Chapter 4 transitions into the second unit for Web Mapping, which supports your Leaflet lab assignment. With a solid foundation behind you, it is time to make your first interactive web map! Chapter 4 includes four lab lessons and ends with Activity 5 requiring you to compile and map spatiotemporal data onto a slippy basemap using Leaflet. js.
- In Lesson 1, we introduce the Leaflet open source code library and API documentation, having you complete two tutorials available through the Leaflet website that provide essential background on Leaflet.
- In Lesson 2, we discuss how to integrate example code into your interactive web map, adapting several of the Leaflet tutorial scripts to map the MegaCities.geojson file you prepared in Chapter 3.
- In Lesson 3, we review useful resources for obtaining help from the open source software community when you are stuck on a problem.
- In Lesson 4, we provide guidance for finding basemap tilesets and thematic overlay data. Lessons 3 and 4 are short, and provide some general guidance as you begin your first interactive web map.
After this chapter, you should be able to:
- Read and understand API documentation for Leaflet and other JavaScript code libraries
- Adapt examples of a problem solution to work with your custom code
- Use online forums to seek help on problems from the open source community
- Find appropriate data and tilesets for your Leaflet lab
FOSS stands for Free and Open Source Software. Let's consider each of the components of FOSS:
Free has two meanings to FOSS developers: free as in libre, or without restriction, and free as in gratis, or without cost. Free as in libre has four components according to the manifesto of the Free Software Foundation:
- Freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose.
- Freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish.
- Freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.
- Freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others. By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes.
Free as in libre enables FOSS developers to innovate through collective sharing in a way not possible with proprietary software that is owned privately with its source code hidden as a trade secret. It is common for FOSS software like Leaflet to have dozens or even hundreds of contributors.
The second meaning—free as in gratis—does not necessarily pertain to FOSS software. Companies can and do sell open-source software, often along with extended support provided by expert technicians they employ. That said, many FOSS code libraries—such as Leaflet—are available to download and use free of charge, with the hope that users will contribute back to the project by making a monetary donation, suggesting improvements in the code, or simply promoting its use to others.
Open source means that the source code is accessible to anyone who buys or downloads the software and can be reverse-engineered and modified to fit the needs of the user. In keeping with the four freedoms, the user also can redistribute copies of the software, modified or not. Leaflet's source code is the JavaScript of the library itself.
Software is a set of machine-readable instructions that directs a computer's processor to perform specific operations. Thus, an interactive web map technically is lightweight software.
The idea of FOSS challenges campus ideas of plagiarism. In the context of FOSS software, not only may you download or copy pieces of code from the Internet to use in your own programming, you are encouraged to do so. However, make sure to give appropriate credit to the original author(s) of the code you reuse
Leaflet is an open-source JavaScript web mapping library. Leaflet is designed to make use of pre-rendered raster map tilesets and includes methods for geospatial data overlays and cartographic interactions. Interactive web maps using tilesets often are referred to as slippy maps given their ease in dragging to pan across map tiles. The design of web maps to include a tileset base with vector overlays often is described as hamburger cartography.
The Leaflet library is available through the Download tab and includes four files as a zipped directory:
- leaflet.js: a minified version of the JavaScript code
- leaflet-src.js: a human-readable version of the JavaScript code with line breaks and indentation
- leaflet.css: a stylesheet for using Leaflet
- images: a subdirectory that includes images for standard Leaflet controls a CSS stylesheet, and an images subdirectory
It is standard practice to include either leaflet.js or leaflet-src.js in the lib folder of your website, but not both. We also recommend leaving the leaflet.css file and images subdirectory in your lib folder, rather than reorganizing into the css and img folders of your website, to keep your original assets separate and avoid breaking references within the Leaflet library.
