Install the Chouette IEV 3.X Web Service see how to
The next steps assume that :
- a Chouette IEV Web Service is running (on localhost, port 8080)
- a Postgres database exists (chouette2 on localhost, port 5432) with a postgres user (chouette, with password chouette)
On Debian/Ubuntu/Kubuntu OS : assumes that the depot contains the correct version
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev git unzip libgeos-dev proj-bin libproj-dev make
If your Linux distribution doesn't publish an RVM package, install RVM from sources
Install ruby 2.1.x
rvm install ruby-2.1.x
rvm --default use 2.1.x
Install bundler 1.10.x
gem install bundler -v 1.10.x
On Debian, chouette can also be installed as a package : see debian packages
Install web application
Get git source code :
git clone -b V3_2 git://
cd chouette2
Download gem librairies
bundle install
Add the PostGIS extension to your database
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:gis:setup
Update the database schema
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate
Prepare the static resources (assets)
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:clobber assets:precompile
Configure for Generating URLs in Action Mailer Views.
- Edit production.rb and change
- see Action Mailer Configuration documentation
Configure asset access (Must be True if you use Webrick, or False if you use Apache or Nginx).
- Edit production.rb and change
Configure SMTP settings.
- Edit production.rb and change
- see Action Mailer Configuration documentation
Configure the e-mail address visible on the e-mail sent when a user registers, re-initialises its password, ...
- Edit production.rb and change
Configure Rails secret key.
- Edit secrets.yml and uncomment and set
- see Rails documentation
Configure the Chouette IEV Web Service url.
- Edit secrets.yml and uncomment and set
Configure the Google Analytics Key.
- Edit secrets.yml and change
- see Google Analytics
Configure the IGN Géoportail Key.
- Edit secrets.yml and uncomment and set
- see API Géoportail documentation
Configure the way Chouette2 sends e-mail.
- Edit devise_async.rb and uncomment and set
( true if you want to use asynchronously and false otherwise ) - see Devise Async specification
Configure OSRM Backend URL
- Edit secrets.yml and change
- see Project-OSRM
Launch the task if you want to send mail asynchronously (See previous section to de-activate it)
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake jobs:work
This task may be added in the system start-up configuration
Launch the Rails server with WEBrick ( default RoR web server, note: Webrick runs on default port 3000)
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails server
This task may be added in the system start-up configuration. Instead of using WEBrick, the Rails application may be deployed on Phusion Passenger with an Apache or NGinx front-end, to make server faster and more robust.
Apache like NGinx can serve static resources,
so change parameter serve_static_assets
to false in production.rb
bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake spec