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File metadata and controls

149 lines (120 loc) · 6.14 KB


Welcome to PandaFCI! This is a set of interfaces for controlling the Panda robot in real time through Franka Control Interface. It allows both real-time control (1kHz) and ros support (in cartesian space and joint space, both in position and velocity).

1. Prequisites

Here is what you need to start with:

  • Ubuntu Machine with the Real Time Kernel
    • Static IP of 192.168.1.XXX (Ex/ and Netmask of for the ethernet connected to the Panda. If you have also have a force torque sensor, the ethernet connected to that needs to be set to a static IP of 192.168.2.XXX (Ex/
    • Docker Engine
  • Franka Emika Panda 7 DOF Robot setup with the FCI and set to static IP of 192.168.1.XXX (Ex/ and Netmask to
    • Robot system version: 4.2.X (FER pandas)
    • Robot / Gripper Server version: 5 / 3

You will optionally need:

Here is what we are going to install:

  • ROS Noetic
  • Libfranka version 0.9.2
  • franka_ros version 0.10.0
  • Various apt/ROS packages

2. Setting up this repository

First clone this repository to your local computer and open a terminal in the repository's directory. All further commands should be run from there. Run the following command to grab the proper submodules:

git submodule init
git submodule update

The following submodules should have been cloned:

3. Setting Up Your Container

First set up display forwarding:

xhost +local:

Now build the container image and start the container. Make sure you are in this root directory (NIST_Benchmark). These commands mount on the current directory as the containers file system so any changes you make to the files on your host machine will be mirrored in the container. These commands also allow the containers display to be forwarded to your host machine so that you can see it.

sudo docker build -t panda-prim-controller .

# Start the container with real-time kernel privileges, allow access to usb devices,  mount onto the current directory, and allow display forwarding. Container is removed once it exits.
sudo docker run --rm -it --privileged --device=/dev/input/event* --cap-add=SYS_NICE --env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v $(pwd):/workspace --net=host panda-prim-controller

Add necessary environment variables: Replace with your Panda's IP

export PANDA_IP=

4. Compilation:

Compile non-ROS package (PandaController)

If first time, first configure:

cd src/PandaController
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ../../..

Anytime, run:

cd src/PandaController/build
make install
cd ../../..

Compile ROS package

Compile individually each ros packages:

# catkin build relaxed_ik --no-notify
catkin build panda_ros_msgs --no-notify
catkin build panda_ros --no-notify
#catkin build dmp_deformations --no-notify
catkin build inputs_ros --no-notify
catkin build controller --no-notify

5. Running with ROS

  1. Use Franka Desktop to unlock the Panda's joints and enable FCI mode.
  2. Run source devel/setup.bash inside the root directory
  3. Start the launch files related to the application:
    • Space mouse:
      • Terminal 1:
         roslaunch inputs_ros space_mouse.launch

Updating to Noetic/Python3 Progress

  • Update Dockerfile to Noetic and Python3
  • Make sure libraries in Dockerfile still work or upgrade as needed.
  • Update libfranka to 0.9.2 (This can be done in DockerFile with apt-get).
  • Update franka_ros to 0.10.0 (This version can be done in the DockerFile through apt-get. This version should be compatible but I've only tested 0.8.0 before. If we end up needing 0.8.0, that will need to be downloaded through source code.)
  • Fix any CMAKE issues.
  • Check if changes in changelog of libfranka and franka_ros show effect code.
  • Update python code necessary to get Space Mouse working.
  • Get Force/Torque Sensor working
  • Figure out which code is relevant to ros-gui and upgrade that.
  • Upgrade RelaxedIK to RangedIK if necessary
  • Possibly delete any remaining outdated/unnecessary code (franka_ros may be able to be removed).



  • To test the space mouse, run each of these commands in their own terminal. The last command will subscribe to the spacemouse topic and the numbers outputted should change as you move the mouse.

    • Terminal 1:
    • Terminal 2:
       rosrun spacenav_node spacenav_node
    • Terminal 3:
       rostopic echo /spacenav/joy
  • To test if the Force/Torque Sensor is properly connected, go to the sensor's IP (ex/ in a webrowser on your computer. If the ATI Configuration page shows up, that means you are properly connected. If not, reference section 4 of the Sensor Guide. Once you can access the ATI site, you can go to Demo and download the Java application to see the values coming from the sensor.