A simple node/react/redux responsive chat using socket.io
Step to run
- Install nodejs
- Install webpack: npm install -g webpack webpack-cli
- Install dependencies: npm i
- Build: npm run build
- Run: npm start
Go to: http://localhost:3000/
This app demo is also deployed on heroku: https://abatista-chat.herokuapp.com/
- Chat page connected to a socket
- Settings page
- Set username
- Select theme dark or light
- Select 12 or 24 hour format
- English and Spanish interface language
- Turn on and off Send message on CTRL + ENTER
- Reset to default
- Nodejs
- Javascript ES6
- React/Redux
- Babel
- Webpack
- Sass
note: the architecture is completely functional using react hooks
/server.js: is the nodejs entry file it serves the index.html static file, the images static files and the socket server
/app: is a folder and all the react application is here
/app/index.jsx: is the react entry point
/app/store.js: it configure and create the global redux store
/app/reducer: is where all redux reducers are
/app/actions: is where all available actions are, most of them are for mutate the redux store
/app/constant: is where the app constants are defined for example all redux actions types
/app/component: all renderable components
/app/hooks: custom hooks
/app/utils: some reusable functions
/app/test: some test examples
/app/testHelper: some reusable functions using during testing
/css: contains the sass styles
/images: contains images
/data: contains json data
I'm working on a 13inch laptop with not additional monitor, i couldn't test this app in XL resolution.
We have a time machine that can predict the future, it's called planning.
Ariel Batista
Nothing is impossible for someone who has decided to triumph.
Ariel Batista