Trixi.jl is designed to balance performance and readability. Since Julia provides a lot of zero-cost abstractions, it is often possible to optimize both goals simultaneously.
The usual development workflow in Julia is
- Make it work.
- Make it nice.
- Make it fast.
To achieve the third step, you should be familiar with (at least) the section on performance tips in the Julia manual. Here, we just list some important aspects you should consider when developing Trixi.jl.
- Consider using
when using array slices, except on the left-side of an assignment (further details). - Functions are essentially for free, since they are usually automatically inlined where it makes sense (using
can be used as an additional hint to the compiler) (further details). - Function barriers can improve performance due to type stability (further details).
- Look for type instabilities using
. Consider using@descend
from Cthulhu.jl to investigate deeper call chains.
If you modify some internal parts of Trixi.jl, you should check the impact on performance. Hence, you should at least investigate the performance roughly by comparing the reported timings of several elixirs. Deeper investigations and micro-benchmarks should usually use BenchmarkTools.jl. For example, the following steps were used to benchmark the changes introduced in trixi-framework#256.
git checkout e7ebf3846b3fd62ee1d0042e130afb50d7fe8e48
(new version)- Start
julia --threads=1 --check-bounds=no
. - Execute the following code in the REPL to benchmark the
call at the final state.Run thejulia> using BenchmarkTools, Revise; using Trixi julia> trixi_include("examples/2d/elixir_euler_sedov_blast_wave.jl") julia> du_test = copy(sol.u[end]); u_test = copy(sol.u[end]); julia> @benchmark Trixi.rhs!( $(du_test), $(u_test), $(semi), $(sol.t[end])) BenchmarkTools.Trial: memory estimate: 10.48 KiB allocs estimate: 67 -------------- minimum time: 4.510 ms (0.00% GC) median time: 4.646 ms (0.00% GC) mean time: 4.699 ms (0.00% GC) maximum time: 7.183 ms (0.00% GC) -------------- samples: 1065 evals/sample: 1 shell> git checkout 222241ff54f8a4ca9876cc1fc25ae262416a4ea0 julia> trixi_include("examples/2d/elixir_euler_sedov_blast_wave.jl") julia> @benchmark Trixi.rhs!( $(du_test), $(u_test), $(semi), $(sol.t[end])) BenchmarkTools.Trial: memory estimate: 10.36 KiB allocs estimate: 67 -------------- minimum time: 4.500 ms (0.00% GC) median time: 4.635 ms (0.00% GC) mean time: 4.676 ms (0.00% GC) maximum time: 5.880 ms (0.00% GC) -------------- samples: 1070 evals/sample: 1
@benchmark ...
commands multiple times to see whether there are any significant fluctuations.
Follow these steps for both commits you want to compare. The relevant benchmark results you should typically be looking at are the median and mean values of the runtime and the memory/allocs estimate. In this example, the differences of the runtimes are of the order of the fluctuations one gets when running the benchmarks multiple times. Since the memory/allocs are (roughly) the same, there doesn't seem to be a significant performance regression here.
You can also make it more detailed by benchmarking only, e.g., the calculation of the volume terms, but whether that's necessary depends on the modifications you made and their (potential) impact.
Some more detailed description of manual profiling and benchmarking as well as resulting performance improvements of Trixi.jl are given in the following blog posts.
We use PkgBenchmark.jl to provide a standard set of benchmarks for Trixi.jl. The relevant benchmark script is benchmark/benchmarks.jl. You can run a standard set of benchmarks via
julia> using PkgBenchmark, Trixi
julia> results = benchmarkpkg(Trixi, BenchmarkConfig(juliacmd=`$(Base.julia_cmd()) --check-bounds=no --threads=1`))
julia> export_markdown(joinpath(pathof(Trixi) |> dirname |> dirname, "benchmark", ""), results)
This will save a markdown file with a summary of the benchmark results similar to
this example.
Note that this will take quite some time. Additional options are described in the
docs of PkgBenchmark.jl.
A particularly useful option is to specify a BenchmarkConfig
including Julia
command line options affecting the performance such as disabling bounds-checking
and setting the number of threads.
A useful feature when developing Trixi.jl is to compare the performance of Trixi.jl's
current state vs. the main
branch. This can be achieved by executing
julia> using PkgBenchmark, Trixi
julia> results = judge(Trixi,
BenchmarkConfig(juliacmd=`$(Base.julia_cmd()) --check-bounds=no --threads=1`), # target
BenchmarkConfig(juliacmd=`$(Base.julia_cmd()) --check-bounds=no --threads=1`, id="main") # baseline
julia> export_markdown(joinpath(pathof(Trixi) |> dirname |> dirname, "benchmark", ""), results)
By default, the target
is the current state of the repository. Remember that you
need to be in a clean state (commit or stash your changes) to run this successfully.
You can also run this comparison and an additional one using two threads via
julia> include("benchmark/run_benchmarks.jl")
Then, markdown files including the results are saved in benchmark/
This example result
was obtained using a GitHub action for the
PR #535.
Note that GitHub actions run on in the cloud in a virtual machine. Hence, we do not really
have control over it and performance results must be taken with a grain of salt.
