This plugin provides easy floating tooltip functionality with mutation observers. Does not support IE under IE11. See for details on browser compatibility. (Polyfills might work.)
Please help feed Tiny Tim!
Gratipay / Gittip:
Paypal: agamemnus at flyingsoftgames dot com
Basic Usage
Full Usage
See this simple example or this more involved example.
Because I'm paid by Microsoft to promote IE... But seriously, it allows you, the website designer, a clean interface with which to add tip text.
- No more forgetting to refresh your tip text object, or having to decide where to refresh it! It is refreshed when the "tiptext" attribute is refreshed.
- The tip text div is bound to a containing element, such as (by default) document body. Versus appending to the target element's div:
a) No unintended side-effects of target elements' CSS selectors affecting the tip div's styling.
b) Overflow: hidden is not a problem, since we are bound to a larger containing element.
c) Overlap with elements with a larger z-index is not a problem, since the tip text has its own z-index. - You can load inline text via AJAX (or just by including it in your HTML), and set a tiptext attribute. Event listeners will be automatically registered, thanks to mutation observers.
Tiptext.js (c) 2013-2017 Michael Romanovsky.
Non-commercial usage and commercial usage with income of less than 5,000,000 USD a year: MIT license, with modifications as per this proviso.
Commercial usage with income of 5,000,000 USD or more a year: contact me at: agamemnus at gmail dot kom to negotiate an appropriate license and fee.
new Tiptext ()
2a)dom_element.setProperty ('tiptext', 'Blah.')
2b)<div tiptext="Moo." class="test"> Hello. I am an inline div! </div>
Complete usage, with defaults and explanations:
var tiptext = new Tiptext ({
attribute_name : 'tiptext',
// The DOM attribute that should be referenced by the function.
parent : document.body,
// The parent of the tip and the base element upon which mutation observers are set.
base_className : 'tiptext',
// The base CSS class to add to the tip div. Set to attribute_name if not specified.
show_delay : 400,
// After mouseover, the millisecond delay before setting the tip div to display: block.
hide_delay : 200,
// After mouseout , the millisecond delay before setting the tip div to display: none.
stick_delay : 500,
// If a maximum tip_stick_delay of milliseconds passes from the moment a tip is hidden, and a new tip is set to be shown, the new tip show delay is 0.
show_start : function (tiptext_obj) { = 1},
// The function to run on show start. Parameter(s): Tiptext instance.
show_process : undefined,
// The function to run between show start and show end. Parameter(s): Tiptext instance, current_process_ratio.
show_end : function (tiptext_obj) { = 1; = 'block'},
// The function to run on show end. Parameter(s): Tiptext instance.
hide_start : function (tiptext_obj) { = 0},
// The function to run on hide start. Parameter(s): Tiptext instance.
hide_process : undefined,
// The function to run between hide start and hide end. Parameter(s): Tiptext instance, current_process_ratio.
hide_end : function (tiptext_obj) { = 0; = 'none'},
// The function to run on hide end. Parameter(s): Tiptext instance.
show_process_timeout_time : 25,
// The time between show_process calls, in milliseconds.
hide_process_timeout_time : 25,
// The time between hide_process calls, in milliseconds.
test_on_init : true,
// Whether to test the parent and its descendants for appropriate tip attributes immediately. Defaults to to true.
initial_styling : function (tipdiv) { = 'none'}
// Sets the initial styling of the tip div. Parameters(s): tipdiv.
// Same as the Tiptext setting.
// Re-setting this will re-initialize the event observer.
// Same as the Tiptext setting.
// Re-setting this will re-initialize the event observer and re-initialize the mousemove event listener on the new parent.
.base_className, .show_delay, .hide_delay, .stick_delay, .show_start, .show_process, .show_end,
.hide_start, .hide_process, .hide_end, .show_process_timeout_time, hide_process_timeout_time
// The section above has default vcalues and explanations for these properties.
// The current target of the tiptext. READ-ONLY. Use set_tip (see below) to set the tip target manually.
.show_tip ({x: x, y: y, target: {tiptext_settings: tiptext_settings, ... other DOM element properties (target must be a DOM element)}})
.show_tip (event)
// Fires the tip show event manually.
// The current action. READ-ONLY. Possible values: null (currently not doing anything), 'hide' (currently hiding the tip), or 'show' (currently showing the tip).
// The tip div of the tiptext. I.e.: the visual tip DOM object itself.
// The current active hide_process or start_process callback, or undefined. READ-ONLY.
// The current "process" ratio. READ-ONLY.
// From 0 (start_process started or hide_process ended) to 1 (start_process ended or hide_process started).
.remove_active_tip (options)
// Fires the tip hide event manually. Options can have a value of {instant: true}, which hides the tip immediately, ignoring stick delay and hide delay values.
.destroy ()
// Disconnects (stops) the mutation observer, removes the currently active tip from the parent, and removes the parent's mousemove event listener..
To add a tip to an element, either set its tiptext attribute in-line (in HTML), or via setProperty
some_dom_element.setProperty (tiptext.tip_attribute_name, some_text_here)
You can also modify Tiptext settings of individual DOM elements in Javascript via tiptext.set_tip_settings (some_dom_element, settings)
. Two additional properties that are supported with this method:
When the Tiptext object is activated, adds a CSS class name in the form of[tip_attribute_name]-[className]
. For example, if the className isultra
, and thetip_attribute_name
, the full CSS class string for the element be:tiptext tiptext-ultra
. -
Setting this property (to any value) will override the tip's individual show_delay property (tip_show_delay
) to 0.