A rule is a pair of filters
and actions
Example (complete configuration file):
bot: my-bot
- filters:
commit: true
comment: Thanks for the commit.
This rule adds a comment to a pull request when anyone adds a commit to it.
There are many filters available. If you miss one, send a PR.
commit: true
commit: ab?c # commit message
matching: ab?c # commit message
author: ab?c # author github login
committer: ab?c # committer github login
Matches a commit in a PR.
comment: true
comment: ab?c # comment body
matching: ab?c # comment body
author: ab?c # comment author
Matches a comment in a issue/PR.
Makes the comment info accessible via data.
If matching
is a regular expression, it also makes the match accessible via data with _match
label: some-label # label name
- some-label # label name
- some-other-label # label name
- some-label # label name
- some-other-label # label name
labelRegExp: ab?c # label name regexp
Matches a label in a issue/PR.
issue: true
issue: ab?c # issue body
matching: ab?c # issue body
title: ab?c # issue title
author: ab?c # issue author
locked: true # issue is locked or not
Matches an issue.
Note: Doesn't match pull request.
pull_request: true
pull_request: ab?c # pull request body
matching: ab?c # pull request body
title: ab?c # pull request title
author: ab?c # pull request author
locked: true # pull request is locked or not
merged: true # pull request is merged or not
mergeable: true # pull request is mergeable or not
merged_by: ab?c # login of person who merged the PR
head_ref: ab?c # branchname of PR source
base_ref: ab?c # branchname of PR target
mergeable_state: ab?c # state of the PR
# one of: clean, dirty, blocked, stable, unstable, unknown
Matches a pull request.
Note: Doesn't match issue.
open: true # issue/PR is open
open: false # issue/PR is not open
Matches if the state of the issue is open/closed.
number_of_comments: 3 # >= 3 comments in issue/PR
number_of_comments: # 3 - 6 comments in issue/PR
minimum: 3
maximum: 6
Matches the number of comments in a issue/PR.
review: true # there is a review in the PR
review: ab?c # there is a review with this body in the PR
matching: ab?c # review body
state: ab?c # review state (APPROVED, CHANGES_REQUESTED, COMMENT)
author: ab?c # author of review
upToDate: true # review is on latest commit
Matches a pull request review.
status: ab?c # PR status message
matching: ab?c # PR status message
state: ab?c # status state (success, failure, error, pending)
context: ab?c # status context
check: ab?c # PR check message
matching: ab?c # PR check message
conclusion: ab?c # check conclusion (success, failure)
name: ab?c # check context
Matches pull request check.
permission: true # issue creator has write or admin permission
permission: ab?c # issue creator permission level (admin, write, read, none)
user: "{{comment.actor.login}}" # user to review permission for
matching: ab?c # permission level (admin, write, read, none)
Matches if the permission level of the user matches the regular expression.
age: 4w # age of issue/PR (creation > 4 weeks)
minimum: 6h
maximum: 4d # 6 hours - 4 days old
minimumDate: 2016-01-01
maximumDate: 2016-12-31 # created in 2016
Matches if the issue/PR age is in the range.
value: "{{comment.created_at}}"
minimum: 6h
maximum: 4d # 6 hours - 4 days old
minimumDate: 2016-01-01
maximumDate: 2016-12-31 # created in 2016
Matches if the provided date value is in the range.
last_action_age: 4w # last user action in issue/PR
minimum: 10s
maximum: 10m # 10 seconds - 10 minutes
minimumDate: 2016-01-01
maximumDate: 2016-12-31
includeBotActions: true
Matches if the last action age is in the range.
defaults to false, which excludes actions from the bot itself (only user actions).
value: "{{comment.actor.login}}" # a value (see interpolation)
matching: ab?c # matches this regexp
notMatching: ab?c # doesn't match this regexp
equals: abc # is equal to (interpolation possible)
notEquals: abc # is not equal to (interpolation possible)
range: "< 10, 15 - 20" # is in this range (see range)
Matches if the condition is true.
comment: true
age: 4w
Matches if any of the children match.
Here: Has a comment or is older than 4 weeks.
comment: true
age: 4w
Matches if all of the children match.
Here: Has a comment and is older than 4 weeks.
comment: true
age: 4w
Matches if children (all) don't match.
