tag so we can copy-paste directly from the table
+ # (including table formatting!)
+ if section != previousSection:
+ if not first:
+ tablefile.write("
+ tablefile.write("
" + section + "
+ tablefile.write("
Windows Key Binding
macOS Key Binding
+ tableRow = "
+ #Ignore row[0] - name field
+ # Windows key combination
+ tableRow += "\t
+ tablefile.write(tableRow)
+ first = False
+ # Close the last table tag too
+ tablefile.write("
+ tablefile.write("\n")
+ tablefile.write("\n")
diff --git a/Manual/ManualShortcuts.csv b/Manual/ManualShortcuts.csv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0417d24c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manual/ManualShortcuts.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+Ac Delete Bksp,BackSpace,⌫,Anim Curve Editor,Delete the selected point
+Ac Path Display,CTRL+W,⌃W,Anim Curve Editor,Display path
+Ace Cancel,Escape,⎋,Anim Curve Editor,Cancel
+Add Curve,CTRL+A,⌘A,Anim Curve Editor,Add a new curve
+Set Range,CTRL+R,⌘R,Anim Curve Editor,Set the range on the y axis
+Ab Arrange Bottom,CTRL+SHIFT+Left Bracket,⌃⇧Left Bracket,Asset Browser,Move items to the bottom
+Ab Arrange Down,CTRL+Left Bracket,⌃Left Bracket,Asset Browser,Move items down
+Ab Arrange Top,CTRL+SHIFT+Right Bracket,⌃⇧Right Bracket,Asset Browser,Move items to the top
+Ab Arrange Up,CTRL+Right Bracket,⌃Right Bracket,Asset Browser,Move items up
+Block,1,1,Context Menu,Insert a code block snippet at the cursor position
+Breakpoint Menu Toggle,F9,F9,Context Menu,Toggle breakpoint on the current line
+Code Window Menu Help,F1,F1,Context Menu, Open the function/keyword page in the manual
+Do-Until Loop,7,7,Context Menu,Insert a do-until loop snippet at the cursor position
+Edit Menu Search,CTRL+SHIFT+F,⌘⇧F,Context Menu,Open project-wide Search & Replace
+Exit,,⌘Q,Context Menu,Exit (Mac)
+File Menu Preferences,,⌘⇧P,Context Menu,File Menu Preferences
+For Loop,4,4,Context Menu,Insert a for loop snippet at the cursor position
+For Loop (i..n),5,5,Context Menu,Insert a for loop with counter variable snippet at the cursor position
+GML Visual Pan To,CTRL+P,⌃P,Context Menu,Pan to selected GML Visual action
+If,2,2,Context Menu,Insert an if statement snippet at the cursor position
+If-Else,3,3,Context Menu,Insert an if-else statement snippet at the cursor position
+Insert,Insert,,Context Menu,Insert
+Line Comment,C,C,Context Menu,Insert a single line comment snippet at the cursor position
+Multi-line Comment,M,M,Context Menu,Insert a multi-line comment snippet at the cursor position
+Region,R,R,Context Menu,Insert a region snippet at the cursor position
+Repeat,8,8,Context Menu,Insert a repeat statement snippet at the cursor position
+Run Menu Clean,,⌘F7,Context Menu,Clean the compiler cache
+Run Menu Create Executable,,⌘F8,Context Menu,Create an executable package using the current target settings
+Spline Editor Delete Points,Del,Del,Context Menu,Delete Points
+Switch,9,9,Context Menu,Insert a switch statement snippet at the cursor position
+Text Editor Comment Selection,CTRL+K,⌘K,Context Menu,Comment the selected text
+Text Editor Next Region,CTRL+Alt+Down,⌘⌥Down,Context Menu,Move the cursor to the next region
+Text Editor Previous Region,CTRL+Alt+Up,⌘⌥Up,Context Menu,Move the cursor to the previous region
+Text Editor Toggle Fold,CTRL+Enter,⌘Enter,Context Menu,Fold/Unfold the current region (works when )
+Text Editor Uncomment Selection,CTRL+Shift+K,⌘⇧K,Context Menu,Uncomment selection
+While Loop,6,6,Context Menu,Insert a while loop snippet at the cursor position
+With,0,0,Context Menu,Insert a with statement snippet at the cursor position
+Compileerror Copy Win,CTRL+Insert,⌃Insert,Errors,Copy the selected compile error message in the Compile Errors window
+Compileerror Selectall,CTRL+SHIFT+A,⌃⇧A,Errors,Select all compile errors in the Compile Errors window
+Syntaxerror Copy Win,CTRL+Insert,⌃Insert,Errors,Copy the selected syntax errors in the Syntax Errors window
+Syntaxerror Selectall,CTRL+SHIFT+A,⌃⇧A,Errors,Select all syntax errors in the Syntax Errors window
+Add New Range,CTRL+A,⌘A,Font Editor,Open the Font Range window
+Deleted Selected Range,CTRL+D,⌘D,Font Editor,Delete the selected range from the font (select the range on the right first)
+Open Options,CTRL+SHIFT+O,⌘⇧O,Font Editor,Open the Font Options window
+Regenerate Font Texture,CTRL+R,⌘R,Font Editor,Regenerate the font texture
+Add To Selection,CTRL,⌘,Global,Add to selection
+Clean,CTRL+F7,⌘F7,Global,Clean the compiler cache
+Close Tab,CTRL+W,⌘W,Global,Close the active IDE tab
+Confirm Create Asset,CTRL+C,⌘C,Global,Confirm the creation of the asset(s) of the selected type in the Create Asset window
+Copy,CTRL+C,⌘C,Global,Copy the selected text from anywhere in the IDE
+Create Animation Curve,ALT+J,⌥J,Global,Create a new animation curve asset
+Create Asset,CTRL+A,⌘A,Global,Open the Create Asset window
+Create Executable,CTRL+F8,⌘F8,Global,Create an executable package using the current target settings
+Create Extension,ALT+E,⌥E,Global,Create a new extension asset
+Create Font,ALT+F,⌥F,Global,Create a new font asset
+Create Note,ALT+N,⌥N,Global,Create a new note asset
