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WindTurbine Class

jbvandermeer edited this page Oct 2, 2018 · 4 revisions

This describes one wind turbine.

Input Variables

wtgID: The wind turbine ID, which should be an integer.

windSpeedDir: The directory where the windspeed file is saved.

wtgState: The initial wind turbine operating state, 0 - off, 1 - starting, 2 - online.

timeStep: The length of the simulation time steps in seconds.

wtgDescriptor: The wind turbine descriptor XML file. This should be a string with a path and file name relative to the project folder, e.g., /InputData/Components/wtg1Descriptor.xml.

timeSeriesLength: the number of steps in the simulation.

runTimeSteps: The timesteps to run. This can be 'all', an integer that the simulation runs up till, a list of two values of the start and stop indices, or a list of indices of length greater than 2 to use directly. Defualt is 'all'.


wtgDescriptorParser(self, windSpeedDir, wtgDescriptor):

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