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'powerpoint' gem -- for creating PowerPoint Slides in Ruby.

'powerpoint' is a Ruby gem that can generate PowerPoint files(pptx).


'powerpoint' can be used from the command line or as part of a Ruby web framework. To install the gem using terminal, run the following command:

gem install powerpoint

To use it in Rails, add this line to your Gemfile:

gem "powerpoint"

Basic Usage

'powerpoint' gem can generate a PowerPoint presentaion based on a standard template:

require 'powerpoint'

@deck =

# Creating an introduction slide:
title = 'Bicycle Of the Mind'
subtitle = 'created by Steve Jobs'
@deck.add_intro title, subtitle

# Creating a text-only slide:
# Title must be a string.
# Content must be an array of strings that will be displayed as bullet items.
title = 'Why Mac?'
content = ['Its cool!', 'Its light.']
@deck.add_textual_slide title, content

# Creating an image Slide:
# It will contain a title as string.
# and an embeded image
title = 'Everyone loves Macs:'
image_path = 'samples/images/sample_gif.gif'
@deck.add_pictorial_slide title, image_path

# Specifying coordinates and image size for an embeded image.
# x and y values define the position of the image on the slide.
# cx and cy define the width and height of the image.
# x, y, cx, cy are in points. Each pixel is 12700 points.
# coordinates parameter is optional.
coords = {x: 124200, y: 3356451, cx: 2895600, cy: 1013460}
@deck.add_pictorial_slide title, image_path, coords

# Saving the pptx file to the current directory.'test.pptx')


'powerpoint' gem has been tested with LibreOffice ( and Apache OpenOffice (4.0.1) on Mac OS X Mavericks, Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 on Windows 7 and Google Docs (latest version as of March 2014).


Contributions are welcomed. You can fork a repository, add your code changes to the forked branch, ensure all existing unit tests pass, create new unit tests cover your new changes and finally create a pull request.

After forking and then cloning the repository locally, install Bundler and then use it to install the development gem dependecies:

gem install bundler
bundle install

Once this is complete, you should be able to run the test suite:


Development and Testing

For local development and testing, you can use the included script to generate a sample PowerPoint file and inspect its contents:

# Make the script executable
chmod +x bin/

# Run the script

This will:

  1. Generate a test PowerPoint presentation
  2. Save it to the output/ directory
  3. Unzip the PPTX file into output/unzipped/ for inspection

The unzipped contents allow you to examine the XML structure and other components of the generated PPTX file, which is useful for debugging and development.

Bug Reporting

Please use the Issues page to report bugs or suggest new enhancements.


Powerpoint has been published under MIT License