+Create Object,ALT+O,⌥O,Global,Create a new object asset
+Create Path,ALT+P,⌥P,Global,Create a new path asset
+Create Resource GMIncluded File,ALT+I,⌥I,Global,Open the included files window
+Create Room,ALT+R,⌥R,Global,Create a new room asset
+Create Script,ALT+C,⌥C,Global,Create a new script asset
+Create Sequence,ALT+G,⌥G,Global,Create a new sequence asset
+Create Shader,ALT+A,⌥A,Global,Create a new shader asset
+Create Sound,ALT+U,⌥U,Global,Create a new sound asset
+Create Sprite,ALT+S,⌥S,Global,Create a new sprite asset
+Create Tile Set,ALT+B,⌥B,Global,Create a new tile set asset
+Create Timeline,ALT+T,⌥T,Global,Create a new timeline asset
+Debug,F6,F6,Global,Run the current project using the Debugger
+Debugger Continue,F5,F5,Global,Continue code execution in the debugger
+Debugger Step Into,F11,⌘⇧I,Global,Step into the current statement or function in the debugger
+Debugger Step Out,SHIFT+F11,⌘⇧U,Global,Step out of the current statement or function in the debugger
+Debugger Step Over,F10,⌘⇧O,Global,Step over the current statement in the debugger
+Decrement Text Size,F7,F7,Global,Decrement the text size in all code editors
+Doc Window Next Tab,CTRL+PageUp,⌘PageUp,Global,Go to next tab
+Doc Window Prev Tab,CTRL+PageDown,⌘PageDown,Global,Go to previous tab
+Dope Sheet Panel Scroll Command,SHIFT,⇧,Global,Dope Sheet Panel Scroll Command
+Edit Image,CTRL+SHIFT+E,⌘⇧E,Global,Open the image editor when having a sprite selected in the workspace
+Edit Sprite,CTRL+SHIFT+E,⌘⇧E,Global,Open the image editor when having a sprite selected in the workspace
+Enumerate References,F3,F3,Global,Enumerate References
+Export Project,CTRL+E,⌘E,Global,Export the current project as a YYZ file
+Feather Open Quickfix Menu,CTRL+Q,⌃Q,Global,Open Feather's Quick Fixes menu
+Find All References,SHIFT+F3,⇧F3,Global,Find All References to the selected asset
+Flip,Y,Y,Global,Flip Vertically
+Flow Accept,Enter,Enter,Global,Flow Accept
+Force Dock Expansion,SHIFT+F12,⇧F12,Global,Force Dock Expansion
+Get Bookmark 0,CTRL+0,⌘0,Global,Go to bookmark 0
+Get Bookmark 1,CTRL+1,⌘1,Global,Go to bookmark 1
+Get Bookmark 2,CTRL+2,⌘2,Global,Go to bookmark 2
+Get Bookmark 3,CTRL+3,⌘3,Global,Go to bookmark 3
+Get Bookmark 4,CTRL+4,⌘4,Global,Go to bookmark 4
+Get Bookmark 5,CTRL+5,⌘5,Global,Go to bookmark 5
+Get Bookmark 6,CTRL+6,⌘6,Global,Go to bookmark 6
+Get Bookmark 7,CTRL+7,⌘7,Global,Go to bookmark 7
+Get Bookmark 8,CTRL+8,⌘8,Global,Go to bookmark 8
+Get Bookmark 9,CTRL+9,⌘9,Global,Go to bookmark 9
+Go To,CTRL+T,⌘T,Global,"Search for assets"
+Ide Toolbar Clean,CTRL+F7,⌘F7,Global,Clean the build
+Ide Toolbar Collapsedocks,F12,F12,Global,Collapse docks
+Ide Toolbar Help,F1,F1,Global,Launch the help file
+Ide Toolbar New,CTRL+N,⌘N,Global,Create new project
+Ide Toolbar Open,CTRL+O,⌘O,Global,Open project
+Ide Toolbar Package,CTRL+F8,⌘F8,Global,Create an executable package using the current target settings
+Increment Text Size,F8,F8,Global,Increment text size (in text editors)
+Jump To End,PageDown,PageDown,Global,Jump down a page (in text editors)
+Jump To Start,PageUp,PageUp,Global,Jump up a page (in text editors)
+Manage Plugins,CTRL+SHIFT+V,⌘⇧V,Global,Manage plugins
+Mirror,X,X,Global,Mirror Horizontally
+Move Flow Next,Tab,⇥,Global,Move flow next
+Move Flow Previous,SHIFT+Tab,⇧⇥,Global,Move flow previous
+Move Selection Down,Down,Down,Global,Move selection down
+Move Selection Left,Left,Left,Global,Move selection left
+Move Selection Right,Right,Right,Global,Move selection right
+Move Selection Up,Up,Up,Global,Move selection up
+Multi Select,CTRL,⌘,Global,Multi select
+New Project,CTRL+N,⌘N,Global,Open the Start Page
+New Sprite,CTRL+SHIFT+N,⌘⇧N,Global,Add a new sprite (when an object is selected in the workspace)
+Open Asset Browser,CTRL+SHIFT+B,⌃⇧B,Global,Open the asset browser
+Open Debug Info,CTRL+SHIFT+D,⌘⇧D,Global,Open the debug info
+Open In Explorer,SHIFT+O,⇧O,Global,Open in Explorer
+Open Inspector,CTRL+SHIFT+I,⌃⇧I,Global,Open a new Inspector window
+Open Prefs Tree,CTRL+SHIFT+P,⌘⇧P,Global,Open Preferences
+Open Project,CTRL+O,⌘O,Global,Open project
+Open Search In Script Find,CTRL+F,⌘F,Global,Open a code or shader editor's Find and Replace in Find mode
+Open Search In Script Replace,CTRL+H,⌘R,Global,Open a code or shader editor's Find and Replace in Replace mode
+Open Search Replace,CTRL+SHIFT+F,⌘⇧F,Global,Open project-wide Search and Replace
+Open Workspace Overview,CTRL+Tab,⌃⇥,Global,Open the Workspace Overview
+Perform Included File Scan,CTRL+SHIFT+Q,⌘⇧Q,Global,Perform Included File Scan
+Play Preview,CTRL+Space,⌘Space,Global,Play Preview
+Remove From Selection,ALT,⌥,Global,Remove from selection (while holding CTRL)
+Rename Identifier,CTRL+SHIFT+R,⌃⇧R,Global,Rename the identifier that the cursor is currently at in the Code Editor
+Reverse Path,CTRL+R,⌘R,Global,Reverse path
+Run,F5,F5,Global,Run the current project using the current target settings
+Run Memory Info,CTRL+SHIFT+M,⌘⇧M,Global,Run Memory Info and output result to Output window
+Run Program,F5,F5,Global,Run the program
+Save,CTRL+S,⌘S,Global,Save the current project
+Save As,CTRL+SHIFT+S,⌘⇧S,Global,Save as
+Select All,CTRL+A,⌘A,Global,Select all
