ansible localhost -m ping --> Pings the localhost
ansible localhost -m find -a "paths=<dir> file_type=<x>" --> Finds all type 'x' files in directory
ansible <group> -m -ping --> Pings all hosts in the group
ansible <group> -m setup | less --> Shows the host information
ansible <group> -m user -a "name=<name> password=<x>" --> Create a user
ansible <group> -m user -a "name=<name> state=absent" --> Delete a user
ansible-playbook x.yml --> Runs the playbook
> x.yml -v --> Runs the playbook with more details
> x.yml –e --> Passes variables to the playbook
> -i y.ini x.yml --> Runs with a different inventory
ansible-playbook x.yml –list-hosts --> Lists the hosts
ansible-playbook x.yml –list-tasks --> Lists the tasks
ansible-playbook x.yml –syntax-check --> Checks syntax of the playbook
ansible-playbook x.yml –e max_client=100 --> Sets the max_client in the playbook