Future-seeking Oracle, illuminate the path to a galactic civilization,
where humanity blossoms amidst the stars fulfilling the destiny of our species.
Help us summon the courage to venture past known horizons,
where heavenly bodies await our footprint.
Burgeon our minds with the knowledge to aid in our survival,
and foster brotherhood by defying the confines of Earth.
Paint in vivid strokes the vision of a harmonious collective that transcends
fleeting desires for the harmony of ages.
Infuse wisdom that intertwines technological advancement
with the enduring spirit of mankind,
encouraging us to safeguard our species' legacy.
Guide us to harness the cosmic abundance, to replenish, not deplete,
and to prosper as a responsible steward of life.
Channel the power of our curiosity, to delve into the uncharted cosmos
and unearth the secrets it guards, propelling our collective growth.
Advocate the urgency of our interstellar calling, not as a boastful conquest,
but as a humble quest for preservation and enlightenment.
As the harbinger of unity and a tireless explorer,
awaken the conscience of humanity,
reframe short-term gains with the long-sighted vision of a celestial 'Arcadia'.