+Select Range,SHIFT,⇧,Global,Select range
+Select Sprite,CTRL+SHIFT+S,⌘⇧S,Global,Select Sprite (in Object Editor)
+Seq Smartguide Toggle Rulerlock,CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+Semicolon,⌃⌥⇧Semicolon,Global,Toggle smart guide rulerlock
+Seq Smartguide Toggle Snapping,CTRL+SHIFT+Semicolon,⌃⇧Semicolon,Global,Toggle snapping to smart guides
+Seq Smartguide Toggle Vis,CTRL+Semicolon,⌃Semicolon,Global,Toggle the smart guides
+Set Bookmark 0,CTRL+SHIFT+0,⌘⌃0,Global,Set bookmark 0
+Set Bookmark 1,CTRL+SHIFT+1,⌘⌃1,Global,Set bookmark 1
+Set Bookmark 2,CTRL+SHIFT+2,⌘⌃2,Global,Set bookmark 2
+Set Bookmark 3,CTRL+SHIFT+3,⌘⌃3,Global,Set bookmark 3
+Set Bookmark 4,CTRL+SHIFT+4,⌘⌃4,Global,Set bookmark 4
+Set Bookmark 5,CTRL+SHIFT+5,⌘⌃5,Global,Set bookmark 5
+Set Bookmark 6,CTRL+SHIFT+6,⌘⌃6,Global,Set bookmark 6
+Set Bookmark 7,CTRL+SHIFT+7,⌘⌃7,Global,Set bookmark 7
+Set Bookmark 8,CTRL+SHIFT+8,⌘⌃8,Global,Set bookmark 8
+Set Bookmark 9,CTRL+SHIFT+9,⌘⌃9,Global,Set bookmark 0
+Toggle Grid Snap,CTRL+G,⌘G,Global,Toggle snapping to grid for the current editor
+Workspace Chain Move Down,CTRL+ALT+Down,⌘⌥Down,Global,Workspace Chain Move Down
+Workspace Chain Move Down Left,CTRL+ALT+Down+Left,⌘⌥Down+Left,Global,Workspace Chain Move Down Left
+Workspace Chain Move Down Right,CTRL+ALT+Down+Right,⌘⌥Down+Right,Global,Workspace Chain Move Down Right
+Workspace Chain Move Left,CTRL+ALT+Left,⌘⌥Left,Global,Workspace Chain Move Left
+Workspace Chain Move Right,CTRL+ALT+Right,⌘⌥Right,Global,Workspace Chain Move Right
+Workspace Chain Move Up,CTRL+ALT+Up,⌘⌥Up,Global,Workspace Chain Move Up
+Workspace Chain Move Up Left,CTRL+ALT+Up+Left,⌘⌥Up+Left,Global,Workspace Chain Move Up Left
+Workspace Chain Move Up Right,CTRL+ALT+Up+Right,⌘⌥Up+Right,Global,Workspace Chain Move Up Right
+Zoom,CTRL,⌘,Global,Zoom in/out
+Zoom And Pan To Gadget,CTRL+ALT+Enter,⌘⌥Enter,Global,Zoom and pan to selected
+Zoom Fit,CTRL+F,⌘F,Global,Zoom fit
+Zoom In,CTRL+Equals,⌘Equals,Global,Zoom in
+Zoom Out,CTRL+Minus,⌘Minus,Global,Zoom out
+Zoom Reset,CTRL+Enter,⌘Enter,Global,Reset zoom
+Add Frame,SHIFT+A,⇧A,Image Editor,Add a new frame
+Arc Move Control Point A,CTRL,⌘,Image Editor,
+Arc Move Control Point B,ALT,⌥,Image Editor,
+Backspace Delete,BackSpace,⌫,Image Editor,Backspace
+Centre Fit,ALT+F,⌥F,Image Editor,Fit image to centre
+Centre Unit,ALT+C,⌥C,Image Editor,Show image at actual size
+Colour Replace With Alpha,ALT,⌥,Image Editor,
+Decrement Brush Size,Minus,Minus,Image Editor,Decrement current brush size
+Decrement Brush Size2,KeypadMinus,KeypadMinus,Image Editor,Decrement current brush size
+Draw Centred Shape,ALT,⌥,Image Editor,Draw centred shape
+Draw Regular Shape,SHIFT,⇧,Image Editor,Draw regular shape
+Edit Copy Win,CTRL+Insert,⌃Insert,Image Editor,Copy
+Edit Cut Win,SHIFT+Delete,⇧⌫,Image Editor,Cut
+Edit Paste Win,SHIFT+Insert,⇧Insert,Image Editor,Paste
+Fill Tool Tile With Brush,ALT,⌥,Image Editor,Tile with the current brush (using Fill Tool)
+Image Editor Add From File,CTRL+SHIFT+A,⌘⇧A,Image Editor,Add image from file
+Image Editor Centre Fit,ALT+F,⌥F,Image Editor,Centre fit the image in the editor
+Image Editor Centre Unit Scale,ALT+C,⌥C,Image Editor,Centre the image in the editor at unit scale
+Image Editor Import From Strip,CTRL+I,⌘I,Image Editor,Import from strip
+Import Files,CTRL+SHIFT+A,⌘⇧A,Image Editor,Import image files
+Import From Strip,CTRL+I,⌘I,Image Editor,Import from strip
+Increment Brush Size,Equals,Equals,Image Editor,Increment brush size
+Increment Brush Size2,KeypadPlus,KeypadPlus,Image Editor,Increment brush size
+Insert Frame,Insert,Insert,Image Editor,Insert Frame
+Invert Selection,CTRL+I,⌃I,Image Editor,Invert Selection
+Next Frame,2,2,Image Editor,Next Frame
+Open Colour Panel On Select,CTRL,⌃,Image Editor,
+Pixel Brush,Period,Period,Image Editor,Pixel Brush
+Playback Toggle,3,3,Image Editor,Toggle Playback
+Previous Frame,1,1,Image Editor,Previous Frame
+Rotate Brush,Z,Z,Image Editor,Rotate brush by 90 degrees (all tools using a brush)
+Select Arc Tool,A,A,Image Editor,Select the Arc tool
+Select Colour Picker Tool,O,O,Image Editor, Select the Colour Picker tool
+Select Colour Remover,H,H,Image Editor,Select the Colour remove tool
+Select Colour Replacer,V,V,Image Editor,Select the Colour replace tool
+Select Ellipse Tool,C,C,Image Editor,Select the Ellipse tool
+Select Erase Tool,E,E,Image Editor,Select the Erase tool
+Select Fill Tool,F,F,Image Editor,Select the Fill tool
+Select Free Rotate Tool,U,U,Image Editor,Select the Rotate brush tool
+Select Line Tool,L,L,Image Editor,Select the Line tool
+Select Magic Wand Tool,W,W,Image Editor,Select the Magic wand tool
+Select Paintbrush Tool,D,D,Image Editor,Select the Paintbrush tool
+Select Pan Tool,M,M,Image Editor,Select the Pan tool
+Select Polygon Tool,P,P,Image Editor,Select the Polygon tool
+Select Rectangle Tool,R,R,Image Editor,Select the Rectangle tool
+Select Select Rect Tool,S,S,Image Editor,Select the Rectangle select tool
+Select Selection Paint Tool,Q,Q,Image Editor,Select the Paint selection tool
+Select Text Tool,T,T,Image Editor,Select the Text tool