Create a local repository on your machine called unit-2. Copy a clean version of the HTML boilerplate from your unit-1 directory into your unit-2 directory. If you lost or edited the boilerplate, you can download a clean version. Download Leaflet, unzip it, and place the Leaflet directory into your lib folder. Add a link to the leaflet.css file in the
of your index.html file and a script link to leaflet-src.js in the<body>
, deleting leaflet.js from your lib folder to use the human-readable version for this unit. Be sure to place any script links above the link to your main.js file in the<body>
of your index.html file. Push the unit-2 repository to GitHub.
With Leaflet "installed", let's take a look at some of the resources provided on the website to get started. The Tutorials tab includes over a dozen helpful tutorials written at a beginner-level in web mapping but assuming some prior knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You will review two tutorials within this lesson: Leaflet Quick Start Guide and Using GeoJSON with Leaflet. These tutorials are excellent, and so we rely on them in the following instructions rather than replicating.
Read and follow the instructions in the Leaflet Quick Start Guide and Using GeoJSON with Leaflet tutorials. Save your scripts from each tutorial in two files called quickstartTutorial.js and geojsonTutorial.js, placing both in your unit-2 js folder.
Your script should look approximately like Example 1.1 after completing the Leaflet Quick Start Guide.
/* Example from Leaflet Quick Start Guide*/
var mymap ='mapid').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13);
//add tile layer...replace project id and accessToken with your own
L.tileLayer('{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={accessToken}', {
attribution: 'Map data © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="">CC-BY-SA</a>, Imagery © <a href="">Mapbox</a>',
maxZoom: 18,
id: '',
accessToken: 'your.mapbox.public.access.token'
var marker = L.marker([51.5, -0.09]).addTo(mymap);
var circle =[51.508, -0.11], {
color: 'red',
fillColor: '#f03',
fillOpacity: 0.5, radius: 500
var polygon = L.polygon([
[51.509, -0.08],
[51.503, -0.06],
[51.51, -0.047]
marker.bindPopup("<strong>Hello world!</strong><br />I am a popup.").openPopup();
circle.bindPopup("I am a circle.");
polygon.bindPopup("I am a polygon.");
var popup = L.popup()
.setLatLng([51.5, -0.09])
.setContent("I am a standalone popup.")
var popup = L.popup();
function onMapClick(e) {
.setContent("You clicked the map at " + e.latlng.toString())
mymap.on('click', onMapClick);
When completing the tutorial, be sure to add a <div>
element with the id "mapid"
to the <body>
of your index.html file, and assigned a height
to #mapid
in your style.css stylesheet. Figure 1.1 illustrates the expected slippy map resulting from the Leaflet Quick Start Guide.
Leaflet.js is the foundation for Mapbox.js, maintained by a large web mapping company of the same name, and the original developer of Leaflet (Vladimir Agafonkin) is now a software engineer for Mapbox. Accordingly, the Leaflet Quick Start Guide makes use of a Mapbox tileset that requires an access token (You may need to create a Mapbox account first). You may follow the format given in the tutorial, but if so, note that you must replace the text and your.mapbox.public.access.token with your unique project id and access token acquired from Mapbox.
Alternatively, you can avoid creating a Mapbox account by using an open tileset from the Leaflet-providers preview website. Example 1.2 makes use of the primary OpenStreetMap (OSM) tileset.
//Example 1.1 line 5...add tile layer
L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap contributors</a>'
For both tilesets, the URL string for the tile layer has some special characters in it. The URL format reflects the standardized structure of slippy map tilesets, which consist of 256x256 pixel images in a set of nested subdirectories on the tile server. Tileset URL variables include:
represents the zoom level, typically a number between 0 (very small scale; the entire globe should be visible in the browser window) and 22 (very large scale){x}
is the horizontal coordinate, numbered left-to-right starting from 0 at the western boundary of the tileset{y}
is the vertical coordinate, which also forms the root filename of each tile image, numbered from the top (north) edge of the tileset down
In Mapbox tilesets:
represents the project id, given in theL.tileLayer()
settings object, allowing use custom-styled Mapbox Streets tiles{accessToken}
represents your Mapbox public token, also given in theL.tileLayer()
settings object, allowing Mapbox to track the usage of your tileset for billing purposes
In OSM and other tilesets:
represents the server instance from which the tiles are drawn, as many hosts of public-facing tilesets utilize multiple servers to avoid slow response times
After getting a basic slippy map to load, complete the Using GeoJSON with Leaflet tutorial. The second tutorial integrates GeoJSON data—introduced last chapter—with your slippy map via Leaflet's L.geoJson()
method. Note that the examples given by the tutorial utilize GeoJSON features
arrays assigned to variables, rather than a FeatureCollection
object imported via AJAX.
