Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str | Record ID | [optional] [readonly] |
txid | str | Hash record of the withdrawal | [optional] [readonly] |
block_number | str | 区块编号 | [optional] [readonly] |
withdraw_order_id | str | Client order id, up to 32 length and can only include 0-9, A-Z, a-z, underscore(_), hyphen(-) or dot(.) | [optional] |
timestamp | str | Operation time | [optional] [readonly] |
amount | str | Currency amount | |
fee | str | fee | [optional] [readonly] |
currency | str | Currency name | |
address | str | Withdrawal address. Required for withdrawals | [optional] |
memo | str | Additional remarks with regards to the withdrawal | [optional] |
status | str | 交易状态 - DONE: 完成 (block_number > 0 才算真的上链完成) - CANCEL: 已取消 - REQUEST: 请求中 - MANUAL: 待人工审核 - BCODE: 充值码操作 - EXTPEND: 已经发送等待确认 - FAIL: 链上失败等待确认 - INVALID: 无效订单 - VERIFY: 验证中 - PROCES: 处理中 - PEND: 处理中 - DMOVE: 待人工审核 - SPLITPEND: cny提现大于5w,自动分单 | [optional] [readonly] |
chain | str | Name of the chain used in withdrawals |