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React Portals - The Gateway for Component Teleportation

React Portals provide a solution to render child nodes to a DOM node outside of the parent component, allowing JSX to be rendered as children to different parts of the DOM. The most common use case is when a child component needs to visually break away from its parent container, such as in the case of dialogs, floating toolbars, or tooltips.


  <SomeComponent />
  {createPortal(children, domNode, key?)}

React Portals can be metaphorically translated as gateways, signifying the method through which our React components can be transported to any specified location. It enables the rendering of a component's output to any position within the DOM tree, rather than just within the same DOM hierarchy as the component itself. To illustrate, consider the effect of using Portal on the entire DOM node when mounting a component's DOM structure with ReactDOM.render as <div id="root"></div>. The resulting effect varies for the same component:

export const App: FC = () => {
  return (
      <div className="model">

// -> 

  <div id="root">
    <div class="model">
export const App: FC = () => {
  return (
        <div className="model">

// -> 

  <div id="root">
  {/* The `DOM` structure is mounted under the `body` */}
  <div class="model">

As seen in the above examples, using ReactDOM.createPortal allows us to mount the React component to a different DOM structure, in this case, to document.body. This practice is common, offering more flexibility in controlling the rendering behavior and resolving complex UI interaction scenarios. Typically, we can encapsulate the Portal component to facilitate its usage.

export const Portal: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
  return typeof document === "object" ? ReactDOM.createPortal(children, document.body) : null;

export const App: FC = () => (
    <SomeComponent />

As previously discussed, the most common use of Portals is for dialogs or components that can be thought of as floating at the top of the entire page. These components are visually detached from the parent component in the DOM structure. While it is possible to manually implement related capabilities, such as creating a div structure and mounting it to the target DOM structure like document.body, and then using ReactDOM.render to render the component into the related structure, and subsequently removing the created div upon component unmount, this approach is feasible but not as elegant. Another method involves using state management, where relevant components are defined in advance in the target component, and their visibility is controlled using state management tools such as redux. However, this is akin to using a sledgehammer to crack a nut and does not warrant further discussion.

Actually, let's think about this again. Since we need to detach from the parent component's structure to achieve this capability, we don't necessarily have to use Portals. The position property in CSS can also help us detach the current DOM structure from the document flow. In other words, we don't need to physically separate the DOM structure of the target component; we just need to use position to achieve the effect. Of course, the idea sounds great, but the real scenario becomes much more complex. The most commonly used methods to detach from the document flow are absolute positioning (absolute) and fixed positioning (fixed). First, let's take a look at absolute. When using absolute, it's easy to realize that we need to ensure that there are no other position elements from the current component all the way up to the body that are relative/absolute. This condition is definitely hard to achieve, especially if we are writing a component library. It's difficult to control how many layers the user may have and what CSS properties they may use. Now, let's focus on fixed. fixed is positioned relative to the viewport, so it doesn't require the same strong conditions as absolute. Even if the parent element has relative/absolute, it doesn't matter. This matter is not so simple, though. Even a fixed element can still be affected by the parent element's styles. Here are two examples where this is evident: transform and z-index.

<!-- Continuously changing the value of `transform: translateY(20px);` causes the `fixed` element to change continuously as well -->
<div style="transform: translateY(20px);">
  <div style="position: fixed; left: 10px; top: 10px;">
    <div style="background-color: blue; width: 10px; height: 10px;"></div>

<!-- The parent element's `z-index` level is lower than the sibling element, so even if the `z-index` of the `fixed` element is higher, it will be obscured by the parent's sibling element -->
  style="position: absolute; z-index: 100; width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: #fff;"
<div style="position: absolute; z-index: 1">
  <div style="position: fixed; left: 10px; top: 10px; z-index: 1000">
    <div style="background-color: blue; width: 10px; height: 10px"></div>

From the examples above, we can see that using only CSS positioning is not enough to completely detach from the parent component. Even if we can achieve the effect of breaking away from the document flow, it will still be affected by the parent component's styles. Especially in a component library, as a third-party component library, we have no way to control the user's designed DOM structure. If we only use methods to detach from the document flow without actually separating the DOM structure, our components will be impacted by user styles, which is not what we want to see. Furthermore, even if we are not designing a component library, but only implementing related requirements in our business, we do not want our components to be affected by the parent component, because even if our structure and style are initially fine, as the business becomes more complex, especially in multi-person cooperative development projects, it's easy to leave hidden dangers and cause unnecessary problems. Of course, we can introduce E2E to avoid related problems, which is another solution in this regard.

