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Day One: Report Repair

Part 1

This problem requires reading a list of integers, finding the two that add up to the value 2020, and then returning the product of those numbers. Pretty straightforward problem.

My initial solution (foreshadowing!!) was to calculate this as a single function. As a convention for AoC, I tend to name the solution to each part part1 and part2, so it's easy to know what to look at. Clojure namespace files require compilation in order, so if function foo depends on function bar and they are in the same file, bar must appear first. This is quite a change from my Java or Kotlin code, where I like to put the most business-relevant, low-granulairty methods at the top and then the implementations below.

The first thing I want to do is parse the input. In this case, I'm expecting a single string of the integers, separated by new-lines. For my test data, I just copy-pasted the data from the website, and for the puzzle data, I stored the data in a file and use the slurp function to read it all in as a single string.

To parse the data, I use the wonderful thread-last macro ->>, which takes in a list of expressions, and supplies the result of each expression as the final value of the next expression. So if I wanted to take a numeric value x, square it, triple the result, and then add 1000, this is much easier to read with pipelining/threadng. Being able to read left-to-right, or top-to-bottom instead of inside-out makes Lisp much easier to work with:

; Without threading
(+ 1000 (* 3 (* x x)))

; or
(+ 1000
   (* 3
      (* x x)))

; With threading
(->> (* x x)
     (* 3)
     (+ 1000)))

So to parse the data, I use str/split-lines to break the string into a sequence of strings, separated by the newline character. Then I use the map function to apply the Integer/parseInt function to each value in the sequence, resulting in a sequence of integers. Note that this is the Integer/parseInt static Java method, so you can see the interop is pretty slick. I take the results and bind the result to the expenses symbol, which is lexically scoped. This is Clojure's equivalent of making a local variable within a method.

(let [expenses (->> (str/split-lines input)
                    (map #(Integer/parseInt %)))]

Next, I want to find all possible pairs of non-equal values, such that they add up to 2020. Once found, return them as a vector, or a two-element tuple. For this, we use Clojure's for function, which like the let macro, takes in a vector of bindings and an expression. Here I bind both x and y to the integer sequence created above, so this is pretty close to nested loops. The :when keyword allows filtering of the for bindings, so in this case I use it to restrict the pairs to those where x is smaller than y (to avoid duplicates) and where they add up to 2020. The evaluated value is just the vector [x y].

(for [x expenses
      y expenses
      :when (and (< x y)
                 (= 2020 (+ x y)))]
     [x y])

We're almost done. The for function returns a sequence of values, and in this case I know we only expect one value, so I wrap the results in the first function. That returns a single [x y] vector of integers, so all I need to do is multiply the values with each other. The apply function takes in 2 or more arguments, where the first is the function to apply, and the second is the container of values. So my function is just * for multiplication, and the expression is everything else I just computed. Put all together, the function looks like this:

(defn part1 [input]
    (let [expenses (->> (str/split-lines input)
                        (map #(Integer/parseInt %)))]
      (apply * (first (for [x expenses
                            y expenses
                            :when (and (< x y)
                                       (= 2020 (+ x y)))]
                        [x y])))))

But wait -- that last section looks all scary and nested. Can't we pipeline it? Sure we can!

(defn part1 [input]
  (let [expenses (->> (str/split-lines input)
                      (map #(Integer/parseInt %)))]
    (->> (for [x expenses
               y expenses
               :when (and (< x y)
                          (= 2020 (+ x y)))]
           [x y])
         (apply *))))

Part 2

This is essentially the same algorithm as part 1, except that we need three numbers to add up to 2020, instead of two. The easiest way to solve this is with a copy-paste job, adding in the third binding z go to along with x and y.

(defn part2 [input]
  (let [expenses (->> (str/split-lines input)
                      (map #(Integer/parseInt %)))]
    (->> (for [x expenses
               y expenses
               z expenses
               :when (and (< x y z)
                          (= 2020 (+ x y z)))]
           [x y z])
         (apply *))))


What I like to do with AoC problems, when feasible, is to refactor part 1 such that I get as much reuse as possible between parts 1 and 2. In this case, we can see that the only real difference is the desired length of the vectors of ints that add up to 2020 -- two for part 1, and three for part 2. Also, I want to be a good little functional programmer and pretend that the logic of adding up to 2020, or multiplying the result, could potentially have business meaning. So let's do some decomposition.

The first step is to create a function called permutations that takes in a desired sequence length and a sequence of data, and provide all permutations of data. So for (permutations 2 [3 4]) we should get back ((3 3) (3 4) (4 3) (4 4)). In theory, if part 3 of this problem asked for the 15 input values that add up to 2020, we shouldn't have to make a structural change to the design.

For this to work, we use the iterate function, which often can take the place of a reduce function. It takes in a function to apply and some initialization data, and it returns an infinite sequence of applying the function to the output of the previous iteration. Let's start with the initial data first - we use (map list data) which takes each value in the data sequence and turns it into a single element list. So (map list [1 2 3]) should return ((1) (2) (3)). This is a working base case; if I wanted all single-element tuples in a list, I would expect a list of single-element lists. Plus, (map list data) sounds like I'm confused about data types, but here map is the mapping function and list is a function to create a list. No confusion!

Then the iterate function needs to flatmap each input data value onto each of these lists. The Clojure equivalent of flatmap is mapcat, since we map a function to the input data, and then concatenate the values back into a list. In this case, the function uses the for function only once, since we want to add a single value to each incoming list, and we use the cons function to add an element to the front of another list. Note that since we don't care about ordering, let's favor the Clojure list instead of the vector, which means that the mapping function will add the new data to the head of the list.

The last piece is to take the nth value of the infinite sequence. Calling (nth f 0) would provide the input data, in this case a list of length 1, so we actually want to call (nth f (dec target-length)).

(defn permutations
  "Creates a list of lists, containing all permutations of the incoming data, each with
  the intended length."
  [length data]
  (nth (iterate
         (fn [d] (mapcat #(for [x data] (cons x %))
         (map list data))
       (dec length)))

Next, we'll make three tiny functions that explain the target functionality without getting bogged down in implementation. all-increasing? will make sure that all elements in a list are strictly increasing, so that we can keep values (10 2010) and throw out (2010 10). adds-to-2020? makes sure the values... add up to 2020. And product-of-all multiplies all values together.

What I like about these functions is the use of apply. Remember that apply applies a function to all following values. So where in Java you might need to say if ((x < y) && (y < z)), in Clojure you can say (if (< x y z)). Again, if we needed to look at a tuple of 15 values, the function doesn't change.

(defn all-increasing? [v] (apply < v))
(defn adds-to-2020?   [v] (= 2020 (apply + v)))
(defn product-of-all  [v] (apply * v))

Then we get to the key objective -- a nice solve function that we can share between parts 1 and 2. Let's put the pieces together. Using a thread-last pipeline, we split the input String by line, map each String value to an Integer, and calculate all permutations of those values given a target length. The keep function says to apply a mapping function and throw away the nulls, like Kotlin's mapNotNull. So here we say when we have a matching tuple, such that the values are all increasing and add to 2020, return the product. Finally, returning the first (and only?) value calculated.

(defn solve [length input]
  (->> (str/split-lines input)
       (map #(Integer/parseInt %))
       (permutations length)
       (keep #(when (and (all-increasing? %)
                         (adds-to-2020? %))
                (product-of-all %)))

We'll know we have a good solution if the part1 and part2 functions look pretty. Let's see if that's the case:

(defn part1 [input] (solve 2 input))
(defn part2 [input] (solve 3 input))

I think they won a freaking beauty contest. Day 1 complete with Clojure!