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Day 01: Trebuchet?!


It's day 1 of Advent Of Code! And... part 2 took me a full hour to complete because I had a silly bug. Yep, a full hour. We're in for an adventure this year for sure!

Part One

We're given lines of text, each of which containing a "calibration value," being the concatenation of the first and last numeric digit within the text. Our job is to add together all of these calibration values. The bulk of the work, therefore, is coming up with a calibration-value function for each line of text.

Pretending I don't know what's coming up in part two, this isn't too tough.

(defn first-and-last [vals]
  [(first vals) (last vals)])

(defn calibration-value [s]
  (parse-long (apply str (first-and-last (re-seq #"\d" s)))))

We make a helper function first-and-last that returns a collection of the first and last elements within an input collection. Then calibration-value makes a sequence of numeric strings from the input s using a regular expression, grabs the first and last values, concatenates them into a string, and parses it into a number.

It took me a moment to remember that Clojure has the lovely juxt function, which merges one or more functions into a new one that applies each function to its input. Using that, we can inline first-and-last and give this a good second pass.

; Removed the first-and-last function
(defn calibration-value [s]
  (->> (re-seq #"\d" s)
       ((juxt first last))
       (apply str)

In this version, we again make a sequence of numeric strings using re-seq, use (juxt first last) to return a vector of those values, concatenate them, and parse them into a number. It's more lines of code with whitespace, but easier to understand. With that out of the way, the part1 function is easy:

(defn part1 [input]
  (transduce (map calibration-value) + (str/split-lines input)))

We're transducing on day 1! Starting with each line of the input, we map it with the calibration-value function, and then add the results together. Off we go to part 2.

Part Two

In this part, we have to be able to parse both numeric and alphabetic characters for each digit, so both 1 and one map to the value 1. Regular expressions are no longer the way to go. I did end up making a messy solution that used index-of and last-index-of with some collection sorting, but I didn't like it. (Note: my 1-hour bug was forgetting to use last-index-of instead of index-of when looking for the last digit in the string. This only showed up in my puzzle text; the sample data didn't reveal this issue.)

Then I rewrote the solution to use string replacements, but there's a catch they showcase in the example. In the sample string eightwothree, if the code replaces the string two with 2, then we're left with eigh2three, and the substitution of eight for 8 will fail because the t was removed as it was shared with two. We can accommodate for this by replacing two with two2two. That preserves all the letters on both sides of the number, in case any other number needs it. Let's write a function that does that.

(defn replace-numeric-strings [s]
  (reduce-kv (fn [acc idx name] (str/replace acc name (str name (inc idx) name)))
             ["one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six" "seven" "eight" "nine"]))

This function uses reduce-kv, which is a special form of reduce that expects the reduction collection to be some sort of key-value pair. In this case, I am passing in a vector of the numerical strings from one to nine, which can be interpretted as a map from the index (0-8) to the value within the vector (one to nine). Then for each key-value pair being reduced, we use the str/replace function, which calls Java's String.replace method under the hood. We want to look for the numeric string name, and replace each instance with the concatenation of that name to its incremented index in the vector (vectors are 0-indexed but we started with the string one), and then to the name again.

Finally, we put together the part1 and part2 functions, and anyone who's read my solutions before knows I like to make a common solve function because I'm trying to be clever.

(defn solve [f input]
  (transduce (map (comp calibration-value f)) + (str/split-lines input)))

(def part1 (partial solve identity))
(def part2 (partial solve replace-numeric-strings))

The solution is still a transducer which applies the calibration-value function onto each line of text and then adds them together, but now solve takes in an extra function to be run before calibration-value. For part 1, we don't want to do anything else, so we pass in identity. For part 2, we want to first call replace-numeric-strings. And thus we have a clean solution for day 1!

Alternate solution with index searches

My original solution for part 2, which is a bit longer than the one I kept, involved playing with String indexes instead of modifying each line of text. Let's see how that worked.

Knowing that the difference between parts 1 and 2 is whether we look for just numeric strings or also numeric names, let's start with two constants that represent sequences of tuples - the string to search for and the number it represents.

(def numbers (map vector (map str (range 10)) (range 10)))
(def numbers-and-names (into numbers (map vector ["one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six" "seven" "eight" "nine"]
                                          (range 1 10))))

numbers makes its sequence of vectors using the range of values from 0 to 9. The first element is (map str n) to stringify the number, and the second element is just the number. numbers-and-names adds additional values to the numbers sequence, this time mapping each name to its numeric value from 1 to 9.

Now we need to find the numeric value of the first number within each line of text, whether that is the 10 values in numbers or the 19 in numbers-and-names. We'll use index-of, which uses Java's String.index-of method, on each value within the passed-in search function argument, but we'll need to record both the index and the value of the number. Then we'll find the lowest index and use its value.

(defn find-first [s search]
  (->> search
       (keep (fn [[n v]] (when-let [idx (str/index-of s n)] [idx v])))

This function uses the keep function (equivalent of Kotlin's mapNotNull function) on each search vector. If it finds an index using str/index-of, it emits a new vector of [idx v] to show the first index that contained the numeric value. Then we sort the vectors, which sorts vectors in order of their elements, take the first one for the lowest index, and return the value in the second position.

When that's done, we'll also need find-last, which is almost identical.

(defn find-last [s search]
  (->> search
       (keep (fn [[n v]] (when-let [idx (str/last-index-of s n)] [idx v])))

Naturally, I don't like this duplication, so I refactored them to use a common find-digit function that expects the str-fn to use (index-of or last-index-of) and the seq-fn (first or last) within the sequence. find-first and find-last then become partial functions over find-digit.

(defn find-digit [str-fn seq-fn s search]
  (->> search
       (keep (fn [[n v]] (when-let [idx (str-fn s n)] [idx v])))

(def find-first (partial find-digit str/index-of first))
(def find-last (partial find-digit str/last-index-of last))

Now we can build our calibration-value function, which takes in the search space and the string to examine. Since find-first and find-last return numbers, rather than stringifying them again, I just multiply the first digit by 10 before adding it to the last digit.

(defn calibration-value [search s]
  (+ (* 10 (find-first s search)) (find-last s search)))

Finally, we can solve parts 1 and 2 together using the same transduce solution shown in part 1 above. Only now, instead of calling using the transformation function (map calibration-value) we'll need to pass that function the search space with (map #(calibration-value search %)). Then part1 uses numbers, and part2 uses numbers-and-names.

(defn solve [search input]
  (transduce (map #(calibration-value search %)) + (str/split-lines input)))
(def part1 (partial solve numbers))
(def part2 (partial solve numbers-and-names))