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Pioneer backend


For a more general Pioneer documentation see Dev Readme.


A backend for the Pioneer UI.

Currently it only handles email notifications by checking for each registered member whether they should be notified of something, and email them if necessary. Additional functionalities will be added later on.

It is composed of 3 parts:

  • A script which aggregate notifications for each registered member based on events available in the query node. Then email the notifications to the associated members.
  • A GraphQL API server to register members in the database, customize the default notification behavior, check members notifications...
  • A PostgreSQL database which maps existing Joystream memberships by id to a name, an email, subscription preferences, and notifications. It also keeps tracks of the latest query node event processed by the notify script.

Table of content

Quick Start

Run with docker

yarn workspace server docker:up

This runs the api on: http://localhost:3000

Configurations are available in packages/server/.env.

To run the notification script:

yarn workspace server docker:notify

Demo deployment

Deploy to Render


This deployments will require to go through the registration, which includes providing a payment method due to the cron job cost.

The database free tier ends after 90 days.

In order to receive notification emails a SendGrid API key is required. Otherwise the notifications will only be available in the API.

Mapping existing Joystream memberships id to a name and an email address in the INITIAL_MEMBERSHIPS variable, is enough to start getting notified regarding these memberships.

  { "id": 1, "name": "Alice", "email": "[email protected]" },
  { "id": 2, "name": "Bob", "email": "[email protected]" }

In order to customize the default notification behavior with the GraphQL API, an authorization token can be found for each membership in the "Logs" section.


To deploy a production instance check the admin documentation

Production CLI usage


The following commands are ran from the server directory. To run them from the monorepos root: yarn should be replaced by yarn workspace server.

  • yarn start:api: starts the API server.
  • yarn notify: run the notify job.
  • yarn start:all: for environments where cron is not available, starts both the API server, and schedule the notify job every 10 minutes via node-cron.

API usage


Most queries require a Bearer authentication, HTTP header examples:

  "Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJtZW1iZXJJZCI6MiwidHlwZSI6MCwiZXhwIjoxNjg2MjM5MTA2Mzc4LCJpYXQiOjE2Nzg0NjMxMDZ9.C8aTeJzadlY-FGQTKD3K-UpVbN7dRbo4mh_CxdqrZiQ"

Setting the authorization header in the playground

This token is returns by both the signup and signin mutations:

signup(memberId: String! signature: String! timestamp: BigInt! name: String! email: String): String
signin(memberId: String! signature: String! timestamp: BigInt!): String

The signature parameter consist of a MEMBERSHIP_ID:TIMESTAMP signed with the membership controller account.

To check the validity of an authorization token:

query {
  me {

When ran with a correct Authorization header, it returns the authorized member data. Otherwise it returns unauthorized error. The email field will be `null' if the member email address has not yet been verified.

To check that a member is registered in the API:

query {
  memberExist(id: Int!)

This returns true if the member is registered and false otherwise. This query does not require an authorization token.

General subscriptions

Many actions on the Joystream chain are subscribed to by defaults e.g: notify me when I was mentioned in a post or notify me when a new election starts. These can be unsubscribed from. Other actions can be subscribed to, e.g: notify me when any new post is created.

To list these general subscriptions - for the authenticated member - run:

query {
  generalSubscriptions {

This query returns for each notification kind whether or not the authenticated member is subscribed to it.

To subscribe or unsubscribe to some notification kind run:

mutation {
    data: [{ kind: FORUM_THREAD_CREATOR, shouldNotify: false, shouldNotifyByEmail: false }, { kind: FORUM_THREAD_ALL }]
  ) {

This mutation unsubscribed from notifications due to post in threads created by the authenticated member, and subscribe to receive notification every time a new thread is created.

Entity subscriptions

Specific entities like forum threads, categories, or proposals can be subscribed to or "muted". This behavior is controlled with entity subscriptions.

mutation {
  subscribeToEntity(kind: FORUM_CATEGORY_ENTITY_POST, entityId: "3", status: WATCH) {

This mutation subscribes the authenticated member to get notified of any new post in the forum category 3.

mutation {
  subscribeToEntity(kind: FORUM_THREAD_ENTITY_POST, entityId: "123", status: MUTE) {

This mutes all notification from the thread 123 (even when the authenticated member is mentioned).

To cancel entity subscriptions:

mutation {
  entitySubscription(kind: FORUM_THREAD_ENTITY_POST, entityId: "123", status: DEFAULT) {

To list entity subscriptions:

query {
  entitySubscriptions {


To list the authenticated member notifications:

query {
  notifications {


Run locally


The following commands are ran from the monorepos root.

To run the API to develop locally:

  1. yarn --immutable: Install the dependencies.
  2. Create and configure a packages/server/.env.
  3. Prepare the database and generate the code by running either:
    • yarn workspace server dev:db:build: To use docker for the db.
    • Otherwise yarn workspace dev:build: Once the configured db is running.
  4. yarn workspace server dev:api: Start the server.
  5. yarn workspace server dev:notify: Run the notifier with nodemon.

