoom level between 2 search sessions
* [PHRAS-3157] - Prod - Video Tools - Thumbnail tab - some fix, add spinner during image capture, color of selection etc ...
* [PHRAS-3167] - Docker - parameters for php and nginx for timeout and upload size max_execution_time, max_input_time etc ...
* [PHRAS-3169] - Prod - video tools - Clip numbers taken into account in vtt when they exist.
* [PHRAS-3175] - Prod and Lightbox - export by email - email as widget
* [PHRAS-3177] - Prod - video tools - auto subtitling - add info about running autosubtitling request
* [PHRAS-3178] - Docker Trusted_Proxy from env and set in entrypoint of fpm container
* [PHRAS-3184] - API api_token_header refacto change behavior, name and place in configuration.yml
* [PHRAS-3192] - Docker Install Inkscape to allow svg subview generation with imagick
* [PHRAS-3196] - Phraseanet worker uploader - report change made in Phraseanet-service uploader
* [PHRAS-3202] - Admin - worker manager - job tab - mark a job ligne "interrupted"
* [PHRAS-3203] - Admin - worker manager - job tab - Display job payload as Json
* [PHRAS-3170] - Use WorkerRunningJob table for populate etc .. and Test faster events, faster queuing
* [PHRAS-3110] - Docker-compose - sometimes the file in cache/ repo returns permission denial for user app
* [PHRAS-3125] - Prod - basket list - basket detail design is Nok
* [PHRAS-3159] - Lazaret (quarantine) storage file path is not taken in account during installation
* [PHRAS-3162] - Indexing - generates un error when last character of extracted text from PDF is an UTF8 character
* [PHRAS-3163] - Prod - Publication - Create publication - error in console when create
* [PHRAS-3164] - Lightbox - download action is NOK
* [PHRAS-3193] - SVG file is broken by meta data writing job
* [PHRAS-3138] - Lightbox - Lightbox detail - caption is not present and design improvement
* [PHRAS-3137] - Help menu link to doc 4.1
* [PHRAS-3173] - Docker - PDF extraction is NOK on Docker
* [PHRAS-3204] - Worker - Add reconnect to db when populate ended
* [PHRAS-3181] - Worker video build subdefinition ends with error and tmp file is not copied to destination
Change summary
- Phraseanet now using Docker. Retrieve all official images on DockerHub
- Worker manager, a new way for all operations on assets. In the near future, this will replace the current task manager.
- Geolocation based on Mapbox (requires an account on Mapbox
- Video chaptering and subtitling support.
- GUI redesign for Push, Feedback, List manager, Lightbox on mobile.
this version is finale version of 4.1.0 published in preview at start of year, a lot of improvement, bugfixes on several elements see summary here
New Feature summary
* [PHRAS-2023] - Refacto Lightbox mobile in 4.1
* [PHRAS-2219] - Refacto design Push screen
* [PHRAS-2220] - Refacto design Feedback screen
* [PHRAS-2221] - Refacto design List manager general screen
* [PHRAS-2222] - Refacto design ListManager Advance Mode screen
* [PHRAS-2223] - Refacto dev list manager Advance Mode screen
* [PHRAS-2541] - Dev-Design-Prod/Publish Screen
* [PHRAS-2548] - Phraseanet Docker and Docker Compose
* [PHRAS-1226] - Geolocalisation In Phraseanet
* [PHRAS-1626] - bin/console databox:mount mount an existing databox
* [PHRAS-1628] - bin/console collection:publish
* [PHRAS-1630] - bin/console database:unmout
* [PHRAS-1631] - bin/console collection:unpublish
* [PHRAS-1648] - bin/console user:password
* [PHRAS-1659] - bin/console user:create
* [PHRAS-1771] - bin/console collection:unpublish
* [PHRAS-1773] - bin/console collection:publish
* [PHRAS-2518] - Phraseanet worker Read/Write metadata
* [PHRAS-2520] - Phraseanet worker send webhook
* [PHRAS-2738] - Phraseanet worker populate database
* [PHRAS-2435] - Phraseanet Worker Build subdefinition
* [PHRAS-2436] - Phraseanet Worker build zip export and send mail
* [PHRAS-2636] - Phraseanet Worker fetch assets from external uploader (pull mode)
* [PHRAS-2904] - Fullfill field define in geoloc - position field with information return by Geonames
* [PHRAS-161] - PROD Add a maps for geolocalisation of media in detailed view
* [PHRAS-1935] - View prod/ Video chapter editor
* [PHRAS-2997] - Matomo analytic service in Phraseanet
* [PHRAS-1890] - Add GS1 databases model to Phraseanet
Improvement and fix summary
* [PHRAS-1561] - Prod | Print - Use the label of field when print, use the GUI user language
* [PHRAS-2067] - Prod : Introduce thumbnail & preview generic images for Fonts records
* [PHRAS-2473] - Populate Optimisation, sometime populate databox (database) is very long
* [PHRAS-2524] - Put worker log in ELK
* [PHRAS-2739] - incorporate Phraseanet-plugin-SubdefWebhook into Phraseanet
* [PHRAS-2157] - Prod / Share : Iframe sizes are set to 0 for audio documents
* [PHRAS-2538] - Some MP4 file is not correctly detected by Phraseanet.