Figure 1.2 illustrates the expected slippy map resulting from the Using GeoJSON with Leaflet tutorial. Lesson 2 describes how to integrate your GeoJSON data imported via AJAX with the L.geoJson()
You used several Leaflet methods in the pair of tutorials to create the example slippy map with minimal discussion of how each method works and, more importantly, how each method can be customized to support your design vision. The Leaflet API Documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the Leaflet methods and their syntax.
An API or Application Programming Interface describes the functional utility of a code library or software that is exposed for use by developers. The API documentation is like a dictionary that defines the available functions. You already used JavaScript API documentation through W3Schools and the Mozilla Developer Network. While essential for developing on the opening web, learning to read and understand the documentation can be a challenging skill to acquire, perhaps akin to learning to read scientific papers if you are used to writing for the humanities, and vice versa.
In general, API documentation provide:
- a description of what the expression does
- a demonstration of the syntax for its use, with variable values identified by a consistent formatting convention
- descriptions of each parameter
- examples of the expression in use
Leaflet's API documentation is organized as one long webpage, making it convenient to find a specific method using the browser Ctrl/Command+F feature. The Leaflet API documentation includes a persistent table of contents referencing different page sections (Figure 1.3).
Let's examine the Leaflet methods from the two tutorials you completed using the API documentation. The first method in the Leaflet Quick Start Guide is
(Example 1.3). Note that the expression above also includes the setView()
method, chained to
with dot syntax, and assigns the returned value of both methods to the variable map
var map ='map').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13);
Let's take a look at
in the API. The first line under the section titled "Map" describes the method's parent class (Map
), "[t]he central class of the API — it is used to create a map on a page and manipulate it". Definition of
begins with a "Usage example" (Figure 1.4).
Note the difference between this usage of the method and its usage in the Leaflet Quick Start Guide (Example 1.1, line 3). Figure 1.4 shows two parameters: a string ('map'
) and an object consisting of a center
property with an array of two coordinates ([51.505, -0.09]
) and a zoom
property with a number (13
). To understand what these parameters do, examine the syntax demonstration under "Creation" (Figure 1.5).
The "Factory" column demonstrates the method, with:
- the characters that must be added to the script verbatim in black, regular font,
- each parameter, with the parameter's data type enclosed by carats (
; the | character means "or") and the parameter's name in green, italic font - a link to the section describing the object properties available for use in the options object
- a question mark after the parameter name denoting any optional parameters
The "Description" column describes in plain English what the method does. This tells you that the id parameter is the id
attribute value of an HTML <div>
element that will contain the map, and the options parameter is an optional (i.e., not required) object with properties for the map state options described in the next section.
The "Options" section (Figure 1.6) includes all of the options available as properties of the options parameter object, organized neatly as tables categorized as "Map State Options", "Interaction Options", "Keyboard Navigation Options", "Panning Inertia Options", "Control Options", and "Animation Options". Thus, these options set and constrain the cartographic interaction.
Notice that center
and zoom
are the first two options in the Map State Options table. The "Type" column lists the type of value for each property, with types specific to Leaflet linked to the section that describes them. The "Default" column lists any default value implemented by Leaflet unless another value is substituted, and shows null
if there is no default value. Note that center
is a Leaflet LatLng
object—which can take the form of a two-value [latitude, longitude]
array, a plain object with lat
and lng
properties, or an object formed from the L.latLng()
method—and zoom
is a number representing the initial zoom level of the map.