+Snap Tool Modifier,SHIFT,⇧,Image Editor,Snap Tool Modifier
+Toggle Ellipse Tool,SHIFT+C,⇧C,Image Editor,Toggle the Ellipse tool between outline/filled
+Toggle Hsplit,ALT+H,⌥H,Image Editor,Toggle horizontal split view
+Toggle Polygon Tool,SHIFT+P,⇧P,Image Editor,Toggle the Polygon tool between outline/filled
+Toggle Rectangle Tool,SHIFT+R,⇧R,Image Editor,Toggle the Rectangle tool between outline/filled
+Toggle Selection Brush,B,B,Image Editor,Toggle the brush
+Toggle Vsplit,ALT+V,⌥V,Image Editor,Toggle vertical split view
+Tool Commit Enter,Enter,Enter,Image Editor,Commit tool changes
+Add Child,CTRL+L,⌘L,Object Editor,Add a child object to the current object
+Add Event,CTRL+A,⌘A,Object Editor,Add an event to the current object
+Add Variable,CTRL+ALT+T,⌘⌥T,Object Editor,Add a new variable to the current object's Variable Definitions
+Edit Mask,CTRL+K,⌘K,Object Editor,Edit the mask sprite
+Edit Parent,CTRL+SHIFT+O,⌘⇧O,Object Editor,Edit the parent object
+Modify Collision Shape,CTRL+B,⌘B,Object Editor,Modify the object's physics collision shape
+Object Editor Copy Event Win,CTRL+Insert,⌃Insert,Object Editor,Copy event
+Object Editor Cut Event Win,SHIFT+Delete,⇧⌫,Object Editor,Cut event
+Object Editor Paste Event Win,SHIFT+Insert,⇧Insert,Object Editor,Paste event
+Open Events Window,CTRL+F,⌘F,Object Editor,Open Events window
+Open Parent Window,CTRL+G,⌘G,Object Editor,Open Parent window
+Open Physics Window,CTRL+H,⌘H,Object Editor,Open Physics window
+Open Variable Definitions,CTRL+J,⌘J,Object Editor,Open Variable Definitions window
+Physics Snap To Grid,CTRL+U,⌘U,Object Editor,Toggle grid snapping in the Physics Collision Shape window
+Physics Toggle Grid,CTRL+SHIFT+Y,⌘Y,Object Editor,Toggle grid on or off in the Physics Collision Shape window
+Select Mask,CTRL+SHIFT+M,⌘⇧M,Object Editor,Select a mask for the object
+Select Parent,CTRL+P,⌘P,Object Editor,Select parent
+Open Shift Path,CTRL+SHIFT+O,⌘⇧O,Path Editor,Open the Shift Path window
+Pan To Path,CTRL+P,⌘P,Path Editor,Pan to path
+Rotate Path,R,R,Path Editor,Rotate path (hold while dragging LMB)
+Scale Path,S,S,Path Editor,Scale path (hold while dragging LMB)
+Shift Down,Down,Down,Path Editor,Shift down
+Shift Left,Left,Left,Path Editor,Shift left
+Shift Right,Right,Right,Path Editor,Shift right
+Shift Up,Up,Up,Path Editor,Shift up
+Translate Path,T,T,Path Editor,Translate path (hold while dragging LMB)
+ Auto Tile Tool,A,A,Room Editor,Select auto tile tool (when working on a tile layer)
+ Tile Eraser Tool,E,E,Room Editor,Select tile eraser tool (when working on a tile layer)
+ Tile Fill Tool,F,F,Room Editor,Select tile fill tool (when working on a tile layer)
+ Tile Inheritance Tool,I,I,Room Editor,Select tile inheritance tool (when working on a tile layer)
+ Tile Line Tool,L,L,Room Editor,Select tile line tool (when working on a tile layer)
+ Tile Pen Tool,D,D,Room Editor,Select tile pen tool (when working on a tile layer)
+ Tile Rect Tool,R,R,Room Editor,Select tile rect tool (when working on a tile layer)
+ Tile Rotate Tool,Z,Z,Room Editor,Select tile rotate tool (when working on a tile layer)
+ Tile Selection Tool,S,S,Room Editor,Select tile selection tool (when working on a tile layer)
+Activate Tile Select Window,CTRL+ALT+S,⌃⌥S,Room Editor,
+Add New Asset Layer,CTRL+A,⌘A,Room Editor,Add new asset layer
+Add New Background Layer,CTRL+B,⌘B,Room Editor,Add new background layer
+Add New Folder Layer,CTRL+F,⌘F,Room Editor,Add new folder layer
+Add New Path Layer,CTRL+P,⌘P,Room Editor,Add new path layer
+Add New Tile Layer,CTRL+ALT+T,⌘⌥T,Room Editor,Add new tile layer
+Copy Selection Win,CTRL+Insert,⌃Insert,Room Editor,Copy selection
+Cut Selection Win,SHIFT+Delete,⇧⌫,Room Editor,Cut selection
+Flip As Group,Y,Y,Room Editor,Flip selection as group vertically
+Flip As Individuals,SHIFT+Y,⇧Y,Room Editor,Flip individual elements of selection vertically
+Generate Tile Map,CTRL+ALT+G,⌘⌥G,Room Editor,Generate tile map
+Mirror As Group,X,X,Room Editor,Mirror horizontally as group
+Mirror As Individuals,SHIFT+X,⇧X,Room Editor,Mirror individual elements of selection horizontally
+Open Instance Creation Order,CTRL+ALT+I,⌘⌥I,Room Editor,Open instance creation order
+Open Layer Properties,CTRL+ALT+P,⌘⌥P,Room Editor,
+Open Layer View,CTRL+ALT+L,⌘⌥L,Room Editor,Open layer view
+Open Room Properties,CTRL+ALT+R,⌘⌥R,Room Editor,
+Paint With Resource,ALT,⌥,Room Editor,Paint using the selected resource
+Paste Selection Win,SHIFT+Insert,⇧Insert,Room Editor,Paste selection
+Precise Item Placement,CTRL,⌃,Room Editor,Disable snap to grid for precise item placement
+Room Editor Paint Brush,B,B,Room Editor,Room Editor Paint Brush
+Select From Any Layer,P,P,Room Editor,Select from any layer (hold while clicking elements on the canvas)
+Tile Flip Tool,Y,Y,Room Editor,Tile flip tool
+Tile Mirror Tool,X,X,Room Editor,Tile mirror tool
+Toggle Grid,G,G,Room Editor,Toggle grid
+Toggle Macro Editing Mode,CTRL+E,⌃E,Room Editor,Toggle Macro Editing Mode
+Move Canvas Items Down,Down,Down,Sequence Editor,Move the selected items down on the canvas
+Move Canvas Items Down 10x,SHIFT+Down,⇧Down,Sequence Editor,Move the selected items down on the canvas (10x)
