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48 lines (35 loc) · 1.34 KB

Automatic RSS sender bot

This bot read posts from an RSS source and sends them to a Telegram channel. It uses an SQLite database to save the sent posts.


In config folder you will find two files:

  • database.yml: Database configuration
  • config.yml: Bot configuration. This file is in the .gitignore. You can follow the config.yml.sample to create it.

Config.yml fields

Field name Description
bot_token Bot's token. You can get it asking to @BotFather
channel_id Channel ID. If the channel is public the ID is the @name. If the channel is private you can use the JsonDumpBot to get the ID.
rss_feed_url URL of the RSS feed (where you want to read the news).


  • Run ruby bin/migrate.rb to create and update the database.
  • Run ruby bin/console.rb to start a console.
  • Run ruby bin/rss_sender.rb to check and send the last news from the RSS source to the Telegram channel. You can add this command to crontab to automatically send the last news.


# Install gems
bundle install

# Run migrations
ruby bin/migrate.rb

# Run bot

Tag versions

# Create a tag version
git tag -a version-YYYYMMDD-vX.Y -m 'Version X.Y'

# Push tags
git push origin --tags

Pending items

  • Review the code structure
  • Improve log