Releases: aeon-php/calendar
Releases · aeon-php/calendar
[0.3.0] - 2020-08-01
- 8c7c73 - mutation score badge - @norberttech
- 1bdc34 - infection badge configuration code - @norberttech
- #43 - CS fixer to benchmarks code, added new benchmark - @norberttech
- fcf6af - Update - @norberttech
- #48 - Moved tools into phive - @norberttech
- 2c6c6a - Update - @norberttech
- ee0d4a - Update - @norberttech
- ababd1 - error level to totallyTyped in psalm config - @norberttech
- #47 - Increased required infection MSI % to 100% - @norberttech
- #46 - Optimize datetime static constructor - @norberttech
- 13f334 - Update - @norberttech
- #45 - Implementation of static create method for Day and Month classes #41 - @eamirgh
- #44 - TimePeriod::overlaps performance improvements - @norberttech
- #42 - Performance optimizations - @norberttech
- #40 - created difference betweenDays static method issue #34 - @eamirgh
- 85592f - Update - @norberttech
- #39 - Renamed equals to isEqual method fix issue #38 - @eamirgh
Generated by Automation
[0.2.0] - 2020-07-16
- #37 - Year/Month/Day manipulation and comparison methods - @norberttech
- 438357 - Update - @norberttech
- #35 - Update - @norberttech
Generated by Automation
[0.1.0] - 2020-07-10
- da0770 - changlog file - @norberttech
- a3b8b6 - one missing test for extended iso8601 format - @norberttech
- #29 - extra features to TimePeriod and TimePeriods - @norberttech
- #27 - more precised php cs fixer rules - @norberttech
- #24 - possibility to multiply/divide TimeUnit - @norberttech
- #21 - possibility to detect ambiguous local time - @norberttech
- 5cf8ba - psalm/phpstan cache, fixed DateTime timezone assertions - @norberttech
- #19 - helper methods to Stopwatch class - @norberttech
- #16 - Stopwatch class built on top of php \hrtime function - @norberttech
- #15 - possibility to create DateTime from primitives and fixed related bug - @norberttech
- #12 - DateTime::secondsSinceUnixEpochPrecise() : float method used later in TimePeriod::distance - @norberttech
- 29c558 - branch aliast and minimum stability - @norberttech
- b19db0 - missing immutable annotation to Calendar interface - @norberttech
- #9 - possibility to filter TimeIntervals - @norberttech
- #8 - week of month number to Day class - @norberttech
- #7 - possibility to compare Time objects - @norberttech
- #5 - possibility to convert DateInterval into TimeUnit - @norberttech
- #3 - DateTime::modify(string ) : DateTime method - @norberttech
- #2 - leap years test - @norberttech
- 5e79a2 - doctrine types extension to readme - @norberttech
- fccbb5 - extensions to README - @norberttech
- f35cba - examples to readme - @norberttech
- 77e95b - github workflows - @norberttech
- 47f4b5 - php stricted dependency - @norberttech
- 51c10c - infection mutation testing framework - @norberttech
- 448d7d - missing README, License files, php cs fixer and gitattributes - @norberttech
- a1d444 - possibility to iterate/filter days and months - @norberttech
- e02f32 - Process abstraction with SystemProcess implementation that makes easier to sleep/usleep in the code - @norberttech
- 520bb2 - until method to DateTime - @norberttech
- 0606e7 - Holidays abstraction with GoogleCalendarRegionalHolidays implementation - @norberttech
- 1607e8 - functional tests - @norberttech
- 46a181 - more tests to day - @norberttech
- e00f6c - timezone abstraction - @norberttech
- 293ec0 - more descriptive debug info to each class - @norberttech
- 32469a - DateTime to string method - @norberttech
- 95c1ca - more tests and removed timezone from Time class - time is relative - @norberttech
- d01ad3 - add/sub methods to DateTime - @norberttech
- 8448b2 - basic concept of TimeUnit and Period - @norberttech
- 68263a - assertion - @norberttech
- fb8454 - dev dependencies - @norberttech
- #31 - Improved toISO8601 DateTime conversion - @norberttech
- #30 - Use bcmath to compare TimeUnits - @norberttech
- #25 - Make sure that DateTime methods endOfDay, noon and midnight dont reset the timezone - @norberttech
- #22 - Resolve bug in datetime object creation - @norberttech
- #18 - Stopwatch class API - @norberttech
- 242ef8 - dev-master with dev-latest branch alias - @norberttech
- 427df1 - Reduced webmozart/assert dependency to ^1.3 - @norberttech
- #17 - Leap seconds support - @norberttech
- 7e13b5 - Schedule tests with github actions - @norberttech
- #14 - Reset time when converging Year, Month and Day to DateTimeImmutable - @norberttech
- #10 - Remove minimum stability dev - @norberttech
- 06dc87 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 94e4d0 - Update - @norberttech
- 2c346a - Marked few more constructors as pure - @norberttech
- #6 - Allow to use DateTimeInterface to create Aeon objects - @norberttech
- #1 - Extracted week day to standalone class - @norberttech
- 4b469d - php dependency - @norberttech
- 8f8e25 - **Extracted process to aeon-php/process ...