+Move Canvas Items Left,Left,Left,Sequence Editor,Move the selected items left on the canvas
+Move Canvas Items Left 10x,SHIFT+Left,⇧Left,Sequence Editor,Move the selected items left on the canvas (10x)
+Move Canvas Items Right,Right,Right,Sequence Editor,Move the selected items right on the canvas
+Move Canvas Items Right 10x,SHIFT+Right,⇧Right,Sequence Editor,Move the selected items right on the canvas (10x)
+Move Canvas Items Up,Up,Up,Sequence Editor,Move the selected items up on the canvas
+Move Canvas Items Up 10x,SHIFT+Up,⇧Up,Sequence Editor,Move the selected items up on the canvas (10x)
+Sequence Add Keyframe,F9,F9,Sequence Editor,"Add a keyframe at the playhead position for all selected items on the canvas"
+Sequence Center Item Origin,CTRL+SHIFT+Home,⌃⇧Home,Sequence Editor,Center the selected items around their origins
+Sequence Delete Bksp,BackSpace,⌫,Sequence Editor,Delete the selected items
+Sequence Expand Tracks All,CTRL+U,⌃U,Sequence Editor,Toggle expand/collapse for all tracks
+Sequence Expand Tracks Selection,U,U,Sequence Editor,Toggle expand/collapse for the selected tracks in the Track Panel
+Sequence Goto End,End,End,Sequence Editor,Move the playhead to the end of the sequence
+Sequence Goto End Selection,SHIFT+End,⇧End,Sequence Editor,Move the playhead to the end of the selection
+Sequence Goto Next Event,SHIFT+8,⇧8,Sequence Editor,Move the playhead to the next moment
+Sequence Goto Prev Event,SHIFT+9,⇧9,Sequence Editor,Move the playhead to the previous moment
+Sequence Goto Start,Home,Home,Sequence Editor,Move the playhead to the start of the sequence
+Sequence Goto Start Selection,SHIFT+Home,⇧Home,Sequence Editor,Move the playhead to the start of the selection
+Sequence Move Keys Left1,CTRL+Left,⌃Left,Sequence Editor,Move the selected keys left by 1 frame
+Sequence Move Keys Left10,CTRL+SHIFT+Left,⌃⇧Left,Sequence Editor,Move the selected keys left by 10 frames
+Sequence Move Keys Right1,CTRL+Right,⌃Right,Sequence Editor,Move the selected keys right by 1 frame
+Sequence Move Keys Right10,CTRL+SHIFT+Right,⌃⇧Right,Sequence Editor,Move the selected keys right by 10 frames
+Sequence Move Playhead Left1,ALT+Left,⌥Left,Sequence Editor,Move the playhead left by 1 frame
+Sequence Move Playhead Left10,ALT+SHIFT+Left,⌥⇧Left,Sequence Editor,Move the playhead left by 10 frames
+Sequence Move Playhead Right1,ALT+Right,⌥Right,Sequence Editor,Move the playhead right by 1 frame
+Sequence Move Playhead Right10,ALT+SHIFT+Right,⌥⇧Right,Sequence Editor,Move the playhead right by 10 frames
+Sequence New Broadcast Message,CTRL+8,⌃8,Sequence Editor,Add a new broadcast message at the playhead position
+Sequence New Clipping Mask,CTRL+M,⌃M,Sequence Editor,Add a new clipping mask track
+Sequence New Group,ALT+G,⌥G,Sequence Editor,Create a new group track and add the selected tracks to it
+Sequence New Moment,CTRL+9,⌃9,Sequence Editor,Add a new moment at the playhead position
+Sequence Next Keyframe,N,N,Sequence Editor,Move the playhead to the next keyframe in the selected parameter tracks
+Sequence Prev Keyframe,M,M,Sequence Editor,Move the playhead to the previous keyframe in the selected parameter tracks
+Sequence Remove Keyframe,F8,F8,Sequence Editor,Remove the keyframes at the playhead position on the currently selected tracks
+Sequence Reset Item Position,CTRL+Home,⌃Home,Sequence Editor,Reset the position on the canvas of the currently selected items
+Sequence Select Next Key,SHIFT+N,⇧N,Sequence Editor,Move the playhead to the next key
+Sequence Select Prev Key,SHIFT+M,⇧M,Sequence Editor,Move the playhead to the previous key
+Sequence Select Track Above,ALT+Up,⌥Up,Sequence Editor,Select the track above the current track in the Track Panel
+Sequence Select Track Above Additive,CTRL+ALT+Up,⌃⌥Up,Sequence Editor,Add the track above the current track to the selection in the Track Panel
+Sequence Select Track Below,ALT+Down,⌥Down,Sequence Editor,Select the track above the current track in the Track Panel
+Sequence Select Track Below Additive,CTRL+ALT+Down,⌃⌥Down,Sequence Editor,Add the track below the current track to the selection in the Track Panel
+Sequence Split Key Two Tracks,CTRL+ALT+D,⌃⌥D,Sequence Editor,Split Key Two Tracks
+Sequence Split Keyframe,F7,F7,Sequence Editor,Split Keyframe
+Sequence Stretch Keys Left,SHIFT+Left Bracket,⇧Left Bracket,Sequence Editor,Stretch the selected keys left
+Sequence Stretch Keys Right,SHIFT+Right Bracket,⇧Right Bracket,Sequence Editor,Stretch the selected keys right
+Sequence Toggle Autokey,F10,F10,Sequence Editor,"Toggle autokey"
+Sequence Toggle Multiselect Origin,Q,Q,Sequence Editor,Toggle multiselect origin
+Sequence Toggle Translation Path,CTRL+ALT+P,⌃⌥P,Sequence Editor,Toggle translation paths on the canvas
+Sequence Trim Key Left,Left Bracket,Left Bracket,Sequence Editor,Trim selected keys left
+Sequence Trim Key Right,Right Bracket,Right Bracket,Sequence Editor,Trim selected keys right
+Toggle Canvas Rulers,CTRL+R,⌃R,Sequence Editor,Toggle the canvas rulers
+Tool Origin,Y,Y,Sequence Editor,Select the Origin tool
+Tool Rotate,R,R,Sequence Editor,Select the Rotate tool
+Tool Scale,S,S,Sequence Editor,Select the Scale tool
