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Day 15: Lens Library


What a delightfully simple and straightforward puzzle today! Thanks, Eric, for a little relief on day 15.

Part One

We are given a long string of comma separated characters, for which we need to calculate a hash function whose values we sum together. We can't implement a function called hash because that's part of the clojure.core namespace, so we'll call it HASH to match the puzzle storyline.

(defn HASH [s] (reduce #(-> %1 (+ (int %2)) (* 17) (mod 256)) 0 s))

There's not much to it. Because Clojure can treat a string like a sequence of characters, we can use reduce with an input of s, initialized to 0 and then calculate through it. (int %2) coerces a character into its ASCII int value, but the rest should be easy enough to read.

Now we can zoom right to the part1 function.

(defn part1 [input] (transduce (map HASH) + (str/split input #",")))

There we go. Split the input by commas, use the (map HASH) transducer, and add together the results. Yes, the first part of this puzzle took 2 lines of code.

Part Two

In this part, we no longer treat each comma-separated substring as just a bunch of characters, but rather an instruction with two or three parts - the label of a lens, the operation (set/replace or remove), and the focal length of a lens if the operation is to set/replace. So first, let's parse the input into a sequence of [op label len?]. As usual, I want to work with magic literals as little as possible, so op will be either :set or :remove. Note also that I reorder the data because after parsing the input, it makes more sense to see the operator first. Good lord, I've been working with a LISP for too long.

(defn parse-instructions [input]
  (map #(let [[_ label op focal-length] (re-matches #"(\w+)([=-])(\d*)" %)]
          [({"-" :remove, "=" :set} op), label, (parse-long focal-length)])
       (str/split input #",")))

To start, we map over the comma-separated strings, as in part 1. The let macro binds the results of using a regex on each string, where the label has only word characters, the operator is either a dash or an equals, and len is numeric. Since the first response element of re-matches (due to Java's Matcher class) is the entire string, we skip that binding and work with the rest. ({'-' :remove, '=' :set} op) converts the dash or equals into the keyword we'll use later, and parse-long creates a numeric value from the numeric string; calling (parse-long "") returns nil, which is fine for our purposes. I don't mind seeing [:remove "foo" nil] enough to force it to be a smaller vector.

Next, we implement process-instructions, which takes in a sequence of instructions and returns the map of the box number (from 0 to 255) to its vector of lenses, each of form [label focal-length].

(defn process-instructions [instructions]
  (reduce (fn [acc [op label len]]
            (let [box (HASH label)
                  idx (index-of-first #(= label (first %)) (acc box))]
              (case [op (some? idx)]
                [:set false] (update acc box conj [label len])
                [:set true] (assoc-in acc [box idx 1] len)
                [:remove false] acc
                [:remove true] (update acc box #(into (subvec % 0 idx) (subvec % (inc idx)))))))
          (into {} (map vector (range 256) (repeat [])))

This is a simple reduce function over the parsed instructions, where the accumulated state begins as a map of each box ID (0 to 255) to an empty vector. We destructure each instruction into its op, label, and optional len. Then we use HASH to calculate the right box for the label, and use index-of-first to find the index in that box of the lens with the matching label, if any. To pick the action to apply, I thought it would be fun to use the case function, which is like Java's switch expression. In this function, we use (case [op (some? idx)]) to match against a two-element vector of the operator and whether a lens with the correct label currently exists in the box. For [:set false], this is a new lens in the box, so (update acc box conj [label len]) adds the vector [label len] to the existing collection for the boxFor [:set true], we need to replace the focal-length of the existing lens, so (assoc-in acc [box idx 1] len) find the existing lens at index [box idx], and then changes its length (the second element of [label focal-lenth]). For [:remove false], the instruction is to remove a lens that's not within the box, so we can just return the unchanged acc. And for [:remove true], we need to remove the lens from the box's vector; there's no built-in function in Clojure to do it, so (into (subvec % 0 idx) (subvec % (inc idx))) gets the job done by appending the vector starting after the index being removed onto the vector before that index.

To get the total-focusing-power of the boxes, we'll have to make slightly more complex transducer than we normally do.

(defn total-focusing-power [boxes]
  (transduce (mapcat (fn [[box lenses]]
                       (map-indexed (fn [idx [_ len]] (* (inc box) (inc idx) len)) lenses)))
             + boxes))

As expected, we're transducing over the boxes that come out of process-instructions, and we transform each box into a sequence of each lens's focusing power, combining them together using +. Remembering that boxes is a map of the form {box-id [[label1 len1] [label2 len2]]}, we can use mapcat on boxes on each sequence of box-id and internal lenses. Then we use map-indexed for each lens within that box so that we can multiply together the box-id and lens's index (both incremented to be 1-indexed) with the focal length.

We're ready to finish!

(defn part2 [input] (-> input parse-instructions process-instructions total-focusing-power))

It's just what we'd expect - take the input, parse it, run the instructions, and get the focusing power.

Rewrite using vectors

My go-to data structure in Clojure is the almighty map, but we could have also implemented part 2 using vectors. Granted, vectors and maps are essentially the same data structure under the hood, but they look different. Or do they? Let's see how process-instructions and total-focusing-power look with vectors instead of maps.

(defn process-instructions [instructions]
  (reduce (fn [acc [op label len]]
            (let [box (HASH label)
                  idx (index-of-first #(= label (first %)) (acc box))]
              (case [op (some? idx)]
                [:set false] (update acc box conj [label len])
                [:set true] (assoc-in acc [box idx 1] len)
                [:remove false] acc
                [:remove true] (update acc box #(into (subvec % 0 idx) (subvec % (inc idx)))))))
          (vec (repeat 256 []))                                   ; Different initializer

(defn total-focusing-power [boxes]
  ; This function had to change to use reduce-kv, where `box` (the vector's index) is the key
  (reduce-kv (fn [acc box lenses] (transduce (map-indexed (fn [idx [_ len]] (* (inc box) (inc idx) len))) + acc lenses))

The only difference in process-instructions with a vector is that it gets initialized to a vector of 256 empty vectors, as opposed to a map of 256 empty vectors. That's it. The rest of the function works exactly the same way. Now total-focusing-power has to switch from using transduce to something that lets the code see both the value in each box as well as its index. reduce-kv does this nicely, since a vector is simply a map where the key is just the vector's index. Since we have to accumulate as we go, it makes sense to add each focusing power to the accumulator; lo and behold, using transduce within the reduce function fits the bill perfectly!

So, which is better? I don't know. I suppose the vector solution is a bit easier to interpret since reduce-kv is a pretty way to get to the vector's index and its values, but we accomplish the same thing with the map version if we first sort the [key value] entries by their keys.

; This is the vector version
(defn total-focusing-power [boxes]
  (reduce-kv (fn [acc box lenses] (transduce (map-indexed (fn [idx [_ len]] (* (inc box) (inc idx) len))) + acc lenses))

; This is the map version, identical except for the `(sort-by first boxes)` as the data fed in.
(defn total-focusing-power [boxes]
  (reduce-kv (fn [acc box lenses] (transduce (map-indexed (fn [idx [_ len]] (* (inc box) (inc idx) len))) + acc lenses))
             (sort-by first boxes)))

I guess I'll keep the map version since I wrote it first. But this is part of what I love about Clojure's datatypes and strong focus on immutability - it can be nearly trivial to swap between lists/sequences, vectors, maps, and sets. Entire algorithms barely get affected by changing types, even when significant features like indexes are critical.