Here: Has no comment and is younger than 4 weeks.
minimum: 2
maximum: 3
comment_1: hello
comment_2: hi
comment_3: bye
comment_4: bb
Matches if the number of matched children is between minimum and maximum.
Here: Has at least 2 of the comments "hello", "hi", "bye", "bb" but not all of them.
commit: true
review: true
Matches if the order of the matched children is correct.
Note: It doesn't look for any order pair. It matches the children on it's own and compares times after that.
Here: The latest review is after the latest commit.
close: true
Closes the issue/PR.
reopen: true
Reopen the issue/PR.
label: some-label # adds a label
- some-label
- some-other-label
- some-label
- some-other-label
- any-label
- any-other-label
Adds and/or removes labels from issue/PR.
comment: Hello @{{issue.user.login}}!
message: Hello @{{issue.user.login}}!
identifier: comment-label
invasive: true
edit: true
Adds a comment.
If identifier
is provided it removes an old comment with the same identifier.
If invasive
is set it resent the comment even if the body is equal.
defaults to false
if identifier
is set and to true
If edit
is true
it will edit the old comment instead will the new message.
If message
is empty or undefined it will not add a new comment. It may remove an old comment if identifer
is set.
description: "{{comment.body}}" # message
target_url: "{{comment.html_url}}" # link
context: status-label # the context of the PR status
state: pending # one of success, failure, error, pending
Reports a pull request status.
commit_title: "Merge pull request #{{pull_request.number}}"
commit_message: "{{pull_request.title}}"
merge_method: merge # one of merge, squash, rebase
Merges a PR. Like pressing the merge button.
value: "{{comment.body}}"
Sets a variable name to some value. This variable is also available in rules followed by this rule. Best read this variable with the ensure
schedule: 2d # 2 days
Schedule another rules check in the specified timespan. The lowest schedule wins and overwrite any longer schedule.
Some expressions accept ranges. Example:
< 10 > 5, 15-20
Means: (smaller than 10 and bigger than 5) or between 15 and 20 (inclusive)
// in javascript
(x < 10 && x > 5) || (x >= 5 && x <= 20)
Handlebars.js is used to interpolate values.
: repo owner
: repo name
: full issue name open-bot/open-bot#1
: the username of the bot
: data provided by filters
: github api issue data
others: keys provided by the filters
- filters:
comment_1: Hello
comment_2: World
comment: |-
Hello World provided by @{{comment_1.actor.login}} and @{{comment_2.actor.login}}.
Note: every filter/action key can be prefixed with _(number)
to make them unique.
Note: you can add a id
property to assign the value to some other name.
Note: See github api documentation for full object details.
{{quote comment.body}}
: Wraps value in >
to make it a markdown quote.
{{stringify comment}}
: JSON.stringify the value.
- filters: # Look for a comment
comment: Hello
actions: # Post a new comment
comment: Hello @{{comment.actor.login}}.
Respond to any comment containing "Hello" with a comment "Hello @user.".
- filters:
open: true
status: # Look for the latest travis results
context: "continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr"
ensure: # Check travis state
value: "{{status.state}}"
equals: "success"
label: # relabel
add: "ci-ok"
remove: "ci-not-ok"
comment: # post comment
identifier: "ci-result"
edit: true
message: |-
Success! :smile:
- filters:
open: true
context: "continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr"
value: "{{status.state}}"
equals: "failure"
add: "ci-not-ok"
remove: "ci-ok"
identifier: "ci-result"
edit: true
message: |-
Failed. @{{issue.user.login}} Check [CI results]({{status.target_url}})!
Label pull request with ci-ok
or ci-not-ok
depending on the CI result. Also comment on the pull request to trigger the user.
- filters:
open: true
maximum: 1
issue_1: Type
issue_2: Expected
issue_3: Current
label: missing-information
close: true
comment: Closed because information is missing. Edit the issue!
- filters:
open: false
label: missing-information
minimum: 2
issue_1: Type
issue_2: Expected
issue_3: Current
remove: missing-information
reopen: true
comment: Thanks!
Require at least two of Type
and Current
in the issue. Elsewise close the issue and comment. Reopens when information is added later.