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Day 21: Step Counter


I can admit when I'm wrong, and yesterday I was when I thought we had reached the low point of an otherwise excellent year of Advent puzzles. Today's part 1 had a good start, but then I lost interest with part 2, which you'll see in my solution to the puzzle.

Part One

In part 1, we are given a grid that represents a garden, with a starting position S, garden plots ., and rocks #. Our goal is to identify the number of distinct garden plots we could be standing on after taking 64 steps. Seems reasonable, so let's parse our data, returning a garden of format {:occupied [], :garden-plots #{}, :size n}.

(defn parse-garden [input]
  (let [all-points (p/parse-to-char-coords-map input)
        starting-point (first (first-when #(= \S (second %)) all-points))]
    {:occupied [starting-point]
     :garden-plots (set (keep #(when (= \. (second %)) (first %))
                              (assoc all-points starting-point \.)))
     :size         (inc (apply max (map ffirst all-points)))}))

First, we use parse-to-char-coords-map to build a map of {[x y] c}, and then we search for the coordinates of the point containing the value S as the starting point. :occupied is just a vector of that value, and :garden-plots finds all coordinates when the value is ., after we convert the starting-point into a . too. :size is the length of the garden, since we take as assumption that it is a square; this is necessary for part 2.

Next we want to take in a garden and return its state after taking each possible step from the currently occupied positions.

(defn take-step [garden]
  (let [{:keys [occupied garden-plots]} garden]
    (assoc garden :occupied (filter garden-plots (set (mapcat p/neighbors occupied))))))

take-step destructures the components of the garden argument, and calls (set (mapcat p/neighbors occupied)) to get a set of all possible points adjacent to the currently-occupied coordinates. Then (filter garden-plots points) removes all points that are rocks, which then (assoc garden :occupied points) places into the new state of the garden being returned.

And now we can build num-occupied-at-step to determine the number of occupied spaces after taking n steps.

(defn num-occupied-at-step [garden n]
  (->> (iterate take-step garden) (drop n) first :occupied count))

(defn part1 [input] (num-occupied-at-step (parse-garden input) 64))

We call (iterate take-step garden) to build an infinite sequence of garden states, dropping the first n values; since iterate returns the input value first, being the state before any steps, to get to the 64th step we have to drop 64 states, not 63. Then we simply call first to get the state we want, pull out the :occupied collection, and count the results. That means that part1 just parses the data and calls num-occupied-at-step with n equal to 64.

Part Two

If you want to understand why this solution works, feel free to read through the Reddit thread for an explanation of why the specific format of the data and some math works the way it does. I'm just going to provide the helper functions and give the step-by-step instructions on what I did to get my star, since I honestly don't care about this puzzle.

First, refactor take-step and num-occupied-at-step to accept a function to use when determining whether a neighboring coordinate is a garden plot.

(defn take-step [f garden]
    (let [{:keys [occupied garden-plots size]} garden]
      (assoc garden :occupied (filter (comp garden-plots #(f size %)) (set (mapcat p/neighbors occupied))))))

(defn num-occupied-at-step [f garden n]
  (->> (iterate (partial take-step f) garden) (drop n) first :occupied count))

Now before filtering on whether a coordinate pair is within the set of garden-plots, we first call (f size %) on the point, passing in the size of the garden. We'll see why when we compare how to resolve this for parts 1 and 2.

(defn part1-pred [_ p] p)
(defn part2-pred [size p] (mapv #(mod % size) p))

(defn part1 [input] (num-occupied-at-step part1-pred (parse-garden input) 64))

In part 1, we don't need any transformation, so part1-pred takes in the two arguments and just returns the point p. For part 2, since we'll have an infinite-sized garden, we'll call (mod % size) on both ordinates of the point to transpose the point back onto the original carden and its garden-plots.

Now we build the input string we'll need on a website that does mathematical calculations for you.

(defn wolfram-alpha-string [input]
  (let [garden (parse-garden input)]
    (str "{{0, " (num-occupied-at-step garden 65)
         "}, {1, " (num-occupied-at-step garden 196)
         "}, {2, " (num-occupied-at-step garden 327) "}}")))

We need to call num-occupied-at-step on three values - 65 (the distance from the middle of the graph to the end), 196 (65 + 131 where 131 is the width of everyone's graph), and 327 (65 + (2 * 131)). This function does a little string manipulation we'll need to get our answer, so for my input string, this function returns {{0, 3802}, {1, 33732}, {2, 93480}}".

Then, follow these steps:

  1. Go to WolframAlpha's Quadratic Fit page, and in the input box labeled "data set of y values," paste the output string from wolfram-alpha-string without the double quotes. Click the "Compute" button.
  2. The output will provide an equation under "Least-squares best fit." Mine was 14909 x^2 + 15021 x + 3802.
  3. Plug the puzzle input value of 26501365 in to that equation to get your answer.

Enjoy whatever the hell that was. Fingers crossed that this season will redeem itself in the last 3.5 days!