In conclusion, React Portals provide a more flexible way to control rendering behavior, which can be used to solve some complex UI interaction scenarios. Below are some common application scenarios:

  • Modals and dialogs: Using Portals, modal or dialog components can be rendered to the top-level of the DOM tree, ensuring they can overlay other components and exist independently of other components in terms of hierarchy. This helps avoid the complexity of CSS or z-index properties and creates a clean container outside of the component hierarchy.
  • Integration with third-party libraries: Sometimes, we may need to integrate React components with third-party libraries (such as map libraries or video players). Using Portals allows the components to be rendered into the DOM elements required by the third-party library, ensuring that the required additional components are rendered in the correct position and context within the original component's encapsulated DOM structure.
  • Separation of logic and component reuse: Portals allow us to separate the rendering output of components from their logic. We can define the rendering output of a component in a separate Portal component and use that Portal where needed. This promotes component reuse and better organization and management of code.
  • Dealing with stacking context: In some cases, using Portals can help us solve problems related to stacking context, as Portals can create independent DOM rendering containers, avoiding style and layout problems caused by stacking contexts.

MouseEnter Event

Even though React Portals can transport components to any DOM node, their behavior is just like regular React components, they don't actually detach from the original React component tree. This is actually a very interesting thing because it seems like we can use this feature to implement more complex interactions. But before that, let's take a closer look at the native DOM events MouseEnter and MouseLeave, as well as their counterparts MouseOver and MouseOut.

  • MouseEnter: This event is triggered when the mouse cursor enters an element. The event is only triggered when the mouse enters from outside the element and does not affect any inner child elements. For example, if there is a nested DOM structure <div id="a"><div id="b"></div></div>, when we bind the MouseEnter event to element a, the MouseEnter event will be triggered when the mouse moves from outside the element to inside. However, when we then move the mouse to element b, the MouseEnter event will not be triggered again.
  • MouseLeave: This event is triggered when the mouse cursor leaves an element. The event is only triggered when the mouse leaves from inside the element and does not affect any outer parent elements. For example, if there is a nested DOM structure <div id="a"><div id="b"></div></div>, when we bind the MouseLeave event to element a, the MouseLeave event will be triggered when the mouse moves from inside the element to outside. If the mouse moves from element b to inside element a, the MouseEnter event will not be triggered.
  • MouseOver: This event is triggered when the mouse cursor enters an element. The event is triggered when the mouse moves from outside the element to inside and bubbles up to the parent element. For example, if there is a nested DOM structure <div id="a"><div id="b"></div></div>, when we bind the MouseOver event to element a, the MouseOver event will be triggered when the mouse moves from outside the element to inside. When the mouse then moves to element b, the MouseOver event will be triggered again due to the bubbling from element b to a.
  • MouseOut: This event is triggered when the mouse cursor leaves an element. The event is triggered when the mouse moves from inside the element to outside and bubbles up to the parent element. For example, if there is a nested DOM structure <div id="a"><div id="b"></div></div>, when we bind the MouseOut event to element a, the MouseOut event will be triggered when the mouse moves from inside the element to outside. If the mouse moves from element b to inside element a, the MouseOut event will be triggered again due to the bubbling.

It is important to note that MouseEnter/MouseLeave execute event handlers during the capturing phase and cannot be executed during the bubbling phase, while MouseOver/MouseOut can be executed during either the capturing or bubbling phase, depending on how addEventListener handles it. In fact, both event streams can be blocked, but MouseEnter/MouseLeave need to use stopPropagation during the capturing phase, which is generally not necessary. Personally, I still prefer using MouseEnter/MouseLeave for several reasons:

  • Avoiding bubbling issues: MouseEnter and MouseLeave events do not bubble to parent or other elements. They only trigger when the mouse enters or leaves the element itself. This means we can precisely control the event triggering range and handle mouse interactions more accurately without interference from other elements, providing a better user experience.
  • Avoiding repeated triggering: MouseOver and MouseOut events repeatedly trigger when the mouse hovers inside an element. When the mouse moves from one element to its child element, the MouseOut event triggers at the parent element and then at the child element. The MouseOut event also triggers multiple times. Treating parent and all child elements as independent areas, the event will bubble up to the parent element to execute the event binding function, potentially leading to repeated event handling and unnecessary logical triggers. MouseEnter and MouseLeave events do not repeatedly trigger, only triggering once when the mouse enters or leaves the element.
  • Simplifying interaction logic: The characteristics of MouseEnter and MouseLeave events simplify the logic for handling mouse enter and leave interactions. We can focus solely on the element itself entering and leaving, without having to handle parent or child element events. This simplification helps improve code readability and maintainability.