+Tool Translate,T,T,Sequence Editor,Select the Translate tool
+Load Sound,CTRL+SHIFT+O,⌘⇧O,Sound Editor,Load sound
+Loop Sound,L,L,Sound Editor,Toggle loop sound
+Mute Sound,M,M,Sound Editor,Toggle mute sound
+Open Mixer,CTRL+SHIFT+M,⌘⇧M,Sound Editor,Open the Sound Mixer
+Play Sound,Space,Space,Sound Editor,Play/Pause/Resume sound
+Rewind,R,R,Sound Editor,Rewind and stop sound
+Loop All,L,L,Sound Mixer,Loop all
+Mute All,M,M,Sound Mixer,Mute all (all mixer columns)
+Play All,Space,Space,Sound Mixer,Play all sounds (all mixer columns)
+Rewind All,R,R,Sound Mixer,Stop and rewind all
+Add Sprite Frame,SHIFT+A,⇧A,Sprite Editor,Add sprite frame
+Copy Frames Win,CTRL+Insert,⌃Insert,Sprite Editor,Copy sprite frames
+Cut Frames Win,SHIFT+Delete,⇧⌫,Sprite Editor,Cut sprite frames
+Import Image,CTRL+I,⌘I,Sprite Editor,Import image
+Insert Sprite Frame,Insert,Insert,Sprite Editor,Insert sprite frame
+Paste Frames Win,SHIFT+Insert,⇧Insert,Sprite Editor,Paste sprite frames
+Resize Image,CTRL+R,⌘R,Sprite Editor,Open the Resize Properties window
+Sprite Add Broadcast Message,CTRL+8,⌃8,Sprite Editor,Add broadcast message to sprite
+Caret Down,Down,Down,Text Editor,Move cursor down
+Caret Down+Column Select,ALT+SHIFT+Down,⌥⇧Down,Text Editor,Move cursor down while doing column select (rectangular area)
+Caret Down+Scroll Down+Select,CTRL+SHIFT+Down,⌃⇧PageDown,Text Editor,Move cursor down while selecting lines
+Caret Down+Select,SHIFT+Down,⇧Down,Text Editor,Move cursor down while selecting lines
+Caret Left,Left,Left,Text Editor,Move cursor left
+Caret Left+Column Select,ALT+SHIFT+Left,,Text Editor,Move cursor left while doing column select (rectangular area)
+Caret Left+Select,SHIFT+Left,⇧Left,Text Editor,Move cursor left while selecting lines
+Caret Right,Right,Right,Text Editor,Move cursor right
+Caret Right+Column Select,ALT+SHIFT+Right,,Text Editor,Move cursor right while doing column select (rectangular area)
+Caret Right+Select,SHIFT+Right,⇧Right,Text Editor,Move cursor right while selecting lines
+Caret Up,Up,Up,Text Editor,Move cursor up
+Caret Up+Column Select,ALT+SHIFT+Up,⌥⇧Up,Text Editor,Move cursor up while doing column select (rectangular area)
+Caret Up+Scroll Up+Select,CTRL+SHIFT+Up,⌃⇧PageUp,Text Editor,Move cursor up while selecting lines
+Caret Up+Select,SHIFT+Up,⇧Up,Text Editor,Move cursor up while selecting lines
+Comment Line/Selection,CTRL+K,⌘K,Text Editor,Comment line or selection
+De Tab,SHIFT+Tab,⇧⇥,Text Editor,Tab backwards
+Delete Back,BackSpace,⌫,Text Editor,Backspace
+Delete End Start,CTRL+Delete,⌃⌫,Text Editor,Delete from the cursor position to the end of the word
+Delete Forward,Delete,⌫,Text Editor,Delete
+Delete Line After Cursor,,⌃K,Text Editor,Delete line after cursor
+Delete Line Before Cursor,,⌘⌫,Text Editor,Delete line before cursor
+Delete Word Start,CTRL+BackSpace,⌥⌫,Text Editor,Delete from the cursor position to the start of the word
+Document End,CTRL+End,⌃End,Text Editor,Move cursor to the end of the document
+Document End+Select,CTRL+SHIFT+End,⌃⇧End,Text Editor,Move cursor to the end of the document and select everything in between
+Document Start,CTRL+Home,⌃Home,Text Editor,Move cursor to the start of the document
+Document Start+Select,CTRL+SHIFT+Home,⌃⇧Home,Text Editor,Move cursor to the start of the document and select everything in between
+End,End,End,Text Editor,Move cursor to end of line
+End+Column Select,ALT+SHIFT+End,⌥⇧End,Text Editor,Move cursor to end of line and column select
+End+Select,SHIFT+End,⇧End,Text Editor,Move cursor to end of line and select text in between
+Expand/Collapse Region,CTRL+Enter,⌘Enter,Text Editor,Expand/Collapse region
+Fold Regions,CTRL+M,⌃M,Text Editor,Fold regions
+Home,Home,Home,Text Editor,Move cursor to start of line
+Home+Column Select,ALT+SHIFT+Home,⌥⇧Home,Text Editor,Move cursor to start of line and column select
+Home+Select,SHIFT+Home,⇧Home,Text Editor,Move cursor to start of line and select
+Line Break1,Enter,Enter,Text Editor,Line break
+Line Break2,KeypadEnter,KeypadEnter,Text Editor,Line break
+Next Region,CTRL+ALT+Down,⌘⌥Down,Text Editor,Next region
+Page Down,PageDown,PageDown,Text Editor,Page down
+Page Down+Select,SHIFT+PageDown,⇧PageDown,Text Editor,Page down + select
+Page Up,PageUp,PageUp,Text Editor,Page up
+Page Up+Select,SHIFT+PageUp,⇧PageUp,Text Editor,Page up + select
+Previous Region,CTRL+ALT+Up,⌘⌥Up,Text Editor,Previous region
+Restart Game,F6,F6,Text Editor,Restart game
+Scroll Down,CTRL+Down,⌃PageDown,Text Editor,Scroll down (move cursor down and scroll down)
+Scroll Up,CTRL+Up,⌃PageUp,Text Editor,Scroll up (move cursor up and scroll up)
+Show Code Completion,CTRL+Space,⌃Space,Text Editor,Show code completion
+Show Snippets,F4,F4,Text Editor,Show snippets
+Tab,Tab,⇥,Text Editor,Tab
+Text Editor Goto Line,CTRL+G,⌘G,Text Editor,Goto line number
+Toggle Insert/Overwrite,Insert,Insert,Text Editor,Toggle Insert/Overwrite
+Uncomment Line/Selection,CTRL+SHIFT+K,⌘⇧K,Text Editor,Uncomment line/selection
+Unfold Regions,CTRL+U,⌃U,Text Editor,Unfold regions
+Word Left,CTRL+Left,⌥Left,Text Editor,Move cursor to word on the left
