Releases: Xogy/xsound
Releases · Xogy/xsound
pre-release xSound
Bug fixed:
- When sound played on the position you could hear the sound for 0.1 seconds before faint away. fixed
these events added
- onPlayStart
- onPlayEnd
- onLoading
- onPlayPause
- onPlayResume
new functions added:
onPlayStart(name, function)
onPlayEnd(name, function)
onLoading(name, function)
onPlayPause(name, function)
onPlayResume(name, function)
setTimeStamp(name, time)
setTimeStamp(source ,name, time)
new column in array added
SoundSystem 1.1
Fixed some issue with playing sound and volume (this one should work without any errors)
SoundSystem 1.0
Released 1.0 version