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eclipse #3

akevalion opened this issue Dec 7, 2020 · 0 comments

eclipse #3

akevalion opened this issue Dec 7, 2020 · 0 comments


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| xmotion ymotion objs trailMap nnx nny canvas extent width height
 perlin inc frame compute ll |
xmotion := ymotion := 0.
objs := Dictionary new.
trailMap := Dictionary new.
nnx := 500.
nny := 8.

canvas := RSCanvas new.
canvas clearBackground: false.
extent := 800@800.
width := extent x.
height := extent y.
canvas color: Color black.
perlin := NSPerlinNoise3 new octaves: 1; fallOff: 0.7.
inc := 0.
frame := 0.
ll := 400.
(0 to: nnx-1) do: [ :nx |
	| nmx |
	nmx := nx / nnx.
	(0 to: nny-1) do: [ :ny |
		| n obj nmy no ni |
		n := (nx + (ny * nnx)) asInteger.
		nmy := ny / nny.
		no := perlin noise: nmx * nmy and: 1.
		ni := inc / (nnx*nny).
		obj := { 
			"1 lx"(width / 2) + ((nmx * Float twoPi) sin * (width / 3.5)).
			"2 ly"(height / 2) + ((nmx * Float twoPi) cos * (height / 3.5)).
			"3 la"nmx * Float twoPi.
			"4 lv"1.
			"5 d"1.
			"6 no"no.
			"7 so"3.
			"8 sa"45
		objs at: n put: obj.
		inc := inc + 1.
		canvas add: (RSEllipse new
			size: 1;
			position: (obj at: 1)@(obj at: 2);
			isFixed: true;

(0 to: width * height - 1) do: [ :i |
	trailMap at: i put: 0 ].

compute := [ :nx :ny | 
	| n obj sensorOffset sensorAngle t lx ly la lv d no so sa 
	lh fh rh ail aif air s1 s2 s3 shape i b |
	n := (nx + (ny * nnx)) asInteger.
	obj := objs at: n.
	shape := canvas fixedShapes at: n +1.
	lx := obj at: 1.
	ly := obj at: 2.
	la := obj at: 3.
	lv := obj at: 4.
	d := obj at: 5.
	no := obj at: 6.

	sensorOffset := obj at: 7.
	sensorAngle := obj at: 8.
	t := la - sensorAngle.
	lh := ((t sin @ t cos) * sensorOffset) rounded.
	t := la.
	fh := ((t sin @ t cos) * sensorOffset) rounded.
	t := la + sensorAngle.
	rh := ((t sin @ t cos) * sensorOffset) rounded.
	t := lx@ ly.
	ail := (t + lh) asIntegerPoint.
	aif := (t + fh) asIntegerPoint.
	air := (t + rh) asIntegerPoint.
	ail := (ail x < 0 ifTrue: [ ail x + width ] ifFalse: [ ail x]) @
		(ail y < 0 ifTrue: [ ail y + height ] ifFalse: [ ail y]).
	aif := (aif x < 0 ifTrue: [ aif x + width ] ifFalse: [ aif x]) @
		(aif y < 0 ifTrue: [ aif y + height ] ifFalse: [ aif y]).
	air := (air x < 0 ifTrue: [ air x + width ] ifFalse: [ air x]) @
		(air y < 0 ifTrue: [ air y + height ] ifFalse: [ air y]).
	ail := (ail x % width)@ (ail y % height).
	aif := (aif x % width)@ (aif y % height).
	air := (air x % width)@ (air y % height).
	s1 := trailMap at: ail x + (ail y * width).
	s2 := trailMap at: aif x + (aif y * width).
	s3 := trailMap at: air x + (air y * width).
	(s2 < s1 and: [ s2 < s3 ]) ifTrue: [ "forward" ] ifFalse: [ 
		s1 < s3 ifTrue: [ 
			obj at: 3 put: (la := la - (Float pi / 8) ).
		] ifFalse: [ 
			s3 < s1 ifTrue: [
				obj at: 3 put: (la := la + (Float pi / 8) ).
				] ].
	obj at: 1 put: (lx := lx + (lv * la sin)).
	obj at: 2 put: (ly := ly + (lv * la cos)).
	((lx between: 1 and: width-1) and: [ ly between: 1 and: height-1 ]) ifTrue: [ 
		| tlx tly xbl xbu ybl ybu xb yb sph color |
		i := (lx + (ly * width)) asInteger.
		b := (trailMap at: i) / 2.
		tlx := lx asInteger.
		tly := ly asInteger.
		xb := tlx - 1.
		yb := tly - 1.
		xbl := xb < 0 ifTrue: [ width -1 ] ifFalse: [ xb ].
		ybl := yb < 0 ifTrue: [ height -1 ] ifFalse: [ yb ].
		xbu := (tlx + 1)%width.
		ybu := (tly + 1)%height.
		trailMap at: xbl + (tly * width) put: b.
		trailMap at: xbu + (tly * width) put: b.
		trailMap at: xbl + (ybl * width) put: b.
		trailMap at: xbl + (ybu * width) put: b.
		trailMap at: xbu + (ybl * width) put: b.
		trailMap at: xbu + (ybu * width) put: b.
		trailMap at: tlx + (ybl * width) put: b.
		trailMap at: tlx + (ybu * width) put: b.
		trailMap at: i put: d.
		t := (perlin noise: no + (xmotion * 4) and: 0)*2*
			((1 - ((ll min: frame)/ll) ) raisedTo: 5.5 * ((0.5 + (1 - (ly / height) )/2))).
		sph := 1 - ((0.5 -(ly / width))*2 ) abs.
		color := 224 + ((perlin noise: no + (xmotion * 2) and: 0) * 32 * sph).
			color: (Color h:0 s:0 v:color alpha: t / 3);
			position: lx @ ly.
	] ifFalse: [ 
		shape noPaint.
label := RSLabel new
	text: 'DIVAN';
	fontSize: 90;
	fontName: 'Brushcrazy DEMO';
	color: (Color white alpha: 0.01);
	position: 0@20;
canvas add: label.
canvas newAnimation
	onStepDo: [ :t |
		(0 to: nnx - 1) do: [ :nx |
			(0 to: nny -1) do: [ :ny |
				compute value: nx value: ny ] ].
		(0 to: height -1) do: [ :y |
			(0 to: width -1) do: [ :x |
				| v i |
				i := x + (y * width).
				v := trailMap at: i.
				trailMap at: i put: v - 0.1.
				(trailMap at: i) < 0 ifTrue: [ 
					trailMap at: i put: 0 ]
		xmotion := xmotion + 0.05.
		ymotion := ymotion + 0.0002.
		frame := frame + 1.

canvas open
	extent: extent.
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