Here is a doc about some useful cargo command and further explications about how the rust compiler(rustc) works.
graph TD
subgraph rustc
invocation[Invocation] -->|raw bytes| lexing
subgraph frontend
lexing[Lexing] -->|create token: if,else, variable name ...| parsing
parsing[Parsing] --> |create an Abstract Syntax Three to represent the relation between all the parts of the code| hir_lowering
hir_lowering[High-Level Intermediate Representation Lowering : HIR] --> |desugaring : for loop, async fn ...<br> type inference, trait solving and type checking| mir_lowering
subgraph backend[backend : LLVM]
mir_lowering[Mid-Level Intermediate Representation Lowering : MIR] --> |borrow checker, monomorphized <br>build .ll files| llvm_ir
llvm_ir[LLVM IR : standart representation that is platform agnoastic] --> |build .o files| code_gen_unit
code_gen_unit[Code Gen Unit] --> |combine object files into one executable for a specific platform| final_executable[Final Executable]
optimization that llvm can do : Constant folding, funcion inlining, canonicalization
Exploring compiler steps online
rustup help toolchain
rustup toolchain list
rustup install nightly
rustup default nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin
rustup update
rustc --version