Returning to the first line of the Leaflet Quick Start Guide (Example 1.3), we see that
includes only the first, required parameter—the id
of the <div>
designated to contain the map—and forgoes the options object. However, it is chained to the setView()
method, which contains two parameters: a two-value array and a single number. We quickly can lookup the setView()
method using Ctrl/Command+F (Figure 1.7).
The setView()
method is located under "Methods for Modifying Map State" and, based on the description, "Sets the view of the map (geographical center and zoom) with the given animation options." Basically, it does exactly the same thing as the center
and zoom
options! There is another optional options object that can be added as the third parameter, with a much more restricted set of options than available to the
method, but it is not included in the tutorial example. However, Leaflet requires a starting center and zoom for any new map using either the
options object or setView()
Next, let's look at the L.tileLayer()
and .addTo()
methods. L.tileLayer
takes two parameters: a tileset URL (already discussed above) and an options object containing properties for the TileLayer
options. The .addTo()
method is an inherited method of TileLayer
from the Layer
class, meaning it is a common to every type of layer in Leaflet that adds a given layer to the map. The .addTo()
method can be chained onto a method creating a new layer (such as L.tileLayer()
), or called on a variable to which the new layer is assigned (Example 1.4).
//Example 1.1 line 5...add tile layer
var tileLayer = L.tileLayer('{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={accessToken}', {
attribution: 'Map data © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="">CC-BY-SA</a>, Imagery © <a href="">Mapbox</a>',
maxZoom: 18,
id: '',
accessToken: 'your.mapbox.public.access.token'
Let's take a look at the Leaflet API documentation for some of the methods used in the Using GeoJSON with Leaflet tutorial. The L.geoJson()
method represents a GeoJSON object or an array of GeoJSON objects and extends the FeatureGroup
class, meaning GeoJSON inherits methods and properties from FeatureGroup
. A FeatureGroup
in turn extends the LayerGroup
class, which groups multiple Leaflet layers and handles them as if they were one layer. Think of GeoJSON, FeatureGroup
, and LayerGroup
as nested objects in a Venn diagram (Figure 1.8). In practical terms, such inheritance means that a GeoJSON layer can use any of the options, methods, or events specified in GeoJSON, FeatureGroup
, and LayerGroup
We will return to classes and inheritance as key concepts in object-oriented programming in Chapter 6.
Based on the discussion in this lesson, you should now be able to review all of the methods used in the Leaflet Quick Start Guide and Using GeoJSON with Leaflet tutorials using the Leaflet API documentation. Note that the .on()
method works similarly to the forEach
method that we used in Week 2, but with a wider range of events available to it.
Using the Leaflet API documentation page, find and read the description of each method used in the Leaflet Quick Start Guide and Using GeoJSON with Leaflet tutorials. Add a comment for each method in your quickstartTutorial.js and geojsonTutorial.js files, describing in your own words what each method does.
Making use of tutorial examples requires figuring out how to integrate them into your own code. This can be tricky if you are not used to reading JavaScript. Let's return to the Using GeoJSON with Leaflet tutorial and see how we can integrate it with the MegaCities.geojson file from last chapter.
Copy MegaCities.geojson from unit-1 into the data folder of your unit-2 data website directory. Copy the geojsonTutorial.js file in the js folder of your unit-2 directory, which contains the working code from the second Leaflet tutorial, and rename the copy adaptedTutorial.js. Add a script link to adaptedTutorial.js in index.html.
The Using GeoJSON with Leaflet tutorial makes use of single GeoJSON features for its data (Figure 2.1).
This object represents a point feature, essentially equivalent to one element in our FeatureCollection
in MegaCities.geojson (Example 2.1).
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"City": "Tokyo",
"Pop_1985": 30.30,
"Pop_1990": 32.53,
"Pop_1995": 33.59,
"Pop_2000": 34.45,
"Pop_2005": 35.62,
"Pop_2010": 36.83,
"Pop_2015": 38
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [139.8089447, 35.6832085]
The Using GeoJSON with Leaflet tutorial then maps the feature using the .addTo()
method (Figure 2.2).
