- MOD: Add
role: Maintainer
to composer.json
- MOD: Add Nick Shipes as a maintainer
- ADD:
expectation - MOD: Improve error messages on no matching request expectation
- FIX: Check for null response body, before attempting to parse
- FIX: minor error handling fix
- FIX: Throw CompoundException on request with multiple failures
- ADD: Accept custom callables for all expectations
- ADD: Add custom expectation callables:
- MOD: Refactor
to use callables for all request validations
- FIX: Was not properly comparison request bodies containing null data values.
- FIX: Fix incorrect 'call count' exception message
See git history for a full list of changes
- ADD: Initial project setup
- ADD: GuzzleHttpMock\Mock
- ADD: RequestExpectations: withUrl withMethod withQuery withQueryParams withJsonContentType withBody withBodyParams withJsonBodyParams once times
- ADD: Mock response methods: andResponseWith andResponseWithContent andRespondWithJson
- ADD: Documentation (README.md)