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InputHandler Read Data

tawnamorgan edited this page Oct 8, 2018 · 5 revisions



Cycles through a list of files in CSV format and imports them into a single dataframe.


inputDict: [Dictionary] with attribute of fileName and attributes needed in readAvecCSV (see below).


pandas.DataFrame with data from all input files.



Calls the appropriate read method (CSV or MET) and compiles these data into a standardized data frame.


inputSpecification: [String] indicating the input format of the data. Currently the only recognized input is 'AVEC'.

fileLocation: [String] The directory where the data files are stored. It is either absolute or relative to the GBS project InputData directory. Default is the InputData directory.

fileType: [String]The file type of input data files. All files of this type will be read from the fileLocation directory. Default is 'csv'.

columnNames: [List of String] Is a list of column names (taken from the header in the input data files) that will be read and returned in the output. It can be a list of names of column indices. Note that indexing starts from 0. If not defined, all columns will be returned.

useNames: [List of String] Is a list of the same size as columnNames. It has a list of the variable names to be used instead of the names in the header from the files. These names must correspond to implementations of the componentDescriptor files.

componentUnits: [List of String] Is a list of the units corresponding to the columnNames for the input data. It is used to convert the data to the standard units used internally in the model.

componentAttributes: [List of String] Is the attribute being measured, for example, P (power) 'WS(wind speed) etc. The naming convention is listed in the 'netCDF Naming Conventions.pdf' file located inMicroGRIDS\Resources\Conventions`


[pandas.DataFrame] with the data read from the input files.

[list of Components] including names, units, attribute, scale and offset.



Imports all MET data files in a folder and converts parameters to a dataframe. Assumes MET files consist of header information and data records. A Langevin estimator us used to fill in timesteps between records.


inputDict: [Dictionary] a dictionary containing file location, datetime and channel information.


[Dictionary] a dictionary of files that were read. [pandas.DataFrame] the resulting dataframe of values is returned.

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