While the geojsonFeature
variable is hard coded in the Using GeoJSON with Leaflet tutorial, we can instead load our MegaCities.geojson data dynamically using what we learned about AJAX last chapter! Example 2.2 loads MegaCities.geojson once the Leaflet map
is ready using fetch()
Example 2.2: Loading MegaCities.geojson data with AJAX and adding it to a Leaflet map in adaptedTutorial.js
//load the data
return response.json();
//create a Leaflet GeoJSON layer and add it to the map
Example 2.3 shows the complete code needed in adaptedTutorial.js to adapt the Using GeoJSON with Leaflet tutorial for the MegaCities.geojson data.
Example 2.3: The complete adaptedTutorial.js script to create a Leaflet map with the MegaCities.geojson data
/* Map of GeoJSON data from MegaCities.geojson */
//declare map var in global scope
var map;
//function to instantiate the Leaflet map
function createMap(){
//create the map
map ='map', {
center: [20, 0],
zoom: 2
//add OSM base tilelayer
L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap contributors</a>'
//call getData function
//function to retrieve the data and place it on the map
function getData(){
//load the data
return response.json();
//create a Leaflet GeoJSON layer and add it to the map
In Example 2.3, the variable json
—which holds our AJAX data, the GeoJSON—takes the place of geojsonFeature
in the tutorial. Rather than having to create the data in the script, we bring in our external data from the MegaCities.geojson file and pass it directly to L.geoJson()
. With no options specified, Leaflet displays the features as default marker icons (from a png image stored in Leaflet's images folder), as shown in Figure 2.3. Notice we are declaring our map variable in the global scope so that we have access to it in the getData
Since megaCities.geojson comprises point data, we can adapt the additional styling from the Using GeoJSON with Leaflet tutorial.
pointToLayer: The pointToLayer
option of GeoJSON
defines a function to convert GeoJSON points into Leaflet layers. Figure 2.4 shows use of pointToLayer
in geojsonTutorial.js.
Example 2.4 updates pointToLayer for our adaptedTutorials.js script (Example 2.4).
//Example 2.3 load the data
//create marker options
var geojsonMarkerOptions = {
radius: 8,
fillColor: "#ff7800",
color: "#000",
weight: 1,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.8
//create a Leaflet GeoJSON layer and add it to the map
L.geoJson(json, {
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng){
return L.circleMarker(latlng, geojsonMarkerOptions);
Figure 2.5 illustrates the results of applying the modified use of pointToLayer
onEachFeature: The onEachFeature option of GeoJSON calls a function once for each feature contained in the created GeoJSON object. Figure 2.6 shows the use of onEachFeature in the Using GeoJSON with Leaflet tutorial.
The tutorial uses onEachFeature
to create popups based on the popupContent
variable within the GeoJSON feature's properties
object. The features in the MegaCities.geojson file do not include a popupContent
property. Instead, we can substitute one of our property names (e.g.,
) as the popup content, but this will not include all of our data in the popup.
Example 2.5 instead uses a loop to dynamically add each property name and value along with a surrounding paragraph (<p>
) element to an HTML string stored in the variable popupContent
. After the loop has completed adding all of the properties to the popupContent
variable, the variable is passed as a parameter to layer.bindPopup()
, inserting the HTML for each feature's properties into the popup.
//added at Example 2.3 line 20...function to attach popups to each mapped feature
function onEachFeature(feature, layer) {
//no property named popupContent; instead, create html string with all properties
var popupContent = "";
if ( {
//loop to add feature property names and values to html string
for (var property in{
popupContent += "<p>" + property + ": " +[property] + "</p>";
//function to retrieve the data and place it on the map
function getData(map){
//load the data
return response.json();
//create a Leaflet GeoJSON layer and add it to the map
L.geoJson(json, {
onEachFeature: onEachFeature
Figure 2.7 illustrates the results of applying the modified use of onEachFeature
Not all real-world web maps have such simple and tidy code, but you can always "View Page Source" to see if you can make heads or tails of it. Some websites will minify their back-end code so it becomes unreadable, but many allow you to easily discover their inner workings in keeping with the principles of FOSS.
