The reference of this
cannot be determined when a function is defined. It is only established when the function is executed; in fact, this
ultimately refers to the object that calls it.
Defining a function and an object, and then calling them. Note that only when the function is called does this
point to the caller, except for arrow functions.
function s(){
// Direct call in window // Not use strict
s(); // Window // Equivalent to window.s(), the caller is window
// window is an instance of Window // window instanceof Window // true
// Create a new object s1
var s1 = {
t1: function(){ // testing the reference of this to the caller
console.log(this); // s1
s(); // Window // This call still equivalent to window.s(), and the caller is window
t2: () => { // testing arrow function, where this does not point to the caller
t3: { // testing an object inside an object
tt1: function() {
t4: { // testing arrow function and non-function call where this does not point to the caller
tt1: () => {
t5: function(){ // testing the reference of this when a function calls an arrow function, which points to the caller of the parent object
return {
tt1: () => {
s1.t1(); // s1 object // the caller here is s1, so the printed object is s1
s1.t2(); // Window
s1.t3.tt1(); // s1.t3 object
s1.t4.tt1(); // Window
s1.t5().tt1(); // s1 object
A special case: calling the same method but getting different this
references. It is important to note that this
ultimately refers to the object that calls it.
var s1 = {
t1: function(){
s1.t1(); // s1 object
var p = s1.t1;
p(); // Window
// It is important to note that when the method is assigned to p, calling it directly yields Window as the this reference
// This case is not actually special, because a function is also an object, and in this case, p is assigned a function
console.log(p); // ƒ (){console.log(this);}
// This function is called by window, and therefore, this points to window
Using apply, call, and bind can change the reference of this. For more information, refer to