anonymous functions that can be passed into methods code that you put inside the do and end keywords (or { and } for inline blocks). It allows you to group code into a standalone unit that you can use as a method argument.
- anonymous functions that can be passed into methods
- enclosed in a do-end statement or curly braces {} for inline blocks
- they can have multiple arguments: these are defined between two pipe | characters
# Form 1: recommended for single line blocks
[1, 2, 3].each { |num| puts num }
^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^
block block
arguments body
calls the code inside the block and runs it
def iterate(array)
for element in array
numbers = [1, 2, 3]
iterate(numbers) do |num|
puts num
its value: yield is commonly used to implement reusable code patterns. For example, a method might define the basic structure of an iteration but the specific actions to be performed on each iteration are passed as a block to the method.