Releases: Zasilkovna/WooCommerce
- Fixed: Some Elementor and some Divi checkouts are now supported
- Fixed: Plugin translations
- Added: compatibility
- Added: API Log - added packetAttributes if the packet was successfully sent
- Added: Possibility to choose widget button checkout location in plugin settings
- Updated: Checkout widget button after transport methods styling updated
- Added: New plugin setting that enables replacing shipping address with pickup point address
- Updated: Label options naming in Packeta plugin options page
- Updated: Show notification when log page doesn’t contain any logs
- Updated: Minor code issues resolved
- Fixed: Actions run on deleted order now give proper error messages
- Fixed: Slovak and czech translations related to label printing
- Fixed: Plugin now ignores empty order item product when calculating order weight
- Fixed: The display of filter links has been limited to the order overview page
- Fixed: Delete order from custom table after deleting woocommerce order
- Fixed: Delete all custom table records linked to permanently deleted orders
- Fixed: Carrier weight rule duplicate validation
- Fixed: Order modal weight field validation
- Fixed: Packeta plugin is now compatible with Plugins making javascripts load asynchronously in checkout
- Updated: new HD widget library URL
- Added: Packeta admin menu icon
- Added: Link to documentation to show on "Installed plugins" page
- Fixed: Packeta plugin no longer throws error during upgrade with DEBUG_MODE enabled
- Fixed: Plugin main file directory retrieval updated due to renaming packetery.php to packeta.php
- Fixed: Removed tracy examples with errors to pass sniffer
Updated: First version to be released at
Added: Primary key for carrier table
Updated: Packeta order meta data moved from posts to custom table
Updated: Logger uses custom database table
Updated: Only 3 decimal places are accepted for order weight
Updated: JavaScript and CSS files are now loading conditionally
Fixed: Packeta checkout validators now trigger only if Packeta shipping is selected
Fixed: Label print page now shows the correct number of labels that will be printed
Fixed: Widget button now shows even if no country was selected on checkout page load
Fixed: Javascript dependencies added where missing
Fixed: Non-Packeta order submission to Packeta API no longer creates PHP error
Fixed: Label printing now accepts trashed orders
Fixed: Packeta order modal now dynamically calculates weight if no weight is provided
Fixed: Packeta logger now supports emote characters
Fixed: Deactivating WooCommerce plugin while having Packeta plugin activated no longer crashes the entire site
= 1.1.1 =
- Fixed: overweight orders now never have shipping for free
- Fixed: packet API submissions now always include order currency
= 1.1.0 =
- Added: Information about the count of printed labels and "back" link added to label offset setting form.
- Added: Possibility to print the same labels again in single session in label print page.
- Added: Possibility to print single label from order list.
- Added: Possibility to submit single order to Packeta from order list.
- Added: Admin pickup point picker in order detail.
- Added: Packaging weight in plugin settings.
- Added: Checkout address validation.
- Added: Possibility to edit order weight in order list.
- Added: List of active carriers added to carrier settings section.
- Added: Order collection printing.
- Added: Sender verification in plugin settings.
- Added: SK translation.
- Updated: Carrier settings interface.
- Updated: Packetery buttons in order list.
- Updated: Flash messages are always first in message stack.
- Fixed: the label print page displays a message to the user if no suitable orders are selected
- Fixed: Some environments caused error due PHPDocs being removed by OPCache.
- Fixed: Order list filters can now be combined.