This document explains the derivation of the differentiation matrix based on Chebyshev nodes, which is useful for pseudospectral methods, interpolation, and solving boundary value problems.
Given ( n+1 ) Chebyshev nodes ( x_0, x_1, \dots, x_n ) (often taken as ( x_j = \cos\left(\frac{j\pi}{n}\right) ), ( j = 0, 1, \dots, n )), the Lagrange polynomial ( L_k(x) ) associated with each node is defined as:
[ L_k(x) = \prod_{\substack{0 \leq j \leq n \ j \neq k}} \frac{x - x_j}{x_k - x_j}. ]
Each ( L_k(x) ) is a polynomial of degree ( n ) that satisfies:
[ L_k(x_j) = \delta_{kj} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if} \ j = k, \ 0 & \text{if} \ j \neq k. \end{cases} ]
To obtain the differentiation matrix, we need to differentiate ( L_k(x) ), which can be written as:
[ L_k'(x) = \sum_{\substack{0 \leq j \leq n \ j \neq k}} \left( \prod_{\substack{0 \leq m \leq n \ m \neq k, m \neq j}} \frac{x - x_m}{x_k - x_m} \right) \cdot \frac{1}{x_k - x_j}. ]
This gives the derivative of the Lagrange polynomial ( L_k(x) ), but we are primarily interested in evaluating it at the Chebyshev nodes ( x_i ).
For Chebyshev nodes, we can simplify the derivative at node ( x_i ) (for ( i \neq k )) as:
[ L_k'(x_i) = \frac{(-1)^{i+k}}{x_i - x_k} \cdot \frac{c_i}{c_k}, \quad i \neq k, ]
- ( c_i = 2 ) for ( i = 0 ) and ( i = n ),
- ( c_i = 1 ) for all other nodes.
For the diagonal entries where ( i = k ), the derivative is:
[ L_k'(x_k) = -\sum_{j \neq k} L_k'(x_j). ]
We can now assemble the differentiation matrix ( D ) using the formulas above:
- For ( i \neq j ):
[ D_{ij} = \frac{(-1)^{i+j}}{x_i - x_j}, \quad i \neq j, ]
- For diagonal entries ( i = j ):
[ D_{ii} = -\sum_{j \neq i} D_{ij}. ]
This differentiation matrix can then be used for numerical differentiation of functions sampled at Chebyshev nodes.
Here’s an example code in MATLAB to compute the differentiation matrix for Chebyshev nodes:
function D = chebyshev_diff_matrix(n)
% Compute the Chebyshev nodes
x = cos(pi*(0:n)/n)';
% Compute the differentiation matrix
c = [2; ones(n-1,1); 2].*(-1).^(0:n)';
X = repmat(x,1,n+1);
dX = X - X' + eye(n+1);
D = (c*(1./c)')./(dX + eye(n+1));
% Set the diagonal elements
D = D - diag(sum(D,2));