* [PHRAS-2825] - Prod : Add a reset button to initialize searches filters
* [PHRAS-1872] - prod/export by email / subject are NOK
* [PHRAS-2342] - Report : collections not selected
* [PHRAS-2343] - report : all fields of all databases
* [PHRAS-2350] - Report : url is too long
* [PHRAS-2476] - Bad header in generated video preview file
* [PHRAS-2196] - API - Stories records pagination on search answer and Stories fetch info
* [PHRAS-2880] - extend admin GUI for define facets ordering.
* [PHRAS-2967] - Lightbox - dev of send email report - warn windows
* [PHRAS-1752] - update facebook sdk dependency
* [PHRAS-2678] - add `webhook monitor`
* [PHRAS-2915] - Lightbox (desktop version) Change sort order for basket and Feedback in landing page ( most recent in first)
* [PHRAS-2082] - Bump design of windows create user , create template user, create new subdef
* [PHRAS-2676] - Weaked download behaviour for large amount of data
* [PHRAS-2671] - Change behavior of preview display in audio file case
* [PHRAS-2879] - Define facets order in GUI and query result
Release notes - Phraseanet - Version 4.0.12
* [PHRAS-2955] - Cache doctrine entity metadata for performance
* [PHRAS-2964] - Application-box - set host colon of table sbas set to char 255
* [PHRAS-3012] - [PHRAS-2977] - Docker compose optimisation, refacto volumes, build image
optimisation, add Phraseanet plugin in build image, bump ffmpeg version in worker,
fix error un redis configuration.
more option for define volumes during installation process.
* [PHRAS-3027] - Backport To 4.0 - Populate - Slow query - due to LIMIT in sql query.
* [PHRAS-3027] - Translation improvement in EN and DE.
* [PHRAS-2979] - The content of a story is not displayed even for users with appropriate on the collection
Release notes - Phraseanet - Version 4.0.11
New Feature and Improvement
* [PHRAS-2878] - Print feedback report in PDF
* [PHRAS-2757] - Exclude some collections from quarantine checkers sha256, UUID, filename (AKA exclude Trash from quarantine)
* [PHRAS-2766] - Add status change capabilities to quarantine lazaret in substitute and add action
* [PHRAS-2674] - Prod grey skin Improvement
* [PHRAS-2775] - Prod - plugin - Publish item in diapo local menu - plugin skeleton improvement.
* [PHRAS-925] - Search Engine improvement for word with dot and hyphen characters
* [PHRAS-2496] - Pre-build vagrant image for Phraseanet and implement it in Phraseanet vagrant file.
* [PHRAS-2637] - Sub definition Task init : select all databases when databases property is not set
* [PHRAS-2670] - Fix notifications slow sql and basket select
* [PHRAS-2672] - Bump videojs version to 7.5
* [PHRAS-2691] - Prod - delete from trash , send deletion by bulk of 3 records
* [PHRAS-2700] - Prod - number of results - Formating the results number
* [PHRAS-2742] - Enhance plugin-skeleton in 4.0
* [PHRAS-2750] - PHPExiftool to handle DJI XMP Tags, Bump exiftool version and switch to original exiftool/exiftool github repository
* [PHRAS-835] - ES - date format timestamp unix, store and search datetime
* [PHRAS-2791] - Embed-bundle - Videojs player serve poster-image property with sub definition permalink
* [PHRAS-2842] - Databases Models - now default audio encodeur is mp3lame
* [PHRAS-2857] - Exclude some collections from quarantine checkers sha256, UUID, filename (AKA exclude Trash)
* [PHRAS-2899] - Quarantine: allow to substitute without selecting target record, (when match only one record).
* [PHRAS-2765] - Translation in Plugin menu locale is now available
* [PHRAS-2929] - bump sinonjs dependency to 1.7.1
* [PHRAS-2728] - Landing page take browser language in account
* [PHRAS-2693] - Collection Sort Sorter is now presented by column
* [PHRAS-2817] - Deploy and Dev with docker is OK
* [PHRAS-1069] - Dates seems not extracted from iptc
* [PHRAS-1428] - Phraseanet Binaries in configuration not used in some alchemy-fr libraries (AKA text extraction of pdf is NOK)
* [PHRAS-2567] - Registration Form - Term of use link is broken
* [PHRAS-2644] - Searching for stories after applying a document filtering choice gives no results
* [PHRAS-2652] - Fields "Phraseanet::no-source" are pushed to exiftool
* [PHRAS-2682] - Prod - facets display is NOK when switch from basket or thesaurus Tab.
* [PHRAS-2695] - Prod - Grey and White Skins - Browse Baskets: Unable to read the titles
* [PHRAS-2702] - Lightbox - scroller thumbnail Nok
* [PHRAS-2714] - Adding record from the API leaves a copy of the file into the system temporary directory
* [PHRAS-2715] - Embed bundle, border issue on firefox.
* [PHRAS-2716] - Records SetStatus HTTP API malfunction
* [PHRAS-2723] - None information (name, last name etc...) is keep from the Push or a FeedBack user creation form
* [PHRAS-2748] - Some characters into cterms (candidats) leeds to 500 error
* [PHRAS-2754] - Permalink is not (re) activated when record is move from _TRASH_ collection
* [PHRAS-2860] - Generated Subdefs for video Portait are not correctly Oriented
* [PHRAS-2877] - User manipulator does not allow to set a null email
* [PHRAS-2912] - When updating a user informations the wrong field are populated (job and activity inverted)
* [PHRAS-2811] - Cleanning of bad chars in candidats terms