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252 lines (199 loc) · 11.2 KB

File metadata and controls

252 lines (199 loc) · 11.2 KB



  • [New Feature]
  • [Bug Fix]
  • [Breaking Change]
  • [Documentation]
  • [Internal]
  • [Polish]


  • Internal
    • Add missed webpack loader preset for browser dist


  • Internal
    • Update babel modules to fix issue with async/await in loose mode (#271)
    • Add babel transformations to support IE8 (#272)


  • Internal
    • Remove deprecated React warnings from tests


  • Bug Fix
    • Fix with requiring babel-runtime plugin


  • Internal
    • Added support for React 0.14.x
    • Update Babel to latest version
    • Fixed failing build tests
    • README updates


  • Bug Fix
    • registerAll(action, handler) is effectively the same as registerAllAsync(action, null, handler, null) @hugobessaa


  • Bug Fix
    • Higher-order component wasn't passing through props @Blitz2145


  • New Feature
    • Flux#createActions() will now also accept a plain JavaScript object instead of an Actions class.


  • New Feature


  • Bug Fix
    • Squash Chrome Uncaught (in promise) errors once and for all (hopefully). Big thanks to @johanneslumpe.


  • Bug Fix
    • Yet another attempt to deal with asynchronous error handling in a sane way. Previously, errors in store handlers were being swallowed. This should fix that problem.


  • New Feature


  • Bug Fix
    • Fix connectToStores HoC to pass state instead of props.


  • New Feature
    • New higher-order component connectToStores, because why not. It works just like FluxComponent.


  • Bugfix
    • Switch back to using cloneWithProps() instead of cloneElement() to fix context passing with FluxComponent. See this issue for an explanation.


  • Bugfix
    • Add dummy handler to internal promise to prevent false warnings.


  • New Feature
    • Flux is passed as second parameter to custom render function of FluxComponent.
    • New Store method getStateAsObject() is used inside default state getters for connectToStores(). This should be overridden alongside Store.assignState().
    • New prop stateGetter for FluxComponent. (@tappleby)
    • Store no longer warns if setState() called outside dispatch handler. There are some valid reasons you may want to do this, primarily tests.
  • Internal
    • Updated dependencies.


  • Bug Fix
    • Add Store.assign() workaround for TypeScript, since it doesn't support extending static methods. (@ivw)


  • New Feature
    • Transactional state updates: this.setState(state => ({ foo: + 1 })).
    • A new static method Store.assignState() can be overridden to customize the top-level state type.
    • Custom rendering in FluxComponent. Pass a function as the render prop.
  • Breaking Change
    • FluxComponent and fluxMixin require React 0.13.
    • Stores no longer use empty object as default state. Default state is null, like React.
    • The array form of connectToStore() accepts a single state getter as the second parameter, which is passed an array of stores corresponding to the passed keys.
    • State getters are no longer auto-bound to the component. Props are passed as the second parameter.
    • Directly-nested FluxComponents warn about mismatched parent and owner context. Not sure how to fix this yet, but it will work because of prop transfer, anyway. To avoid the warning, use render prop instead.
    • connectToStores() no longer checks if component is mounted before updating, since isMounted() is deprecated in React 0.13. 99% of the time, this shouldn't be a problem, and it's easily worked around using the render prop. Let me know if this is a serious issue for you.
    • FluxComponent updates in componentWillReceiveProps() instead of componentDidUpdate(), preventing extra render.
  • Internal
    • Remove undocumented method Store#getState().
    • Favor const over let.

Big thanks to @tappleby, @hugobessaa, @gaearon, @emmenko, @ariabuckles, and everyone else who submitted a PR or an issue or contributed in any way.


  • Bug Fix
    • Small update to async actions so returned promise does not reject due to errors that occur in store handlers.


  • New Features
    • Store#forceUpdate() like React


  • Bug Fix
    • Fix requiring normal React instead of React with addons in FluxComponent.


