Rayeval is distributed as a package and build on top of the C library and can be installed using setuptools.
Rayeval uses special data-files which are tricky indexed precalculated hand ranks. You need 7-card hand ranks file for evaluating 7 card combinations (like in Holdem) and 9-card hand ranks file for evaluating 9 card combinations (for Omaha).
These files are generated at the inatall_data stage and can be re-generated using command:
python setup.py install_data
Hand ranks files are generated when you installing the Rayeval or using:
python setup.py install_data
By default generated files are installed to the shared directory in the default data_files location. For example in Mac OS X it is:
Also files are linked to the package it was generated from (you can find a rayeval_ranks_path.txt file in the package where path to the hand ranks files are stored). So you can access these files from the package.
There are several command line arguments that you may use with:
python setup.py install
python setup.py install_data
--no-ranks-test will not run tests after generating ranks, false by default.
--without-build-ranks install Rayeval without generating hand ranks files.
--ranks-dir=/path/to/place/ sets path where to put generated hand ranks files.
--ranks-7-filename=rayeval_hand_ranks_7.dat name of the 7-card hand ranks file, rayeval_hand_ranks_7.dat is the default.
--ranks-9-filename=rayeval_hand_ranks_9.dat name of the 9-card hand ranks file, rayeval_hand_ranks_9.dat is the default.
--use-ranks-7=/path/to/rayeval_hand_ranks_7.dat links already generated 7-card hand ranks file to the package
--use-ranks-9=/path/to/rayeval_hand_ranks_7.dat links already generated 9-card hand ranks file to the package