Of course, whether to use MouseEnter/MouseLeave or MouseOver/MouseOut events depends on the specific business scenario. If handling mouse enter and leave for child elements is necessary or utilizing bubbling mechanisms to implement functionality, then MouseOver and MouseOut events are the better choice. MouseEnter/MouseLeave can provide greater flexibility and control, allowing us to create complex interactive effects and better handle user-element interactions. However, it also increases the complexity of the application accordingly.

Let's go back > Original: to the MouseEnter/MouseLeave events themselves. Here's a DEMO that can be used to test the event effects. It's worth noting that here we are testing with the help of React's synthetic events, and during testing, it is quite obvious that the TS prompts for MouseEnter/MouseLeave do not have the Capture option. For example, the Click event has onClick and onClickCapture to indicate the binding of events in the bubble and capture phases. Even in React's synthetic events, MouseEnter/MouseLeave only execute in the capture phase, so there's no Capture event binding attribute.

|    c |      b |      a |
|      |        |        |
|-------        |        |
|               |        |
|----------------        |
|                        |

We've separately bound the MouseEnter event to three DOM elements. When we move the mouse over a, the event bound to the a element will be executed. Similarly, when we move the mouse over a, b, and c in sequence, the event binding functions for a, b, and c will be executed in that order, and it won't trigger the parent element's event due to bubbling. When we directly move the mouse to c, it can be seen that the events are still executed in the order of a, b, and c, indicating that the MouseEnter event depends on the capture phase execution.

Portal Events

As mentioned earlier, despite the fact that React Portals can be placed anywhere in the DOM tree, in all other respects, they behave like regular React child nodes. We all know that React maintains its own set of synthetic events based on event delegation. Therefore, since the Portal still exists in the original React component tree, our React events actually still follow the rules of the original synthetic events and are not dependent on the position of the Portal in the DOM tree. This means that features like synthetic events and Context remain unchanged, regardless of whether the child nodes are Portals. Here are some points to note when using React Portals:

  • Event bubbling works as expected: Synthetic events will propagate through the React tree to ancestors as expected, regardless of the position of the Portal node in the DOM.
  • React controls Portal nodes and their lifecycle: The Portal is not detached from the React component tree, and when rendering child components through the Portal, React can still control the component's lifecycle.
  • Portal only affects the DOM structure: For React, a Portal merely changes the visual rendering position, affecting only the HTML DOM structure, not the React component tree.
  • Predefined HTML mounting point: When using React Portal, we need to define an HTML DOM element in advance as the mounting point for the Portal component.

Here's a DEMO that demonstrates the effects of using Portals with MouseEnter events. The nested implementation in the code is as follows:

|               a |
|           ------|------  --------
|           |     |   b |  |    c | 
|           |     |     |  |      |
|           |     |     |  --------
|           ------|------
const C = ReactDOM.createPortal(<div onMouseEnter={e => console.log("c", e)}></div>, document.body);
const B = ReactDOM.createPortal(
    <div onMouseEnter={e => console.log("b", e)}>
const App = (
    <div onMouseEnter={e => console.log("a", e)}></div>

// ==>

const App = (
    <div onMouseEnter={e => console.log("a", e)}></div>
        <div onMouseEnter={e => console.log("b", e)}>
            <div onMouseEnter={e => console.log("c", e)}></div>,

Simply looking at the code, this is a very simple nested structure. However, due to the presence of the Portals portal, the actual effect of this code structure on the real DOM structure is like this, where the id is only used to identify the React DOM structure, and does not actually exist:

  <div id="root">
    <div id="a"></div>
  <div id="b"></div>
  <div id="c"></div>

Next, let's try defining the triggering scenario for the MouseEnter event one by one. First, when the mouse moves over the a element, 'a' is printed in the console, which is as expected. Next, when the mouse moves over the b element, 'b' is printed in the console, which is also as expected. Then, when we move the mouse to c, something magical happens. We will notice that 'b' is printed first and then 'c', rather than just printing 'c'. From this, we can conclude that even though the DOM structure appears to be different, the synthetic event in the React tree still maintains a nested structure. The C component, as a child element of the B component, still triggers the MouseEnter event from B to C. Based on this, we can implement a very interesting feature, multi-level nested pop-up layers.

