University projects This repository contains some of my university projects. (Université de Paris) 3rd year of Licence (To complete) 1st year of Master 1st semester Flap Brief description : Flap is a compiler written in OCaml for a sub-OCaml-language called Hopix. Language : PIDLineFollower Brief description : A PID Algorithm for a EV3 lego brick (OS : EV3dev) which can follow curved lines of different colors. Language : RssFluxLoader Brief description : A RSS Flux Loader with a minimal database allowing to publish/download RSS Flux from links. Language : 2nd semester SSG Brief description : SSG is a static site generator, it parses a markdown file three and renders html files which can be hosted on a server. Language : OMatl Brief description : OMatl is a math calculator with a graphical interface (Integrate, Derivative, Arithmetics, Substitution, Plot ..). Language : CardGamesFramework Brief description : A card game framework based on a MVC pattern. Language : Lpc Brief description : A minimal implementation of Local Procedure Call using shared memory objects. Language : 2nd year of Master 1st semester 2nd semester