Releases: adafruit/Adafruit_ImageReader
Releases · adafruit/Adafruit_ImageReader
No more TFT DMA in drawBMP(), had problems
2.0.2 TFT DMA in drawBMP() disabled; fix possible but complex, see comments
Fixed Typo in Readme, Added additional Image for 240x240
A small typo has been fixed in the Readme. Thanks for spotting it @Winfred-zz. An image was added for the 240x240 display.
Add support for SPI/QSPI filesystems, all examples updated
Merge pull request #12 from makermelissa/master Updated examples to work with new SdFat and SPIFlash changes
Add 1-bit BMP support
1.1.2 Add 1-bit BMP support
Updated SSD1331 Image Name
Updated SSD1331 Example Image Name to better reflect what the image actually is
Latest version of ESP8266 is now working
This release fixes an issue where the ESP8266 2.5.1 and later would not compile anymore.
This release also fixes the 160x128 example which wasn't working correctly due to an incorrect initialization sequence.
Fix PyPortal tft definition
1.0.10 Update
Example added for SSD1331 OLED
Example added for SSD1331 OLED Display
Added SSD1351 Example
Added an example for the SSD1351 Breakout
Use nonblocking DMA if available
1.0.7 Use non-blocking DMA to screen if available