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Welcome to my webpage. My name is Abhishek Tyagi. I am a First Year CS PhD student at the Univeristy of Rochester. I was previously a Hardware Engineer working with Samsung Research & Development Institute, Bangalore India.
My [research interest](/Blog/research_int/Refined_Research Interest.html) lies in Computer Architecture with current emphasis on designing efficient systems for emerging applications like Deep Neural Networks, Genomic Sequencing etc. In my pursuit of getting acquainted with various approaches taken towards hardware accelerators for machine learning workloads, I have reviewed a few articles and have been keeping their short-summaries (reviews) here.
You can find my CV here(last updated: Jun 2020)
-PhD Student in Computer Science at the University of Rochester (Jan 2021 - Present)
- B.Tech in Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University (formerly Delhi College of Engineering) (Aug 2013 - May 2017)
- Graduated with 74.37 % [Ist Class, missed Hons. by 0.6% :( ] with a rank of 19/148 students
- Awarded Prime Minister's Fellowship for all 4 years for excellent performance throughout my Undergraduate
I have been lucky enough to be part of some great groups over the years:
- Samsung Research & Development Institute - Bangalore, India (July 2019 - Dec 2020)
- Computer Aided Deisgn Laboratory, Indian Institute of Science(IISc), Bengaluru, India (July 2017- June 2019)
- Team CAMUS, INRIA, Strasbourg, France (June 2016 - Aug 2016)
- Advanced Multicore Systems Laboratory, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology(IIIT), Delhi, India (October 2015 - January 2016)
- Texas Instruments - Center for Electronic Design and Technology, Delhi, India (December 2014 - January 2015)
- VLSI Systems Design Lab, Delhi Technological Unviersity, Delhi, India (June 2014- June 2016)
- Sports is a big part of my life. A huge Manchester United Fan (#GGMU)
- Cars interests me. Training for my FMSCI license.