Trixi.jl follows the interpretation of semantic versioning (semver) used in the Julia ecosystem. Notable changes will be documented in this file for human readability.
- Experimental support for 3D parabolic diffusion terms has been added.
- The required Julia version is updated to v1.8 in Trixi.jl v0.5.13.
- The macro
(re-exported originally from UnPack.jl) is deprecated and will be removed. Consider using Julia's standard destructuring syntax(; a, b) = stuff
instead of@unpack a, b = stuff
. - The constructor
DGMultiMesh(dg; cells_per_dimension, kwargs...)
is deprecated and will be removed. The new constructorDGMultiMesh(dg, cells_per_dimension; kwargs...)
does not havecells_per_dimesion
as a keyword argument.
- Compile-time boolean indicators have been changed from
. This affects user code only if new equations with nonconservative terms are created. ChangeTrixi.has_nonconservative_terms(::YourEquations) = Val{true}()
toTrixi.has_nonconservative_terms(::YourEquations) = Trixi.True()
. - The (non-exported) DGSEM function
has been renamed toflux_differencing_kernel!
- Trixi.jl updated its dependency P4est.jl
from v0.3 to v0.4. The new bindings of the C library
have been generated using Clang.jl instead of CBinding.jl v0.9. This affects only user code that is interacting directly withp4est
, e.g., because custom refinement functions have been passed top4est
. Please consult the of P4est.jl for further information.
- The signature of the
constructors has changed - thedg::DGMulti
argument now comes first. - The undocumented and unused
DGMultiMesh(triangulateIO, rd::RefElemData{2, Tri}, boundary_dict::Dict{Symbol, Int})
constructor was removed.
- Everything deprecated in Trixi.jl v0.4.x has been removed.
- Implementation of linearized Euler equations in 2D
- Experimental support for upwind finite difference summation by parts (FDSBP)
has been added in Trixi.jl v0.4.55. The first implementation requires a
and comes with several examples in theexamples_dir()
of Trixi.jl. - Experimental support for 2D parabolic diffusion terms has been added.
can be used to add diffusion to systems.LaplaceDiffusion2D
can be used to add scalar diffusion to each equation of a system, whileCompressibleNavierStokesDiffusion2D
can be used to add Navier-Stokes diffusion toCompressibleEulerEquations2D
.- Parabolic boundary conditions can be imposed as well. For
, bothDirichlet
conditions are supported. ForCompressibleNavierStokesDiffusion2D
, viscous no-slip velocity boundary conditions are supported, along with adiabatic and isothermal temperature boundary conditions. See the boundary condition containerBoundaryConditionNavierStokesWall
and boundary condition typesNoSlip
, andIsothermal
for more information. CompressibleNavierStokesDiffusion2D
can utilize both primitive variables (which are not guaranteed to provably dissipate entropy) and entropy variables (which provably dissipate entropy at the semi-discrete level).- Please check the
directory for further information about the supported setups. Further documentation will be added later.
- Numerical fluxes
that are equivalent to their non-_turbo
counterparts but may enable specialized methods making use of SIMD instructions to increase runtime efficiency - Support for (periodic and non-periodic) SBP operators of
as approximation type in
solvers - Initial support for MPI-based parallel simulations using non-conforming meshes of type
in 2D and 3D including adaptive mesh refinement
- The
type is removed in favor of theDGMultiMesh
type. TheVertexMappedMesh
constructor is deprecated.
- The required Julia version is updated to v1.7.
- The isentropic vortex setups contained a bug that was fixed in Trixi.jl v0.4.54. Moreover, the setup was made a bit more challenging. See trixi-framework#1269 for further information.
- The
constructor which uses ard::RefElemData
argument is deprecated in favor of the constructor which uses adg::DGMulti
argument instead.
- Experimental support for artificial neural network-based indicators for shock capturing and adaptive mesh refinement (#632)
- Experimental support for direct-hybrid aeroacoustics simulations (#712)
- Implementation of shallow water equations in 2D
- Experimental support for interactive visualization with Makie.jl
- Implementation of acoustic perturbation equations now uses the conservative form, i.e. the
perturbed pressure
has been replaced withp_prime_scaled = p_prime / c_mean^2
. - Removed the experimental
and instead directly compute slip wall boundary condition flux term using the functionboundary_condition_slip_wall
. - Renamed
. - The signature of indicators used for adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) and shock capturing changed to generalize them to curved meshes.
- Many initial/boundary conditions and source terms for typical setups were
moved from
to the example elixirsTrixi/examples
. Thus, they are no longer available whenusing Trixi
, e.g., the initial condition for the Kelvin Helmholtz instability. - Features deprecated in v0.3 were removed.
- Support for automatic differentiation, e.g.
- In-situ visualization and post hoc visualization with Plots.jl
- New systems of equations
- multicomponent compressible Euler and MHD equations
- acoustic perturbation equations
- Lattice-Boltzmann equations
- Composable
with adaptable wave speed estimates were added in #493 - New structured, curvilinear, conforming mesh type
- New unstructured, curvilinear, conforming mesh type
in 2D - New unstructured, curvilinear, adaptive (non-conforming) mesh type
in 2D and 3D - Experimental support for finite difference (FD) summation-by-parts (SBP) methods via SummationByPartsOperators.jl
- New support for modal DG and SBP-DG methods on triangular and tetrahedral meshes via StartUpDG.jl
flux_lax_friedrichs(u_ll, u_rr, orientation, equations::LatticeBoltzmannEquations2D)
andflux_lax_friedrichs(u_ll, u_rr, orientation, equations::LatticeBoltzmannEquations3D)
were actually using the logic offlux_godunov
. Thus, they were renamed accordingly in #493. This is considered a bugfix (released in Trixi.jl v0.3.22).- The required Julia version is updated to v1.6.
- Providing the keyword argument
is deprecated in favor of using functions likecons2cons
→varnames(cons2cons, equations)
→varnames(cons2prim, equations)
- The old interface for nonconservative terms is deprecated. In particular, passing
only a single two-point numerical flux for nonconservative is deprecated. The new
interface is described in a tutorial. Now, a tuple of two numerical fluxes of the
(conservative_flux, nonconservative_flux)
needs to be passed for nonconservative equations, see #657.