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controlledLoadDescriptor.xml : Controlled Load

Marc Mueller-Stoffels edited this page Oct 5, 2017 · 3 revisions

For inherited tags that have not been modified please see the componentDescriptorInterface.xml documentation.

If a tag is inherited, but has been modified or limited in its use it is denoted with an * in the title.

childOf tag*

The childOf tag names the direct parent. For the controlledLoadDescriptor implementation this is loadDescriptor.

isRemoteCtrlAvailable tag

This tag describes if the unit is currently available for remote control.


value: boolean. TRUE if unit is available for remote control. Default is TRUE.

remoteCtrlPowerBand tag

This tag is a bin for the available real and reactive power band value in which remote control is possible. Note that the parent's discreteLoadLevels tag and subsequent attributes and tags have to be considered if the parent's isDiscrete tag is TRUE.

PMin, PMax, QMin, and QMax tags

Children of remoteCtrlPowerBand describe the real (P) and reactive (Q) upper (Max) and lower (Min) bounds of the available power levels for control. Each tag has a value attribute with default value 0, and units in the unit attribute of kW of kvar for P and Q respectively.

canUFLS tag

This tag describes if the unit is capable of (semi-) autonomous under-frequency load shedding (UFLS).


value: boolean. TRUE is UFLS is available. Default is FALSE.

tripUFLSFSetPnt tag

The frequency set point at which the unit will trip due to under-frequency.


value: the actual frequency set point. Default is 55 Hz.

unit: the units of the value tag. Units are Hz.

reconnectionTimePostUFLS tag

This tag describes the minimum time span before the unit will try to reconnect to the grid after it tripped on an UFLS event.


value: the minimum time before reconnect attempt. Default is 600 s.

unit: the units of the value tag. Units are seconds (s).

canUVLS tag

This tag describes if the unit is capable of (semi-) autonomous under-voltage load shedding (UFLS).


value: boolean. TRUE is UVLS is available. Default is FALSE.

tripUVLSVSetPnt tag

The voltage (phase to neutral) set point at which the unit will trip due to under-frequency.


value: the actual voltage set point. Default is 260 V.

unit: the units of the value tag. Units are V.

reconnectionTimePostUVLS tag

This tag describes the minimum time span before the unit will try to reconnect to the grid after it tripped on an UVLS event.


value: the minimum time before reconnect attempt. Default is 600 s.

unit: the units of the value tag. Units are seconds (s).

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