Trixi.jl is designed as a library of components for discretizations of hyperbolic conservation laws. Thus, it is not a monolithic PDE solver that is configured at runtime via parameter files, as it is often found in classical numerical simulation codes. Instead, each simulation is configured by pure Julia code. Many examples of such simulation setups, called elixirs in Trixi.jl, are provided in the examples folder.
Trixi.jl uses the method of lines, i.e., the full space-time discretization is separated into two steps; the spatial semidiscretization is performed at first and the resulting ODE system is solved numerically using a suitable time integration method. Thus, the main ingredients of an elixir designed to solve a PDE numerically are the spatial semidiscretization and the time integration scheme.
Semidiscretizations are high-level descriptions of spatial discretizations
specialized for certain PDEs. Trixi.jl's main focus is on hyperbolic conservation
laws represented in a SemidiscretizationHyperbolic
Such semidiscretizations are usually named semi
in Trixi.jl
The basic building blocks of a semidiscretization are
- a
describing the geometry of the domain - a set of
describing the physical model - a
describing the numerical approach
In addition, a semidiscretization bundles initial and boundary conditions, and
possible source terms. These different ingredients of a semidiscretization can
be configured individually and combined together.
When a semidiscretization is constructed, it will create an internal cache
i.e., a collection of setup-specific data structures,
that is usually passed to all lower level functions.
Due to Trixi.jl's modular nature using Julia's multiple dispatch features, new
ingredients can be created specifically for a certain combination of other
ingredients. For example, a new mesh
type can be created and implemented at
first only for a specific solver. Thus, there is no need to consider all
possible combinations of mesh
es, equations
, and solver
s when implementing
new features. This allows rapid prototyping of new ideas and is one of the main
design goals behind Trixi.jl. Below is a brief overview of the availability of
different features on different mesh types.
Feature | TreeMesh |
StructuredMesh |
UnstructuredMesh2D |
P4estMesh |
DGMultiMesh |
Further reading |
Spatial dimension | 1D, 2D, 3D | 1D, 2D, 3D | 2D | 2D, 3D | 1D, 2D, 3D | |
Coordinates | Cartesian | curvilinear | curvilinear | curvilinear | curvilinear | |
Connectivity | h-nonconforming | conforming | conforming | h-nonconforming | conforming | |
Element type | line, square, cube | line, quadᵃ, hexᵃ | quadᵃ | quadᵃ, hexᵃ | simplex, quadᵃ, hexᵃ | |
Adaptive mesh refinement | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | AMRCallback |
Solver type | DGSEM |
DGMulti |
Domain | hypercube | mapped hypercube | arbitrary | arbitrary | arbitraryᵇ | |
Weak form | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | VolumeIntegralWeakForm |
Flux differencing | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | VolumeIntegralFluxDifferencing |
Shock capturing | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | VolumeIntegralShockCapturingHG |
Nonconservative equations | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | e.g., GLM MHD or shallow water equations |
ᵃ: quad = quadrilateral, hex = hexahedron
ᵇ: curved meshes supported for SBP
and GaussSBP
approximation types for VolumeIntegralFluxDifferencing
solvers on quadrilateral and hexahedral DGMultiMesh
es (non-conservative terms not yet supported)
Trixi.jl is compatible with the SciML ecosystem for ordinary differential equations.
In particular, a spatial semidiscretization can be wrapped in an ODE problem
using semidiscretize
, which returns an ODEProblem
. This ODEProblem
is a wrapper
of Trixi.rhs!(du_ode, u_ode, semi, t)
, which gets called in ODE solvers.
Further information can be found in the
[section on time integration methods](@ref time-integration).
We explicitly encourage people interested in Trixi.jl to have a look at the examples bundled with Trixi.jl to get an impression of what is possible and the general look and feel of Trixi.jl. Before doing that, it is usually good to get an idea of [how to visualize numerical results](@ref visualization).
If you like learning by doing, looking at the tutorials and trying to mix your own elixirs based thereon is probably a good next step. Otherwise, you can further dig into the documentation by looking at Trixi.jl's basic building blocks.