Today's puzzle felt trivial to me, which was well-timed since I had a friend looking over my shoulder while I was working the puzzle! I'm sure that part 2 is supposed to be a performance challenge with large numbers, but either because my code was really optimized (doubt it) or Clojure does some clever things (more likely), I didn't need to refactor anything.
We're given a list of boat races, with their total times and the greatest distance ever recorded for that race in
the past, and we need to calculate the product of all hold times we can set such that we'll beat the record. Because
the data set is small and simple, I didn't write any parse logic, and instead just passed in a vector of the races as
2-element subvectors of [time best-distance]
First, we'll calculate the distance moved in a race, given the total-time
allocated and the hold-time
chosen. The
velocity will simply be the hold-time
, which we multiply with the remaining seconds not spent holding, thus
(- total-time hold-time)
(defn distance-moved [total-time hold-time]
(* hold-time (- total-time hold-time)))
Then we'll return the collection of all possible distances we could have for the given total-time
. This just means
mapping distance-moved
over all reasonable hold-times
, being everything from 1 to 1 less than the total-time
(defn all-distances [total-time]
(map #(distance-moved total-time %) (range 1 total-time)))
Finally, we calculate the number of winning options for the given race, meaning all of the calculated distances that are greater (further) than the previous best.
(defn num-winners [total-time previous-best]
(c/count-when #(> % previous-best) (all-distances total-time)))
Now we can implement the simple part1
function, which as usual is a transducer. We take all of the races
passed in,
calculate num-winners
for each, and multiply the results together to get the answer.
(defn part1 [races]
(transduce (map (fn [[time best]] (num-winners time best))) * races))
For part 2, we combine the values from the input to make a single race to run, with very large input values. My
distance measured in the mid-trillions, so I expect that naively using the part1 code would cause
overflows or at least take too long. Not so with my solution in Clojure. All I did was call num-winners
with the
large inputs, and the correct answer came out in about 1.8 seconds. Victory!
My friend asked if there was anything reasonable we could do to optimize the running time to get it to be under 1
second. My thought after looking at some data sets was that the distances would increase until hitting a peak or
plateau (hereafter referred to as the peak), and then the values would mirror the previously-increasing values. In
other words, if we can measure the peak, we can stop calculating distance-moved
once we measure a distance lower than
the previously-calculated one.
Imagine we draw our hold times on a horizontal lines, where o
means a loser, >
is a winner with a larger distance
than the previous one, -
is a winner with the same distance as the previous one, and <
is a winnder with a smaller
distance than the previous one. We'll start counting the number of winners from the first one until the end of the
peak, while also recording the size of the peak itself. Once we hit a decreasing value, we know the total number of
winners, being twice the size of num-winners
, minus the size of peak
since we don't want to count it twice. Here
is a visual to show this:
Given that, we'll discard the all-distances
function and rewrite num-winners
(defn num-winners [total-time previous-best]
(reduce (fn [[num-winners last-dist count-at-top] hold-time]
(let [dist' (distance-moved total-time hold-time)
num-winners' (+ num-winners (if (> dist' previous-best) 1 0))]
(< last-dist dist') [num-winners' dist' 1]
(= last-dist dist') [num-winners' dist' (inc count-at-top)]
:else (reduced (+ num-winners num-winners (- count-at-top))))))
[0 0 1]
(range 1 total-time)))
We're reducing over all reasonable hold times in (range 1 total-time)
again, but we plan to short-circuit the
reduction. The accumulator is a 3-tuple of the number of winners found (default to 0), the distance covered by the last
hold time (default to 0), and the count of hold times at the peak (default to 1). Then for each hold time, we
calculate the distance-moved
and possibly increment the next num-winners'
. Finally, we compare the previous
distance to the current one. If we're incrementing, the new accumulator uses the new num-winners'
, the new dist'
and keeps the count-at-top
at 1 since there's a new value. If the distance didn't change, we're on the peak, so
use num-winners'
and dist
, but increment count-at-top
since there's another value at the max distance.
Otherwise, we've left the peak, so we can use reduced
to short-circuit our way out of the reduce
function. As shown
in the diagram above, the new value is twice num-winners
minus count-at-top
Making this change drops the running time of the large dataset in part 2 by about two-thirds, and a <500 ms response time is just lovely to me.
When my friend and I were working on the problem, I had written down on paper that there may be another way to express
, since if h=hold-time
and t=total-time
, then my function as math would be h*(t-h)
which could
be represented as th-h^2
. I thought "huh, that's interesting but harder to read," and I left it alone.
Before going to bed, I was thinking more about the data and the fact that it was parabolic in nature, increasing to a certain level before dropping back down again, but again I didn't figure out what to do about it.
Then this morning, I realized that we were so close, and that if I looked at the function with p=previous-best
or -h^2+th-p>0
then we had the quadratic formula! All I'd need to do is calculate the quadratic factors of
the equation to find the lowest and highest values that solved the equation, and manipulate them slightly to work with
integers instead of doubles. So let's do that!
; abyala.advent-utils-clojure.math namespace
(defn quadratic-roots [a b c]
(map (fn [op] (/ (op (- b) (m/sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c)))) (* 2 a)))
[+ -]))
The factors of a quadratic equation are (-b +- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a
. So I mapped +
and -
to the rest of the function,
which returns our values, or the "y-intercepts" in the algebraic sense. I put this function into my common
repository within the math
Armed with this and our equation -h^2+th-p>0
, rewriting num-winners
is really quite simple.
(defn num-winners [total-time previous-best]
(let [[low-root high-root] (sort (m/quadratic-roots -1 total-time (- previous-best)))
low (inc (int low-root))
high (dec (int (ceil high-root)))]
(inc (- high low))))
We calculate the quadratic roots and sort them, binding the two values of type double
into low-root
and high-root
These values represent the values that equal zero, but we only want hold times that exceed
the previous best time.
So the lowest acceptable hold time is one greater than the integer value of low-root
, and the highest acceptable hold
time is one lower than the integer value of the ceiling of high-root
; if the high-root
were 5.6, then 5 would be the
highest hold time. Then to count the number of winners, it's the difference between high
and low
, but we increment
the value again since both values are inclusive.
The result is a tiny and lightning fast solution. Hooray for math!