Nevertheless, significant runtime differences and differences of memory allocations
should be robust indicators of performance changes.
Usually, Julia will compile specialized versions of each method, using as much information from the
types of function arguments as possible (based on some
The compiler will generate code that is as efficient as comparable code written in a low-level
language such as C or Fortran. However, there are cases where the runtime performance does not
really matter but the time needed to compile specializations becomes significant. This is related to
latency or the time-to-first-plot problem, well-known in the Julia community. In such a case, it can
be useful to remove some burden from the compiler by avoiding specialization on every possible argument
types using the macro @nospecialize
A prime example of such a case is pretty printing of struct
s in the Julia REPL, see the
associated PR for further discussions.
As a rule of thumb:
- Do not use
in performance-critical parts, in particular not for methods involved in computingTrixi.rhs!
. - Consider using
for methods like custom implementations
The AnalysisCallback
computes two performance indicators that you can use to
evaluate the serial and parallel performance of Trixi.jl. They represent
measured run times that are normalized by the number of rhs!
evaluations and
the number of degrees of freedom of the problem setup. The normalization ensures that we can
compare different measurements for each type of indicator independent of the number of
time steps or mesh size. All indicators have in common that they are still in units of
time, thus lower is better for each of them.
Here, the term "degrees of freedom" (DOFs) refers to the number of independent state vectors that are used to represent the numerical solution. For example, if you use a DGSEM-type scheme in 2D on a mesh with 8 elements and with 5-by-5 Gauss-Lobatto nodes in each element (i.e., a polynomial degree of 4), the total number of DOFs would be
In contrast, for a finite volume-type scheme on a mesh with 8 elements, the total number of DOFs would be (independent of the number of spatial dimensions)
since for standard finite volume methods you store a single state vector in each
element. Note that we specifically count the number of state vectors and not
the number of state variables for the DOFs. That is, in the previous example
is equal to 8 independent of whether this is a compressible Euler
setup with 5 state variables or a linear scalar advection setup with one state
For each indicator, the measurements are always since the last invocation of the
. That is, if the analysis callback is called multiple times,
the indicators are repeatedly computed and can thus also be used to track the
performance over the course of a longer simulation, e.g., to analyze setups with varying performance
characteristics. Note that the time spent in the AnalysisCallback
itself is always
excluded, i.e., the performance measurements are not distorted by potentially
expensive solution analysis computations. All other parts of a Trixi.jl simulation
are included, however, thus make sure that you disable everything you do not
want to be measured (such as I/O callbacks, visualization etc.).
!!! note "Performance indicators and adaptive mesh refinement" Currently it is not possible to compute meaningful performance indicators for a simulation with arbitrary adaptive mesh refinement, since this would require to explicitly keep track of the number of DOF updates due to the mesh size changing repeatedly. The only way to do this at the moment is by setting the analysis interval to the same value as the AMR interval.
The local, rhs!
-only indicator is computed as
where t_\text{\texttt{rhs!}}
is the accumulated time spent in rhs!
is the local number of DOFs (i.e., on the
current MPI rank; if doing a serial run, you can just think of this as the
number of DOFs), and n_\text{calls,\texttt{rhs!}}
is the number of times the
function has been evaluated. Note that for this indicator, we measure only
the time spent in rhs!
, i.e., by definition all computations outside of rhs!
- specifically
all other callbacks and the time integration method - are not taken into account.
The local, rhs!
-only indicator is usually most useful if you do serial
measurements and are interested in the performance of the implementation of your
core numerical methods (e.g., when doing performance tuning).
The performance index (PID) is computed as
where t_\text{wall}
is the walltime since the last call to the AnalysisCallback
is the number of MPI ranks used,
is the global number of DOFs (i.e., the sum of
DOFs over all MPI ranks; if doing a serial run, you can just think of this as the
number of DOFs), and n_\text{calls,\texttt{rhs!}}
is the number of times the
function has been evaluated since the last call to the AnalysisCallback
The PID measures everything except the time spent in the AnalysisCallback
itself -
specifically, all other callbacks and the time integration method itself are included.
The PID is usually most useful if you would like to compare the parallel performance of your code to its serial performance. Specifically, it allows you to evaluate the parallelization overhead of your code by giving you a measure of the resources that are necessary to solve a given simulation setup. In a sense, it mimics the "core hours" metric that is often used by supercomputer centers to measure how many resources a particular compute job requires. It can thus be seen as a proxy for "energy used" and, as an extension, "monetary cost".
!!! note "Initialization overhead in measurements"
When using one of the integration schemes from OrdinaryDiffEq.jl, their implementation
will initialize some OrdinaryDiffEq.jl-specific information during the first
time step. Among other things, one additional call to rhs!
is performed.
Therefore, make sure that for performance measurements using the PID either the
number of timesteps or the workload per rhs!
call is large enough to make
the initialization overhead negligible. Note that the extra call to rhs!
is properly accounted for in both the number of calls and the measured time,
so you do not need to worry about it being expensive. If you want a perfect
timing result, you need to set the analysis interval such that the
is invoked at least once during the course of the simulation and
discard the first PID value.