Trigger Overlay

In fact, all the previous discussions were laying the foundation for this part, because I use ArcoDesign a lot in my work, and due to the nature of my work in rich text documents, there are many places where pop-up layers are needed for interaction. So, in my day-to-day work, I heavily use the Trigger component of ArcoDesign, and I have always been very curious about the implementation of this component. This component can be nested to an unlimited number of levels, and when the last level of the multi-level pop-up layer component is moved out of the mouse, all the pop-up layers will be closed. The most important thing is that we have only nested it one level in our business implementation, without doing any communication or passing, so I have always been curious about this part of the implementation. It wasn't until some time ago, in order to solve a bug, that I delved into the related implementation and found that it is essentially accomplished using React Portals and the synthetic events of the React tree. There are many interactive implementations within it that are worth studying.

Similarly, I have also implemented a DEMO here,1, and during the call, simply nesting it can achieve a two-level pop-up layer. When we move the mouse over the a element, the b and c elements will be displayed. When we move the mouse to the c element, the d element will be displayed. When we continue to quickly move the mouse to the d element, all the pop-up layers will not disappear. When we directly move the mouse from the d element to the blank area, all the pop-up layers will disappear. If we move it to the b element, only the d element will disappear.

-------------------  -------------  --------
|               a |  |         b |  |    d | 
|                 |  |--------   |  |      |
|                 |  |      c |  |  --------    
|                 |  |--------   |      
|                 |  -------------   
|                 | 
  popup={() => (
    <div id="b" style={{ height: 100, width: 100, backgroundColor: "green" }}>
        popup={() => <div id="d" style={{ height: 50, width: 50, backgroundColor: "blue" }}></div>}
        <div id="c" style={{ paddingTop: 20 }}>Hover</div>
  <div id="a" style={{ height: 150, width: 150, backgroundColor: "red" }}></div>

Let's break down the code implementation. First, we encapsulate the Portal component. Here, we assume that the component we are going to mount is on the document.body, because what we want to do is a pop-up layer. At the beginning, we also clarified that our pop-up layer DOM structure needs to be mounted on the outermost layer and cannot be directly nested in the DOM structure. Of course, if it can be ensured that there will be no related problems and if the scrolling container is not the body and it needs to be positioned absolutely, it can specify the transmission position by passing the DOM node through getContainer. But here, we assume it is body. In the implementation below, we manage the mounting and unmounting of the DOM nodes through the encapsulation of the Portal component, and the actual components will also be mounted on the node we just created.

// trigger-simple.tsx
getContainer = () => {
  const popupContainer = document.createElement("div"); = "100%"; = "absolute"; = "0"; = "0";
  this.popupContainer = popupContainer;
  return popupContainer;

// portal.tsx
const Portal = (props: PortalProps) => {
  const { getContainer, children } = props;
  const containerRef = useRef<HTMLElement | null>(null);
  const isFirstRender = useIsFirstRender();

  if (isFirstRender || containerRef.current === null) {
    containerRef.current = getContainer();

  useEffect(() => {
    return () => {
      const container = containerRef.current;
      if (container && container.parentNode) {
        containerRef.current = null;
  }, []);
  return containerRef.current
    ? ReactDOM.createPortal(children, containerRef.current)
    : null;

Next, let's take a look at the DOM structure constructed in the React tree, which can be said to be the essence of the whole implementation. It may be a bit convoluted, and you can think of it as each pop-up layer being divided into two parts: the original child and the popped-up portal. These two structures are placed parallel in the React DOM tree. So, after multiple levels of pop-ups, in fact, each child trigger(portal + child) is the children of the upper-level portal. This structure can be represented by a tree structure.

                        /    \
               A(portal)      A(child)
                /     \
        B(portal)      B(child)
         /     \
  C(portal)     C(child)
   /     \
.....   ..... 
  <div id="root">
    <!-- ... -->
    <div id="A-child"></div>
    <!-- ... -->
  <div id="A-portal">
    <div id="B-child"></div>
  <div id="B-portal">
    <div id="C-child"></div>
  <div id="C-portal">
    <!-- ... -->

From the tree structure, we can see that although in the DOM structure, it is displayed as a flat structure, in the React event tree, it still maintains a nested structure. So, it's easy to answer the initial question: why can we nest infinitely, and when the mouse leaves the last level of the pop-up component, all pop-up layers are closed. That's because, in fact, even if our mouse is in the last level, in the React tree structure, it still belongs to the child of all portals. Since it is a child, we can consider that it has not actually moved out of the elements of each level of trigger and naturally will not trigger the MouseLeave event to close the pop-up layer. If we move out of the last level pop-up layer to the blank area, it's equivalent to moving out of the portal element area of all trigger instances, and naturally, it will trigger the closing of all bound MouseLeave events to close the pop-up layer.

