Description |
Tutorial on key types in Incognito. |
The followings are all types of keys a user might possess. Each key used in this go-sdk
is encoded with base58.
: the master private key which is used to spend UTXOs, sign transactions, and check the spending status of TXOs. An example of a private key is1111111ChQjKmu2wZUAYoHWyD5ZiXFNKSWV8hyfMZkGqr74Lj3KGjpFgY18Voum9B2ADfXiYJhoaSdBC8D7u6XSPRAxw8sUBxtEjaY1DJdQ
: this key is used to decrypt the amount of each TXO belonging to the user. An example of a readonly key is13hdbKkqXZWYRYk9k4LxzTEgqXznAUvGwp6nAUa2fA1UjPuA6cKL23pinwQFBaPDUZAP5H8CDhUHPd7wgP1bDp43q2RmSswgRyTVAPG
: this key is used to check if a TXO belong to the user or not (in Privacy V2 only). An example of a private OTA key is14yFBV8kHMawSGQdN8XKq9DcmG2yNVuo42JbRTEck78iemqZLrHGt6Sm8idTS96kWCN6njHLxtk9BuhKXfuQqxmHQs6nBbc6LkgDPPC
: this is the address to receive funds of a user. An example of a payment address is12S21ANvmmS9Qq5g7zAc9mFkuoxaxTvkqbtxuVuSaCtEp1xkma1iSw7bvUzqeZXympSjiqFTyHcPJdZRfbDHqqW8hQAG8oEA7vhTBWP
: this is the key used to stake nodes. An example of a payment address is1csptwXqLVZFMb2jPkEwiqQmJUUKkEjeWTm1WAQXiYjnfxG8tH
: this is the public key corresponding to theMiningKey
above. An example of a payment address is121VhftSAygpEJZ6i9jGkKtR4pAHfzZ88HCwNKX6SpoNwGZSNRWcU424si7zKNQQbbEHx9T17Vrk321NeMif3XNaDimZhVgwp8mgv1aRbzhqqSVaX2sRtsymeLGqM3bNMcsNeSHWsf5ZQKU5RtvnHSCPwQV5vWkqJjpQq5dTsgEmmzvizXPUNPuysArp2kNTKJmF2nDRsta3kBFfu5YUwWrwyq23x9LnSpmeByLAfJaa4Bu1W47gNzPhQ3A29JPWKb7ikY3BnYt8pZ4Tao8HzyxfzKha6JPTzW3zZRm4ygwyRQghY31cH15o8p4JTGRL8X6uDbJCeMuTz4vtuJud3NtsGxy7yq8aSfPHRzbdt54nv3GpNVS34SBw4AoFMRVTNBW5HqUAUM9K56CKELRMn5YdkPhscA5RbPTAG9xJCAQjs43n
To generate an account on Incognito using this SDK, import the wallet
keyWallet, err := wallet.NewMasterKeyFromSeed(common.RandBytes(32))
if err != nil {
To retrieve all information of a private key, call the GetAccountInfoFromPrivateKey
package main
import (
func main() {
keyWallet, err := wallet.NewMasterKeyFromSeed(common.RandBytes(32))
if err != nil {
privateKey := keyWallet.Base58CheckSerialize(wallet.PrivateKeyType)
accInfo, err := incclient.GetAccountInfoFromPrivateKey(privateKey)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("AccountInfo: %v\n", accInfo.String())
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