This file should be updated before a new release is deployed.
- Modified README to reflect v2.0 #132
- Modified associations between Event and Attendance #145
- Removed explicit namespacing of method calls to FactoryBot #150
- Modified error messages to be more helpful #162
- Modified Application Controller to correctly reroute unauth users #128
- Fixed style checker #158
- User email address is persisted on first login #149
- Changed check-in time display #172
- Prevented users from accessing events for which they are not organizers #163
- Replaced chromedriver-helper with webdrivers #174
- Changed dashboard to display events from newest to oldest #179
- Removed unused routes in config/routes.rb and in controllers #181
- Moved determine_key from AttendanceCreator to PeopleHub module #187
- Made PeopleHub requests fail silently when a new user logs in #170
- Changed edit event page to display organizer names #189
- Changed the adding organizers input to a text field that expects a netID #171
- Changed from the compiled yale-ui to using the src .scss files #196
- Modify check-in behavior to address user feedback #212
- Upgraded to rails 6.0 and ruby 2.6.5 #214
- Updated attendance policy #228
- Updated to rails #243
- Prepared for fargate migration #241
- Update querier to use .dig #247
- Update querier to downcase all queries #248
- Added User model #107
- Added CAS authentication via Devise #108
- Added Event model #110
- Added Attendance model #120
- Added User-Event and Event-Attendance join models #144
- Added Attendance Controller #136
- Added Event Controller #135
- Created dashboard where user's events are displayed #113
- Added Fixtures for testing API #137
- Created a button on dashboard to delete an event #116
- Added Attendance List View #126
- Created page where Users can create an event #111
- Added organizer update to Event Edit form #153
- Updated Gemfile to refer to specific version numbers #157
- Added basic Event edit page #114
- Fixed style checker #158
- Added API interface for Yale's Identity Server #138
- Implemented Bootstrap #154
- Added confirmation dialogue when deleting events #160
- Added export button for exporting Event Attendances #127
- Created Seed Script for Database #148
- Created event check in page #119
- Extended PeopleHub workaround #159
- Added missing fields in CSV Export #164
- Added the complete public home page #165
- Added name to User model #156
- Added missing 'Back to Dashboard' buttons #169
- Added ability for users to delete attendances #173
- Added user profile page #167
- Added the User Manual page #166
- Added number of attendees to check-in page #178
- Added footer #168
- Setup email functionality with mandrill #177
- Added Person Lookup ability #140
- Added heartbeat route for the api #184
- Added pictures to home page #188
- Added email validations to user model #192
- Added icons to nav bar #193
- Add a database import via exported table CSVs #185
- Added Yale Boostrap styles #176
- Added a database import via exported table CSVs #185
- Added Roles to Users and added pundit policies to handle this new role #183
- Added Administrate #182
- Added pagination #204
- Added ability to use the magstripe swipe #207
- Added bundler audit #209
- Added host header attack protection #215
- Fixed NoMethodError caused when you click on User Manual #180
- Fixed last use column on dashboard #190
- Fixed naming collision with .env files and dotenv gem #199
- Fixed validations on the params parser to be more flexible with netids #206
- Fix pagination conflict with administrate gem #205
- Fix double submission bug with magstripe swipes #210
- Fix broken user allocation on login #236
- Fixed broken attendance index when attendance has no email address #249
7/3/2017 Bugfix: updated API URL for production. Had forgotten to update it in 1.3.5.
7/2/2017 As remediation for trainsition to Workday, CardSwipr is now using a differnet API entry point for the ID data: ( with a different method of authentication.
- Lists of events and users are now paginated.
- Event admin selection list (for event creation/edit) is now sorted by name.
- Fixed the bug of user attributes not being saved when a new user is created.
- Set force_ssl = true in development environment too.
- Misc. bug fix with configuration for production environment.
- Deleted unused columns from display and csv export.
- Misc. style updates.
- The application is now using the new CardSwipr API. Both Yale LDAP and the CardSwipr Oracle database are not used any more.