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Multi browser support

Olha Omelianchuk edited this page Dec 3, 2024 · 38 revisions

Multi browser support

Multi browser support enables you to execute your test with different browser configurations. Notice the @Browser annotation in the example below. The string references a specific browser configuration. (see Browser profile configuration ) You also can @SuppressBrowsers which will disable multi browser for the method or class. Be aware that @SuppressBrowsers on a class can be overridden on method scope by annotating a @Browser to a method.

public class MyTests
    public void testMethod()
        // implementation
    public void noBrowserTest()

On execution each @NeodymiumTest method will be automatically executed with each annotated browser configuration. Neodymium creates the browser instance according to the configuration, injects the resulting web driver in Selenide framework and clear them up afterwards.


BTW: The @Browser annotation can be inherited from a parent class and if needed you can overwrite it in the test class.

In case you don't want to run the test for all available browsers but to randomly select some of them for every test execution, you can use @RandomBrowser annotation. This allows you to select a number of randomly selected browsers.

Browser profile configuration

Browser configurations are stored in the file config/ Since it is a property file a special format is needed to define a configuration.

You can overwrite it the following way:

  • the standard way via config/
  • configure your development environment via config/ (This file should not be committed)

Format: browserprofile.<configuration tag>.<property>

  • browserprofile is a static prefix that must be used for every configuration.
  • <configuration tag> is a user defined string that is later on used to be referred with @Browser annotation
  • NOTE: This <configuration tag> must not contain any white space characters. Also it's treated case sensitive.
  • <property> is one of the listed below
Property Mandatory Description
name YES is a more detailed name of this browser/device test. This name will be used for reporting
browser YES determines what browser will be used for this test. Valid values are iphone, ipad, android, firefox, chrome, internetexplorer, safari
version YES if used for device emulation determines which version of the browser should be used OR determines the version of the OS of an emulated device by default version references the browser version, but in case of saucelabs device emulation usage it may be used for the OS version instead
browserResolution NO determines width and height of the browser window. If not specified the default will be used instead not applicable for mobile device emulation can be defined as e.g. 1200x900 or 1200X900 or 1200,900
screenResolution NO determines width and height of the emulated operating system only applicable for Windows, Linux and MacOS devices can be defined as e.g. 1280x1024 or 1280X1024 or 1280,1024
platform NO defines on which (emulated) platform the test should run. See SauceLabs Platform-Configurator for further more information
deviceOrientation NO defines the screen orientation. only for mobile/tablet device emulation valid values: portrait or landscape
testEnvironment NO determines where the testcase will be executed. possible values are local and saucelabs. NOTE: you only need to set this property if you want to use saucelabs as test environment. by default the value local is assumed.
chromeEmulationProfile NO A special property that contains a device name that should be emulated. This property is for chrome only. See chrome device emulation features for valid strings. NOTE: Currently are only from chrome predefined devices supported.
pageLoadStrategy NO This property defines when the web driver will return from a page load. Value can be normal, eager or non
  • normal: (default) call returns when load event was fired
  • eager: returns when DOMContentLoaded event was fired
  • none: returns immediately
headless NO Boolean propertey that determines if the browser should run in headless mode. Default value is false. NOTE: Currently only supported for Firefox and Chrome
acceptInsecureCertificates NO A boolean property that decides whether the web driver accepts insecure certificate or not. The default behaviour is the one of the used web driver.
  • true: the browser accepts insecure certificates
  • false: the browser does not accepts insecure certificates
arguments NO Additional command line arguments for the browser to apply. As you can specify only on 'arguments' property for a browser at a time you need to chain multiple arguments. Multiple arguments are chained by semicolon (";") e.g.: -window-position=0,0 ; -window-size=400,300
Google Chrome uses arguments starting with a double dash (e.g. --headless) while Mozilla Firefox uses as single dash. However Chrome even understands arguments without a leading dash while Firefox needs to have the dash in front of arguments. With that said it is preferred to use a single dash for each argument regardless the browser you are configuring.
downloadDirectory NO You might want to alter the standard download folder. NOTE: this is only supported by Firefox and Chrome
driverArgs NO Most of webdrivers offer to pass arguments to reduce/increase webdriver logs, redirect them to separate file, change port, limit allowed origins, etc. To see what are offered by the webdriver of your choice, please execute --help command in terminal. These arguments you can now pass to the webdriver via driverArgs property of browser profile


# latest Google Chrome local in 1600x1200 = Chrome 1600x1200
browserprofile.Chrome_1600x1200.browser = chrome
browserprofile.Chrome_1600x1200.browserResolution = 1600x1200

# latest Firefox local in 1500x1000 = Firefox 1500x1000
browserprofile.Firefox_1500x1000.browser = firefox
browserprofile.Firefox_1500x1000.browserResolution = 1500x1000

Global browser profile configuration

The following properties can be configured on a global level. A specific configuration on browser profile level will override the global value. Please check the "Browser profile configuration" section above for more details regarding the properties and their usage. = normal|eager|none = true|false = true|false = 1200x900

Browser preference configuration

For Chrome and Firefox it's possible to configure a list of preferences stored in config/

A list of all preferences for Chrome can be found here.

For Firefox check about:config in your actual Firefox browser. Please be aware that different browsers use different preference keys.

Also please keep in mind that the download folder can be set via properties directly, but also via preferences. If both are set, the browserprofile.<browserprofile>.downloadDirectory property is used.


# Multiple preferences are chained by semicolon (";").
browserprofile.Chrome.preferences = browser.show_home_button=true ; homepage= ; homepage_is_newtabpage=false;

browserprofile.Firefox.preferences = browser.startup.homepage= ; geo.enabled=true
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