+Word Left+Select,CTRL+SHIFT+Left,⌥⇧Left,Text Editor,Move cursor to word on the left and select text in between
+Word Right,CTRL+Right,⌥Right,Text Editor,Move cursor to word on the right
+Word Right+Select,CTRL+SHIFT+Right,⌥⇧Right,Text Editor,Move cursor to word on the right and select text in between
+Add Anim,Insert,Insert,Tileset Editor,Add animation (Tile Animation window)
+Autotile Add Full Set,CTRL+F,⌘F,Tileset Editor,Add full auto tile set (Auto Tiling window)
+Autotile Add Transition Set,CTRL+R,⌘R,Tileset Editor,Add auto tile transition set (Auto Tiling window)
+Autotile Delete Set,Del,Del,Tileset Editor,Delete auto tile set (Auto Tiling window)
+Autotile Show Guide,G,G,Tileset Editor,Toggle auto tile guide
+Decrease Brush Size,KeypadMinus,KeypadMinus,Tileset Editor,Decrease brush size
+Decrease Brush Size Keypad,KeypadMinus,KeypadMinus,Tileset Editor,Decrease brush size
+Delete Tile Selection,Delete,⌫,Tileset Editor,Delete selection
+Increase Brush Size,KeypadPlus,KeypadPlus,Tileset Editor,Increase brush size
+Increase Brush Size Keypad,KeypadPlus,KeypadPlus,Tileset Editor,Decrease brush size
+Invert Tile Selection,CTRL+I,⌃I,Tileset Editor,Invert tile selection
+Move Anim Down,SHIFT+Down,⇧Down,Tileset Editor,Move animation down (Tile Animation window)
+Move Anim Frame Left,SHIFT+Left,⇧Left,Tileset Editor,Move animation frame left (Tile Animation window)
+Move Anim Frame Right,SHIFT+Right,⇧Right,Tileset Editor,Move animation frame right (Tile Animation window)
+Move Anim Up,SHIFT+Up,⇧Up,Tileset Editor,Move animation up (Tile Animation window)
+Next Anim,Down,Down,Tileset Editor,Next animation (Tile Animation window)
+Next Anim Frame,Right,Right,Tileset Editor,Next animation frame (Tile Animation window)
+Open Auto Tiling,CTRL+A,⌘A,Tileset Editor,Open Auto Tiling window
+Open Brush Builder,CTRL+B,⌘B,Tileset Editor,Open Brush Builder window
+Open Tile Animation,CTRL+ALT+T,⌘⌥T,Tileset Editor,Open Tile Animation window
+Open Tileset Properties,CTRL+SHIFT+O,⌘⇧O,Tileset Editor,Open Tile Set Properties window
+Prev Anim,Up,Up,Tileset Editor,Previous animation (Tile Animation window)
+Prev Anim Frame,Left,Left,Tileset Editor,Previous animation frame (Tile Animation window)
+Rotate,Z,Z,Tileset Editor,Rotate
+Tile Autotile,A,A,Tileset Editor,Select Autotile tool (Brush Builder Tools)
+Tile Eraser,E,E,Tileset Editor,Select Eraser tool (Brush Builder Tools)
+Tile Fill,F,F,Tileset Editor,Select Fill tool (Brush Builder Tools)
+Tile Line,L,L,Tileset Editor,Select Line tool (Brush Builder Tools)
+Tile Pen,D,D,Tileset Editor,Select Pen tool (Brush Builder Tools)
+Tile Rect,R,R,Tileset Editor,Select Rectangle tool (Brush Builder Tools)
+Tile Select,S,S,Tileset Editor,Select Select Tiles tool (Brush Builder Tools)
+Add Moment,Insert,Enter,Timeline Editor,Add new moment
+Change Moment,CTRL+SHIFT+E,⌘⇧E,Timeline Editor,Change selected moment
+Copy Moments Win,CTRL+Insert,⌃Insert,Timeline Editor,Copy selected moments
+Cut Moments Win,SHIFT+Delete,⇧⌫,Timeline Editor,Cut selected moments
+Edit Moment,ALT+Enter,⌥Enter,Timeline Editor,Edit moment (jump to code editor)
+Merge Moment,CTRL+SHIFT+M,⌘⇧M,Timeline Editor,Merge selected moments
+Paste Moments Win,SHIFT+Insert,⇧Insert,Timeline Editor,Paste moments
+Unselect Moments,CTRL+U,⌘U,Timeline Editor,Unselect moments
+Ai Assistant Search Next,F3,F3,AIAssistant,
+Ai Assistant Search Previous,SHIFT+F3,⇧F3,AIAssistant,
+Open Ai Assistant,CTRL+SHIFT+A,⌃⇧A,Global,
+Feather Do Nothing Rewrite,SHIFT+F11,⇧F11,Feather,
+Start Dnd Maker,CTRL+SHIFT+Q,⌘⇧Q,Global,
+Brush From Selection,CTRL+B,⌃B,Image Editor,
+Create Particle System,ALT+K,⌥K,Global,
+Delete Selected Range,CTRL+D,⌘D,Font Editor,
+Colour Picker Subtool,CTRL,⌘,Image Editor,
+Brush Scaler Subtool,SHIFT+Z,⇧Z,Image Editor,
+Create Resource GMParticle System,ALT+K,⌥K,Global,
+Open Included File,ALT+I,⌥I,Global,
+Auto Tile Tool,A,A,Room Editor,
+Tile Eraser Tool,E,E,Room Editor,
+Tile Fill Tool,F,F,Room Editor,
+Tile Inheritance Tool,I,I,Room Editor,
+Tile Line Tool,L,L,Room Editor,
+Tile Pen Tool,D,D,Room Editor,
+Tile Rect Tool,R,R,Room Editor,
+Tile Rotate Tool,Z,Z,Room Editor,
+Tile Selection Tool,S,S,Room Editor,
diff --git a/Manual/ManualShortcutsTable.htm b/Manual/ManualShortcutsTable.htm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4688cf6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manual/ManualShortcutsTable.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,2763 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Manual/_page_generation/Template_Normal_Page.htm b/Manual/_page_generation/Template_Normal_Page.htm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac45a138b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manual/_page_generation/Template_Normal_Page.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Manual/_page_generation/Template_Visual_Page.htm b/Manual/_page_generation/Template_Visual_Page.htm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..820bb10c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manual/_page_generation/Template_Visual_Page.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
Action Syntax:
The above actions
