Docker is like running an application in a Linux VM but without the Overhead of installing the whole OS
- Stable
- Lightweight compared to a VM / 100 MB vs 10 GB (disk space)
- Applications are sandboxed, this they don't conflict each other
- Easily shareable
- Containers can easily get replaced, no new VM needed
[^ Compare-Docker-VM]: Comparing Containers and Virtual Machines |
Ref [^ Compare-Docker-VM]
[Dockerfile] ⟶ builds ⟶ [Docker Image] ⟶ runs ⟶ [Container]
Images are defined by Dockerfiles which are like configuration file in plaintext
There are shared Dockerfiles available for usage at:
docker run <image> # creates a new process from the image
docker ps [-a include stopped containers] # lists docker processes
docker start <name|id> # starts a stopped process
docker stop <name|id> # stops a running process
docker rm <name|id> # removes a process
[^ Example-Apache]: Learn Docker in 12 Minutes, by Jake Wright |
- Describe how the image should be built in the dockerfile
FROM php:7.0-apache # Download dependencies
COPY src/ /var/www/html # Copy local files into Image
EXPOSE 80 # Configurate port 80 usage in Image
- Build and run the image based on the dockerfile
docker build -t hello-world # Build Image into hello-world container
docker run -p 80:80 hello-world # Run hello-world container with port 80 to 80 mapping
- Optionally mount a local directory during development to avoid constant rebuilding
docker run -p 80:80 -v /myPath/src:/var/www/html/ hello-world
Ref [^ Example-Apache]