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WindTurbine Class

jbvandermeer edited this page Oct 2, 2018 · 4 revisions

This describes one wind turbine.

Input Variables

wtgID: The wind turbine ID, which should be an integer.

windSpeedDir: The directory where the windspeed file is saved.

wtgState: The initial wind turbine operating state, 0 - off, 1 - starting, 2 - online.

timeStep: The length of the simulation time steps in seconds.

wtgDescriptor: The wind turbine descriptor XML file. This should be a string with a path and file name relative to the project folder, e.g., /InputData/Components/wtg1Descriptor.xml.

timeSeriesLength: the number of steps in the simulation.

runTimeSteps: The timesteps to run. This can be 'all', an integer that the simulation runs up till, a list of two values of the start and stop indices, or a list of indices of length greater than 2 to use directly. Defualt is 'all'.


wtgDescriptorParser(self, windSpeedDir, wtgDescriptor): This opens and parses the wind turbine descriptor XML file and saves the information in local variables. It also calls getWP in order to convert the time series of wind speeds to wind power and save to a local variable.

getWP(self,PCpower,PCws,windSpeed, wsScale): Converts a a time series of wind speeds and a power curve into a time series of wind power. It uses interger list indexing because of its speed. PCws is an integer list of wind speeds scaled by 1/wsScale m/s. In other words, values in windSpeed are multiplied by wsScale in order to get values in m/s. PCpower is the corresponding integer list of wind turbine power, in kW. windSpeed is a list of windspeeds in m/s.

checkOperatingConditions(self): Updates the run time of the wind turbine and the spilled wind power. A counter keeps track of the kWh of spilled wind power within a defined amount of time. If it goes above a certain threshold, a flag is set which will initiate the generator scheduler in the powerhouse.

getWtgPAvail(self): Updates the value of the local variable wtgPAvail, which is the maximum output power available from this wind turbine. If it is online, it is equal to the current step value of its wind power time series. Otherwise it is zero.

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