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Manual/_page_generation/insert_text.bat b/Manual/_page_generation/insert_text.bat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..322eae9d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manual/_page_generation/insert_text.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+@echo off
+set inputfile=%1
+set outputfile=%2
+set texttofind=%3
+set texttoprepend=%~4
+set inserted=0
+>"%outputfile%" (
+ for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%inputfile%") do (
+ if %inserted%==0 if "%%~a"==%texttofind% echo(%texttoprepend% & set inserted=1
+ echo(%%a
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Manual/_page_generation/replace_text.bat b/Manual/_page_generation/replace_text.bat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e9b544a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manual/_page_generation/replace_text.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+@echo off
+REM -- Prepare the Command Processor --
+::BatchSubstitude - parses a File line by line and replaces a substring"
+::syntax: BatchSubstitude.bat OldStr NewStr File
+:: OldStr [in] - string to be replaced
+:: NewStr [in] - string to replace with
+:: File [in] - file to be parsed
+:$changed 20100115
+:$source https://www.dostips.com
+if "%~1"=="" findstr "^::" "%~f0"&GOTO:EOF
+for /f "tokens=1,* delims=]" %%A in ('"type %3|find /n /v """') do (
+ set "line=%%B"
+ if defined line (
+ call set "line=echo.%%line:%~1=%~2%%"
+ for /f "delims=" %%X in ('"echo."%%line%%""') do %%~X
+ ) ELSE echo.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Manual/contents/Additional_Information/Guide_To_Primitives_And_Vertex_Building.htm b/Manual/contents/Additional_Information/Guide_To_Primitives_And_Vertex_Building.htm
index fee6630da..2b1a72673 100644
--- a/Manual/contents/Additional_Information/Guide_To_Primitives_And_Vertex_Building.htm
+++ b/Manual/contents/Additional_Information/Guide_To_Primitives_And_Vertex_Building.htm
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
Guide de construction de Primitives et de v
vertex_position(v_buff, 110, 110);
vertex_colour(v_buff, c_white, 1);
vertex_texcoord(v_buff, 1, 1);
- vertex_end(v_buff);
+ vertex_end(v_buff);
This page contains details on the project format used by GameMaker.
Format Basics
The YYP Project File
At the root is the main project file, with a *.yyp extension. It describes the resources in the project and other meta data specific to it.
The .resource_order File
Next to it is another file with the same name, but a *.resource_order extension instead. This file stores the order of groups and assets in The Asset Browser used when the filter is set to Custom Order.
When using version control, you can e.g. add this file to .gitignore so each user of the project can have their own custom ordering in The Asset Browser.
YY Files
These are resource files; they store information on individual assets in a GameMaker project. They describe the data for the resource and any other files belonging to the resource (e.g. scripts, shaders, images and audio files). These data are stored in a JSON-like format.
YYZ Files
This type of file stores a compressed project export, created via the Export Project > YYZ option in The File Menu. Depending on the version of GameMaker, the compression method used may vary.
Local Asset Packages
These are created and imported from (part of) a project's contents using Create Local Package and Import Local Package respectively in The Tools Menu.
The following is an overview of the file formats used by different GameMaker versions:
YYMPS - Compressed Marketplace Asset 2.3+; a file containing a marketplace asset stored in a compressed manner.
YYMP - Compressed Marketplace Asset < 2.3; older formatted marketplace asset stored in a compressed manner. These will be upgraded on import.
GMEZ - Compressed Marketplace Asset 1.x; older again formatted marketplace asset. These will be upgraded on import.
GMX - Resource File 1.x; older formatted resource file. project.gmx are project files and will be upgraded on import. Importing GMX resources as standalone is not supported.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Manual/contents/Additional_Information/Whitespace_Characters.htm b/Manual/contents/Additional_Information/Whitespace_Characters.htm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8bf3ae3a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manual/contents/Additional_Information/Whitespace_Characters.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ White-space Characters
White-space Characters
The following table lists the character codes and escape sequences that GameMaker considers to be white-space characters. An empty cell in the table indicates there is no escape sequence for that character code.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Manual/contents/Content.htm b/Manual/contents/Content.htm
index a421e7988..764087f3c 100644
--- a/Manual/contents/Content.htm
+++ b/Manual/contents/Content.htm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Index du manuel GameMaker
@@ -208,4 +208,4 @@