  • Bug Fix
    • Fix bug when single item array is child of FluxComponent. #53


  • Internal
    • Updated tests to be compatible with React 0.13. Should be ready for final 0.13 release.
    • Lint with eslint and babel-eslint.
  • Polish
    • Wrapped warnings in environment checks so they can be stripped in production, like React. #52


  • Bug Fix
    • Performing an action that hasn't been added to a Flux instance now warns instead throwing an error. #46


  • New Features
    • Flux emits an error event when errors occur as the result of an async action. This includes errors that occur inside the actions themselves and errors that occur in response to store state changes -- previously, these were being swallowed by the async action's promise, which made it difficult to debug. #50
    • Action return values are now returned to the original caller, in addition to being dispatched. #46


  • New Features
    • TestUtils, for simulating actions to test store handlers. #44 Thanks, @tappleby!


  • New Features
    • Flux emits dispatch event on dispatch, with payload passed to listeners.


  • New Features
    • Flux#removeAllStoreListeners() removes all listeners from all stores.
  • Bug Fix
    • FluxComponents with multiple children no longer improperly output a string. #39 @K4orta
  • Internal
    • Updated Babel to 4.3.0


  • Bug Fix
    • Check if FluxComponent is mounted before updating. #36 @conradz


  • New Feature
    • Extra props set on FluxComponent will be injected into children. This lets you nest FluxComponents, so store getters on an inner FluxComponent can use props retrieved by an outer FluxComponent.
    • FluxComponent no longer wraps a single child in a span. It only wraps if there are multiple children.
  • [Documentation]
    • Add sections clarifying how to access flux instance (e.g. to perform actions) using fluxMixin/FluxComponent


  • New Feature
    • getStoreState() in fluxMixin returns current combined state of connected stores.
  • Bug Fix
    • fluxMixin/FluxComponent will now updated when a prop change is detected, but not state. #29
  • Documentation
    • Add API docs for fluxMixin and FluxComponent. Included section explaining why a "key" prop should be passed to components that implement fluxMixin.


  • Bug Fix
    • Fix React peer dependency version so it works on 0.13


  • New Feature
    • createActions() and createStores() now return the new Store/Actions instance. #4 @tappleby


  • Bug Fix
    • Fixes bug with array form of connectToStores(). #4 Thanks, @tomusher


  • New Feature
    • Store#registerAsync() for doing optimistic updates in response to asynchronous actions
    • FluxComponent and fluxMixin for easy React integration
  • Documentation
    • React integration guide
    • Minor updates
  • Internal
    • Updated dependencies
    • Testing on iojs, for jsdom compatibility

Thanks to @vesparny, @martintietz, @SimonDegraeve for your input on new features.


  • Bug Fix
    • Flux#deserialize() was passing entire state string to stores, instead of the state string for each specific store. Thanks @martintietz for catching this! #15
  • Internal
    • Removed file arrayIncludes.js, which was no longer being used.


  • New Feature
    • Store#register() now accepts either action ids or actions themselves.
  • Internal
    • Action ids are stored directly on the action instead of in a separate collection.


  • New Feature
    • Added browser build using webpack, mostly just so we can keep an eye on bundle size.
  • Documentation
    • Updated
    • Added explanation of enforced unidirectional data flow to
    • Added recommended libraries section
  • Internal
    • Removed dependency on ES6 polyfills to reduce bundle size. Library assumes global Promise.
    • Updated Makefile.


This release does introduce a few minor breaking changes... I contemplated bumping the version to 3.0, but the affected areas are such edge cases (undocumented and unsupported ones, at that) that I decided against it. The fact that the project is only, like, a week old was also a factor. In the future, as the API stablizes and matures, I'll try to be better about this.

The semver for this project is a little wacky, since the 1.0 version of this library existed for quite a while, but it was only ever used by me and was quite different in many ways. This is all a long-winded, extra cautious, apologetic way of me explaining why you should use (~) (or exact versions) for dependencies in your package.json file instead of the default (^) — not just for this package, but for all packages.

(See "Why Semantic Versioning Isn't":

  • New Feature
    • Serialization / Deserialization
    • Store#replaceState()
    • Added alias getConstants() for getActionIds()
    • Better warning messages.
  • Breaking Change
    • Calling an action only return promises if the original action method returns a promise. Before, all actions returned promises, even if they were synchronous.
    • Instantiating a base Store class will now throw an error. This is technically a "breaking" change, since you used to be able to do so, but it's certainly an edge case. More likely to break tests than actual code.
  • Documentation
    • API docs
  • Internal
    • Use spies to test warning messages.