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How to build all java sources to generate a fresh version of Platypus.js

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Folders structure

  • application -> All Platypus.js runtime with source files and target folders structure.

    • bin -> Empty folder. It is a place for Platypus.js components' *.jar files compiled by Platypus.js build.

    • lib -> Libraries used by Platypus.js runtime.

      • own -> Empty folder. It is a place for Platypus.js libraries' *.jar files compiled by Platypus.js build.

      • thirdparty -> Library jar files used by Platypus.js runtime. They are not compiled by the build.

    • src -> Java source of all Platypus.js parts, except browser client.

      • group -> Contains build.xml - Ant build scripts with subprojects for all Platypus.js runtime. Also it holds a NetBeans ant project and can be built with NetBeans IDE.

      • lib -> Source of Platypus.js libraries, compiled during the build.

      • components -> Source of Platypus.js components, compiled during the build.

  • designer -> Platypus IDE NetBeans RCP application.

  • hudsonci -> Hudson continious integration server configuration for building Platypus.js with installation packs.

  • installer -> NBI(NetBeans installer) project for Platypus.js.

  • web-client -> Sources and assets of Platypus.js browser client.

    • src

      • platypus -> Java Gwt sources. Also it contains Eclipse project and Ant build script (build.xml).

      • pwc_external -> Css, images and fonts assets.

To build Platypus.js, you need Ant, Java8, Gwt 2.7.0 for Platypus.js browser client and NetBeans 8.1+ for Platypus.js IDE.

  1. Cd to root Platypus.js download directory.
  2. Type ant "-Dlibs.javaee-web-api-7.0.classpath=/home/your-home-dir/apache-tomcat-8.0.30/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/your-home-dir/apache-tomcat-8.0.30/lib/websocket-api.jar" -f ./application/src/group/build.xml clean compile on the command line. This will build Platypus.js components and libraries and will put theirs *.jar files to ./application/bin and ./application/lib/own folders respectively. Note, that libs.javaee-web-api-7.0.classpath property points to JavaEE 7 Web profile libraries servlet-api.jar, and websocket-api.jar. It is not necessary, that they will be from Tomcat server. They may by taken from anywhere else. Moreover, these libraries may be combined into single file (for example javaee-web-api-7.0.jar from NetBeans).
  3. Type ant -f ./designer/build.xml clean build -Dnbplatform.default.harness.dir=/home/your-home-dir/your-netbeans-dir/harness/ -Dnbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir=/home/your-home-dir/your-netbeans-dir/ on the command line. This will build Platypus IDE and will put it to ./designer/build folder.
  4. Type ant -Ddestdir=../../../application/bin -Dgwt.sdk=/home/your-home-dir/gwt-2.7.0 -f ./web-client/src/platypus/build.xml clean build copy-dest on the command line. If you prefer not to have GWT obfuscate its output, then you can use the -Dstyle PRETTY flag. This will build Platypus.js browser client and will put it to ./application/bin/pwc folder.

Now you have got a fresh version of Platypus.js without installation packs.

To run Platypus IDE, type ant -f ./designer/run.xml run -Dnbplatform.default.harness.dir=/home/your-home-dir/your-netbeans-dir/harness/ -Dnbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir=/home/your-home-dir/your-netbeans-dir/ on the command line. Note, that such version of Platypus IDE uses ./designer/build/testuserdir folder as temporary user's profile directory and clean task of build script will erase it each time.

After starting Platypus IDE you should define path to compiled Platypus.js. Select Service -> Platypus.js and set path to /home/your-home-dir/your-Platypus.js-sources/application . Information about creating and running projects can be found on:

Super Dev Mode offers full java source maps within browser's debugger:

Type GWT_HOME='/home/your-home-dir/gwt-2.7.0/' java -classpath $GWT_HOME/gwt-codeserver.jar:$GWT_HOME/gwt-dev.jar:$GWT_HOME/gwt-user.jar -src /your-home-dir/your-Platypus.js-sources/web-client/src/platypus/src com.eas.application.Application to launch Super Dev Mode.