So, although we have explained why the Trigger component can maintain the display of pop-up layers under an infinitely nested structure and close all pop-up layers after the mouse leaves the last level, or return to the previous level and only close the last level pop-up layer, there is still an issue we haven't figured out. The issue is that since all instances of trigger pop-up layers are child elements of the upper-level trigger pop-up layer, we also have a sibling portal and child elements. When we move the mouse to the child, the portal element will be displayed. However, when we move the mouse to the portal element, this portal element does not disappear, but remains displayed. Here, since there is no nested structure in the React tree, special handling of events is required.

onMouseEnter = (e: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent>) => {
  console.log("onMouseEnter", this.childrenDom);
  const mouseEnterDelay = this.props.duration;
  this.setPopupVisible(true, mouseEnterDelay || 0);

onMouseLeave = (e: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent>) => {
  console.log("onMouseLeave", this.childrenDom);
  const mouseLeaveDelay = this.props.duration;
  if (this.state.popupVisible) {
    this.setPopupVisible(false, mouseLeaveDelay || 0);

onPopupMouseEnter = () => {
  console.log("onPopupMouseEnter", this.childrenDom);

onPopupMouseLeave = (e: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent>) => {
  console.log("onPopupMouseLeave", this.childrenDom);
  const mouseLeaveDelay = this.props.duration;
  if (this.state.popupVisible) {
    this.setPopupVisible(false, mouseLeaveDelay || 0);

setPopupVisible = (visible: boolean, delay = 0, callback?: () => void) => {
  const currentVisible = this.state.popupVisible;

  if (visible !== currentVisible) {
    this.delayToDo(delay, () => {
      if (visible) {
        this.setState({ popupVisible: true }, () => {
      } else {
        this.setState({ popupVisible: false }, () => {
          callback && callback();
  } else {
    callback && callback();

delayToDo = (delay: number, callback: () => void) => {
  if (delay) {
    this.delayTimer = setTimeout(() => {
    }, delay);
  } else {

Actually, the communication here would be relatively simple. As mentioned earlier, the portal and child elements are on the same level, so we can clearly see that they are actually within the same component. Therefore, the overall implementation will be much simpler. We can design a delay and bind MouseEnter and MouseLeave events to both portal and child separately. Here, we bind onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave event handling functions to child, and onPopupMouseEnter and onPopupMouseLeave event handling functions to portal.

Now, let's simulate the scenario above. When the mouse enters the child element, the onMouseEnter event handling function will be triggered. At this point, we will clear the delayTimer, and then call the setPopupVisible method. This will set popupVisible to true and display the portal. Here comes the key point: we actually have a delay set here, meaning that when we move the mouse out of the element, the element will not be hidden until after the delay time. If we move the mouse back into the portal during this delay, and the onPopupMouseEnter event is triggered, we can call clearDelayTimer to clear the delayTimer, preventing the element from being hidden. This way, regardless of further nested pop-up layers involving child or portal, they are still child elements of the previous portal. Even when switching between the child portal and child, we can use clearDelayTimer to prevent the elements from being hidden. Therefore, subsequent pop-up layers can be recursively handled in this way, achieving unlimited nesting.

We can use the DEMO to print out the mouse events from a -> b -> c -> d -> empty:

onMouseEnter a
onMouseLeave a
onPopupMouseEnter b
onMouseEnter c
onMouseLeave c
onPopupMouseLeave b
onPopupMouseEnter b
onPopupMouseEnter d
onPopupMouseLeave d
onPopupMouseLeave b

Thus, we have explored the implementation of the Trigger component. Of course, in the actual handling process, there are still quite a few details to address, such as position calculation, animation, event handling, and so on. Furthermore, this component has many aspects from which we can learn, such as how to pass externally provided event handling functions to children, the usage of methods like, React.isValidElement, React.cloneElement, and so on, which are all very interesting implementations.

const getWrappedChildren = () => {
  return, child => {
    if (React.isValidElement(child)) {
      const { props } = child;
      return React.cloneElement(child, {
        onMouseEnter: mouseEnterHandler,
        onMouseLeave: mouseLeaveHandler,
    } else {
      return child;

Daily Question
