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Day 03: Gear Ratios


For some reason, I struggled to find a pretty data structure that I liked for this puzzle, but I think this is reasonably easy to read and the performance is good, so I'm going with it.

Also, this is the first year I've created a separate Advent Of Code utilities repo in GitHub, so in theory I can stop copy-pasting namespaces from year to year. So I copied my point namespace over as-is, and made one other tiny addition to the new core convenience namespace, which I'll show below. But at least this year I learned how to use the deps.edn build file to import one Clojure project into another!

Part One

The input is a map of multi-digit numbers, empty spaces (represented as periods), and other symbols. Our task is to identify the numbers, keeping only the ones that have at least one symbol surrounding it (cardinally or diagonally), and add those numbers together.

I looked at multiple ways to represent the data, and one option I considered but didn't implement was treating each number as a box of height 1. I think that might result in a cleaner solution, but I'd probably need to make a new namespace box that leverages point, and I just didn't feel like it. So instead, I chose to represent each number as a map of {:value v :points #{p1 p2 p3}}, where the value is the actual numerical value, and points is the set of all [x y] points covered by that number. To do this, I implemented the parse-numbers function.

Oh, I also decided to parse the input twice, once for numbers and once for symbols. Deal with it!

(defn parse-numbers
  ([input] (transduce (map-indexed #(parse-numbers %2 %1)) concat (str/split-lines input)))
  ([input] (->> (str/split-lines input)
                (map-indexed #(parse-numbers %2 %1))
                (apply concat)))
  ([line y] (let [m (re-matcher #"\d+" line)]
              (loop [acc ()]
                (if (.find m)
                  (recur (conj acc {:value  (parse-long (.group m))
                                    :points (set (map #(vector % y) (range (.start m) (.end m))))}))

Since I knew I would be parsing the input twice, I made parse-numbers multi-arity. The 1-argument instance takes in the entire input data, and the 2-argument instance parses a single line. In the 1-argument function, we transduce the input after splitting it by line, transforming it by calling the 2-argument instance with the line string and the line number, and then collecting the results by concatenating them into a single sequence of numbers. To parse each line of text into a collection of numbers, I used regular expressions again, this time leveraging Java's stateful Matcher class. Mutable state in Clojure is ugly and this code really showcases why we don't like it. Anyway, we create the matcher m and the run a loop to accumulate the results as we mutate it. Whenever Matcher.find() returns true, we can call .group to get its value, .start to get the starting index in the string, and .end to get the exclusive ending index. From this, we can form the :value of the number by parsing the .group value, and we can make the :points set by creating vectors from each x value in the start-to-end range, plus the y value passed in as a function argument. When we loop and Matcher.find() returns false, we return the accumulator. Foreshadow: later in this document, I write my own lazy Clojure wrapper to conceal this ugly Java-ish code.

Now that that's done, we can parse the symbols. The target is another collection of maps of {:value \* :point [x y]}. This one is easier to handle.

(defn space? [c] (= c \.))
(defn engine-symbol? [c] (not (or (digit? c) (space? c))))

(defn parse-symbols [input]
  (keep (fn [[p v]] (when (engine-symbol? v) {:value v :point p}))
        (p/parse-to-char-coords-map input)))

First I created two convenience functions for readability. space? checks of a character is a period, meaning we can ignore it. And engine-symbol? returns whether or not the character can be considered a symbol; I didn't call this function symbol? because that's part of the Clojure core namespace. And since I mentioned it above, there's actually a third convenience function of digit?, which wraps Java's Character/isDigit function so it's easier to use. Anyway, I use my point namespace's convenient parse-to-char-coords-map function that I've used in past years, which parses a grid and returns a map of each [x y] coordinate to its character value. Then the keep function checks if the value within the map is an engine symbol, and if so, returns our {:value :point} map. Very simple.

The last major function is symbol-adjacencies, which is intended to associate an additional :adjacent-numbers key into the engine symbols to represent every number (the whole thing, not just the numeric value) that's adjacent to each symbol.

(defn symbol-adjacencies [symbols numbers]
  (map (fn [{:keys [point] :as m}]
         (let [surr (p/surrounding point)]
           (assoc m :adjacent-numbers (filter #(some (:points %) surr) numbers))))

This function just calls map on each element of the symbols collection, calling assoc to create the new key binding. For the value of this :adjacent-numbers collection, we'll call filter on the parsed numbers. Here we use one of my favorite Clojure tricks, where a set can act as a function - (some (:points %) surr) says that if there is some value in the points surrounding the symbol is contained within the set of points within the number, then return a truthy value. We don't have to use a contains or in function or anything like that.

Fun fact - when I first wrote this function, I called (p/surrounding point) within my filter function, and that made the entire algorithm take 10x as long. Hooray for timely optimizations!

Ok, it's time to solve the puzzle.

(defn part1 [input]
  (->> (symbol-adjacencies (parse-symbols input) (parse-numbers input))
       (mapcat :adjacent-numbers)
       (map :value)
       (apply +)))

We'll call symbol-adjacencies on the raw symbols and numbers, and then mapcat (flat map) all :adjacent-numbers to see which numbers are connected to any symbol. Since a number might touch two symbols, we convert them into a set of numbers, and then extract their values and add them together. Not bad.

Part Two

Now we need to look only at the symbols with an asterisk and which touch exactly two numbers, multiply the numbers together, and add them up. We've got everything we need already, so we can jump straight to the part2 function.

(defn part2 [input]
  (->> (symbol-adjacencies (parse-symbols input) (parse-numbers input))
       (keep (fn [{:keys [value adjacent-numbers]}] (when (and (gear-symbol value)
                                                               (= (count adjacent-numbers) 2))
                                                      (transduce (map :value) * adjacent-numbers))))
       (apply +)))

First we again have to create our symbol adjacencies; originally, I filtered the symbols to only look at gear symbols' adjacencies, but the performance didn't matter, so I went with the simpler view. Once we have the adjacencies, we call keep to restrict the symbols that are both gears and have 2 adjacent numbers, and then we transduce their so-called "gear ratios" by mapping each adjacent number to its :value and multiplying them together. Finally, we add the results.

Note: I did create a unified solve function for both parts 1 and 2, but it was hideous so I trashed it.

Refactored to stateless regex matcher

I really didn't like having to use Java's stateful Matcher class, so I Conjurized it. In my advent-utils-clojure repo, I added a new function re-matcher-seq into the core.clj namespace.

(defn re-matcher-seq
  "Returns a lazy sequence of maps from applying a regular expression `re` to the string `s`. Each returned map
  will be of form `{:value v, :start x, :end y}` where `:value` is the text value from the captured group, and
  `:start` and `:end` are the start and end indexes of that group's characters."
  [re s]
  (letfn [(next-value [m] (when (.find m)
                            (cons {:value (.group m), :start (.start m), :end (.end m)}
                                  (lazy-seq (next-value m)))))]
    (next-value (re-matcher re s))))

This function essentially does what my old parse-numbers function did, but now it hides away that yucky matcher. Using a hidden inner recursive function called next-value, it returns a lazy sequence of maps of the form {:value v, :start x, :end y}. Armed with this function, the 2-arity version of parse-numbers looks much simpler, doing a simple map instead of a loop-recur.

(defn parse-numbers
  ; Omitting the 1-arity version
  ([line y] (map (fn [{:keys [value start end]}] {:value (parse-long value)
                                                  :points (set (map #(vector % y) (range start end)))})
                 (re-matcher-seq #"\d+" line))))