Some other useful scripts

  • yarn workspace server test: Run tests.
  • yarn workspace server dev:notify: Run the notifier nodemon and ts-node.
  • yarn workspace server dev:db:reset: Clear the database data and re-synchronize its schema.
  • yarn workspace server dev:emails: Run live development preview for emails.
  • yarn workspace server dev:mockEmail email [notificationKind]: Send mock email.
  • yarn workspace server codegen: Run graphql-codegen.
  • yarn workspace server prisma studio: Launch an administration GUI for the database.
  • yarn workspace server prisma db push: Synchronize schema.prisma with the database schema.
  • yarn workspace server prisma migrate dev: Create a database migration based on the changes to schema.prisma.
  • yarn workspace server prisma generate: Generate the Prisma clients.
  • yarn workspace server dev:authtoken: Generate an authentication token for the provided member.
  • yarn workspace server lint:fix: Fix some code formatting issue.
  • yarn workspace server docker:yarn: To regenerate the yarn.lock used to build the docker image.
  • yarn workspace server docker build pioneer-api: To build the joystream/pioneer-backend image.

Adding support for more QN events

As an example see this commit which adds support for notifications based on the ThreadCreatedEvent

Front-end settings to QN events relation

  • Subscribe to all notifications (implementation TBD)
  • All council notifications (default):

    Notification kind QN event
    ELECTION_ANNOUNCING_STARTED AnnouncingPeriodStartedEvent
    ELECTION_VOTING_STARTED VotingPeriodStartedEvent
  • All proposals notifications:

    Notification kind QN event
    PROPOSAL_CREATED_ALL ProposalCreatedEvent
    PROPOSAL_STATUS_ALL ProposalStatusUpdatedEvent
    PROPOSAL_VOTE_ALL ProposalVotedEvent
  • Updates in proposals I created (default):

    Notification kind QN event
    PROPOSAL_STATUS_CREATOR ProposalStatusUpdatedEvent
    PROPOSAL_VOTE_CREATOR ProposalVotedEvent
    PROPOSAL_DISCUSSION_CREATOR ProposalDiscussionPostCreatedEvent
  • Proposal discussion thread I posted to (default):

    Notification kind QN event
    PROPOSAL_DISCUSSION_CONTRIBUTOR ProposalDiscussionPostCreatedEvent
  • Direct mentions in the posts (default):

    Notification kind QN event
    PROPOSAL_DISCUSSION_MENTION ProposalDiscussionPostCreatedEvent
Working groups
  • All working groups notifications:

    Notification kind QN event
    WG_OPENING_ALL OpeningAddedEvent
    WG_APPLICATION_ALL AppliedOnOpeningEvent
    WG_NEW_WORKER_ALL OpeningFilledEvent
    WG_BUDGET_UPDATE_ALL BudgetUpdatedEvent
    WG_NEW_BUDGET_ALL BudgetSetEvent
    WG_SPENDING_ALL BudgetSpendingEvent
    WG_NEW_LEAD_ALL LeaderSetEvent
    WG_LEAD_EXIT_ALL LeaderUnsetEvent
    WG_WORKER_LEAVING_ALL WorkerStartedLeavingEvent
    WG_WORKER_EXIT_ALL WorkerExitedEvent
  • Working groups notifications where I have a role (default):

    Notification kind QN event
    WG_OPENING_WORKER OpeningAddedEvent
    WG_APPLICATION_WORKER AppliedOnOpeningEvent
    WG_NEW_WORKER_WORKER OpeningFilledEvent
    WG_BUDGET_UPDATE_WORKER BudgetUpdatedEvent
    WG_SPENDING_WORKER BudgetSpendingEvent
    WG_NEW_LEAD_WORKER LeaderSetEvent
    WG_LEAD_EXIT_WORKER LeaderUnsetEvent
    WG_WORKER_LEAVING_WORKER WorkerStartedLeavingEvent
    WG_WORKER_EXIT_WORKER WorkerExitedEvent
  • Direct mentions (default):

    Notification kind QN event
    FORUM_THREAD_MENTION ThreadCreatedEvent
Forum / Threads
  • Every new thread created:

    Notification kind QN event
    FORUM_THREAD_ALL ThreadCreatedEvent
  • All posts in thread I created (default):

    Notification kind QN event
  • All posts and replies in thread I posted in (default):

    Notification kind QN event
Forum / Posts
  • Every new post where I am mentioned (alread done in "Direct mentions" ☝️)

  • Replies to my posts (default):

    Notification kind QN event
    FORUM_POST_REPLY PostAddedEvent


MVP (Forum direct mentions and council election stages update)

  • Forum direct mentions
  • Election stage change events (ref #4086)
  • Write nicer html emails
  • Allow retrying sending email when it fails and replace isSent by emailStatus enum which accounts for failure
  • Add backend email tests
  • Add backend API tests
  • Add a change email member API mutation

V1.1 Customising different notifications

  • Proposal status update notifications
  • Proposal votes notifications
  • Proposal discussion events notifications


  • Auto publish (via CI) a backend docker image with only prod dependencies
  • Set Access-Control-Allow-Origin in an env variable
  • Make shouldNotifyByEmail independent from shouldNotify and rename shouldNotify to shouldNotifyInApp
  • Support multiple email providers


Role based

  • Councilor: proposal getting into deciding stage
  • WG Lead: notifications
  • WG worker: notifications (see: Front-end settings to QN events relation: Working groups section)
  • Only notify voters about revealing stage

Last day before event x

  • Councillor: 1 day on proposal to vote
  • Add last day to vote on a proposal notification
  • Add last day to announce candidacy notification
  • Add last day to vote on a candidates notification

Segment of accounts based on pre-condition

  • Add notifications for multiple accounts for revealing stage (accounts I care about)