Originally Written by Ben May Twitter: https://twitter.com/atarii Git: https://github.com/atarii
Here are the steps taken to install Kali nethunter and FruityWiFi on the Nexus 5.
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot oem unlock
####Download the 6.0.1 image - hammerhead-mmb29v-factory-62a68ee9.tgz and flash with: flash-all
If fails due to space (from https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/2m5ehy/workaround_for_failed_to_allocate_bytes_when/):
####Make sure the bootloader and radio succeeded Extract image-hammerhead-lrx21o.zip (if you're not using N5 it'll be named something slightly different) ####Run the following: fastboot flash boot boot.img fastboot flash recovery recovery.img fastboot flash system system.img fastboot flash cache cache.img
####If you want to wipe all your apps/data/pictures/etc then also type: fastboot flash userdata userdata.img
####Once those finish: fastboot reboot
###Setup phone ####Enable ADB debugging
####Push files to /sdcard: adb push SuperSU-v2.60-20151205163135.zip /sdcard/ adb push nethunter-hammerhead-marshmallow-3.0.zip /sdcard/ adb push anykernel2.zip /sdcard/
####Install CWM: adb reboot bootloader fastboot flash recovery recovery-clockwork-touch-
####Install SuperSu: Boot recovery Install SuperSU-v2.60-20151205163135.zip Reboot
####Install BusyBox (via Play Store) ####Install TWRP (via Play Store)
####Reboot to TWRP
####Flash Nethunter - if it gets stuck on 70% - installing Kernel then: Hard reset Boot to recovery Install AnyKernel2.zip
####Upgrade NetHunter Chroot may be missing(?) Install Kali full chroot via Chroot Manager
In chroot:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
Install FruityWifi via http://fruitywifi.boards.net/thread/111/fruitywifi-v2-4
Install Intercepter-NG (via Play Store)