Figure 2.8 illustrates a project mapping the distance of Flickr images from major roads in the U.S. National Parks.
To examine and modify the code, you can right-click on the webpage, "Inspect Element" and select the Debugger tab (This option may vary for different web browsers). This opens developer tools (Figure 2.9), offering a look at the HTML as well as links to other open source files, including stylesheets and scripts.
Learning how to code from example is a skill, and it takes continued practice to become proficient. Reading and understanding other developers' scripts—which often takes the use of console.log
statements and other debugging measures—is a big first step to mastering the art of web mapping.
"Google Fu" may sound like a martial art that takes years of training to master. However, knowing how to ask a question when searching for answers online is perhaps the most important skill when programming. Phrasing a question is more difficult than it seems: if you do not understand what is going wrong with your code, how are you supposed to ask a question about it?
The first step is using the API document to come up with a set of keywords that you can use to describe your coding problem. How about these: "Leaflet", "web map", "object", "loop", "tile layer", "marker", "data", "coordinate", "array", "element", "AJAX", "variable", "GeoJSON". Then, think of other descriptive words for your coding issue and put them together in a sentence, such as:
- When I finish this [part of the script], I want my [subject] to be/do/show [outcome].
- When I finish this loop, I want my data to be an array of objects.
- When I finish this AJAX callback function, I want markers to appear on my map.
Or, if something is breaking:
- I am attempting to accomplish [task], but the [subject] is doing [unexpected outcome] / not doing [expected outcome].
- I am attempting to place GeoJSON data from an AJAX response onto my Leaflet map, but the variable I am trying to use for the data is empty.
- I am attempting to build an array of objects with my loop, but the properties of the resulting objects are blank.
Avoid ambiguous words or phrases like "thing", "work", and "breaking" unless you qualify them with descriptions of what things, the places they do not work, and how they are breaking. Remember, console.log
is your best friend to narrow the possible errors. The more specific you can be about your issue, the more you can focus your own problem-solving and the more likely you will find solutions to similar problems posted by others online.
StackOverflow is a platform for mutual aid problem-solving by developers. Since its creation in 2008, it has become the dominant help forum for computer code of all kinds. StackOverflow is now part of StackExchange, an umbrella of over 140 online help forums covering every topic imaginable. StackOverflow is still the biggest and most dynamic of these communities. When you use a regular Internet search engine to seek problem-solving advice for your code, often the first hits will be StackOverflow pages.
All StackExchange forums use the same framework. While anyone can ask and seek answers to questions, other privileges are granted using a merit-based system that tracks your use of the site and encourages two-way participation (both asking and answering questions). Some developers pride themselves on high "Reputation" scores, and some employers may even look at these scores for hiring purposes as an indication of your willingness to participate in collaborative problem-solving. You gain reputation by asking questions nobody has asked yet, answering others' questions, and having your questions and answers "voted up" by other developers who view them.
Before asking a question about a problem you are having, search for other questions about similar problems that might already have answers that clue you in to the solution. You can search the site's Tags page for keywords that pertain to your problem. Sometimes you need to wade through multiple questions that are similar but not the same as your question to find answers that make sense. Since the answers are not vetted, not all of them are useful and some may be completely incorrect! If you cannot find any answers that suit your exact problem, post a description of your problem as new question, using the bulleted guidelines above for inspiration. Include tags that make it easy for others to find your question.
GISStackExchange is another help forum that has been incorporated into the StackExchange network. It is occasionally useful for questions related to GIS data and web mapping.
In Lesson 1 , you completed the Leaflet Quick Start Guide tutorial using either a Mapbox tileset or OSM tileset. Mapbox provides a wide range of control over the tileset style through their Mapbox Studio tool. Thus, you now can tailor your basemap to your UI design, and vice versa.
