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Digital & Public History |
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As a public historian, I find ways to make academically-oriented history accessible to the general public and involve communities in their local histories. My belief in the importance of public history enhances my approach to digital history. As a digital historian, I collaborate with colleagues, students, and the community to create digital projects. I am interested in exploring how digital history can intersect with public history and generate projects that conserve and interpret the past.
I serve on the editorial board of The Middle West Review, a digital-only peer-reviewed journal of Midwestern history, and serve on the digital content advisory board for The American Yawp, an online, free, collaboratively-written textbook of American History.
I'm also something of a scholar-hacker. I prefer plain text where ever possible and write scripts to make my workflow fit my needs. The posts here reflect my attempt to integrate plain text into my academic workflow, discuss programming in the humanities and its application to research, and digital history methods generally. Digital history provides historians new ways to think about historical causation and events through new research methods and visualizations.
- William F. Cody Archive: Digital archive for the Papers of William F. Cody, a partnership between the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities and the Buffalo Bill Historical Center.
- What Is Digital Humanities?: Perpetual answers to the perpetual question.
- The Digital History Project: Currently in development, the Digital History Directory will be a listing of digital scholars and serve as a place for others to learn about digital projects and connect with other scholars.
- The Rubyist Historian: Ruby Fundamentals for Humanists: A user's manual on the basics of Ruby programming for humanities scholars.
- FREQr: Word Frequency Generator: A Ruby command line word frequency generator.
- HStream: An iOS RSS reader dedicated to aggregating news about digital humanities.
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