Do not worry if you have do not have experience using Mapbox Studio, as there are a numerous alternative tilesets that are freely available to use. You can discover the tileset source of web map examples, such a previous projects from the UW Cartography Lab using right/Command+click on the web map and navigating to "View Image" or "Open image in new tab". This will display a single tile image in its own browser tab (Figure 4.1):
Note that the path to the image is shown in the URL bar. We can simply copy this path and paste it into the L.tileLayer()
URL string parameter (Example 4.1).
Now, we need to replace the elements of the URL string that are specific to that tile with tileset URL variables (Example 4.2).
Voilà! We are now accessing that tileset as the base layer for our custom Leaflet map.
A useful resource for accessing public tile services is the aforementioned Leaflet Providers preview webpage. This page gives you a preview of all of the tilesets included in the Leaflet-providers plugin. You can use the Leaflet-providers plugin to make it easy to reference any of the tilesets shown on the webpage: just download leaflet-providers.js into your lib folder and include a link to it in index.html, after the link to leaflet.js and before the link to main.js.
Keep in mind that while many of these tilesets are open, some (such as MapBox and Thunderforest) require an API key that you must get by registering for an account with the company providing the tileset. There may be costs and/or usage restrictions associated with these tilesets as well. Therefore, pay attention to whether there is an apikey
, id
, accessToken
, or other options included in the "Plain JavaScript" section that indicate the tileset is proprietary. You may use a proprietary tileset in your lab; just beware of any fees and restrictions that it is subject to.
Browse the tilesets on the Leaflet Providers preview page to familiarize yourself with what is publicly available.
In Chapter 3, we discussed how to format GeoJSON data, which we also use for your first Leaflet map. However, first you need to find spatiotemporal data on a topic that interests you.
Finding data can be one of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks of any mapping project. Below are some useful resources for finding data. This list is not meant to be exhaustive; many governments, agencies, and non-government organizations maintain their own websites for data access that are not included below.
The Robinson Map and Data Library at UW-Madison stores over a terabyte of data related to Wisconsin and provides links to many more data sources under its "Collections" menu. As a student of UW-Madison, you can also access staff assistance to help you find what you are looking for. Use the library's data request form to get assistance.
- is a clearinghouse of data sources for data produced by U.S. Government agencies. It has a user-friendly interface with powerful search tools.
American FactFinder is the U.S. Census tool for finding demographic data about U.S. populations. This website is the portal to a vast warehouse of data and can be challenging to work with. Use the "Guided Search" tool to get started. The data is provided as non-spatial tables, but can be related to Census geographies in GIS software through geographic id codes.
UN Data is a clearinghouse of global and country data produced by United Nations agencies and member countries. It includes economic, demographic, environmental, transportation, society, and other datasets.
The World Bank maintains web access to its expansive database of economic, demographic, environmental, and human development data. Their focus is obviously on economic indicators, but this is a good place to look for health, education, and greenhouse gas emissions data by country as well.
Once you have found data you want to use for the assignment, format it as a spreadsheet with each feature a row and each attribute a column, and include columns with a unique id for each feature, the feature name, latitude, and longitude. Then, convert your dataset into GeoJSON format.
- Create a GitHub repository called unit-2. As you build your Leaflet map, commit each major change to your code as often as necessary.
- Replace the link to adaptedTutorial.js with a link to your main.js file in index.html and start building your custom Leaflet map for the lab assignment using the data you found. Use the code from adaptedTutorial.js to use as an initial building block for main.js. Be sure to keep quickstartTutorial.js, geojsonTutorial.js, and adaptedTutorial.js in your js folder for review!
- With all of the above tasks completed, commit your changes and sync with GitHub. Include "Activity 5" in the commit message. The repo should include four JS files: quickstartTutorial.js, geojsonTutorial.js, adaptedTutorial.js, and main.js. The index.html file should link to just main.js to map the GeoJSON file containing your spatiotemporal data.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
For more information, please contact Robert E. Roth ([email protected]).