== Description
To better organize our coding, lets set how and what we need to code in lists:
- TODO: Functionality we want to implement to our game
- DOING: Functionality that we are working on
- DONE: Functionality that is already finished and implemented.
How to represent
#number - Functionality Name - Description - Coder Name
- Menu - Merge to branch - DeltaTeam
- Keyboard - Add diagonal movement - DeltaTeam
- Extra Feature - Add limit to player max speed base by level - DeltaTeam
- Extra Feature - Player max speed bonus for over limit speed - DeltaTeam
- Score Board - Implement score board for player - DeltaTeam
- Sounds - Music for game - DeltaTeam
- Menu - Programming and Menu - Ricardo, Tiago
- Code Cleaning - Clean code, remove deprecated folders and files, add comments to methods - DeltaTeam
- Game map Creation - Map grid was created and executed - Andre
- File Structure - Directory and file organization - DeltaTeam
- Game Objects - Factories, Types - Flavio, Tiago
- Game Logic - Start, Init, object creation - Andre
- Game Init - Creation of grid, creation of players - Andre
- Player Logic - Added some main abstract methods - Flavio
- Enemy Logic - Added some main abstract methods - Flavio
- Graphics - Defining graphics for game - Monica
- Graphics - Adapting and editing graphics - Tiago, Monica
- Game Start - Start movements - Andre
- Game - Definition of positions, random creation - Andre
- Game Init - Creation of objects - DeltaTeam
- Presentation - Plan and develop presentation for sale of game - Ricardo, Flavio
- Collision - Adding helpers methods and logic - DeltaTeam
- Collision - Player shoots enemy dies, take him out ot the screen - DeltaTeam
- Collision - If zombie hits player character, the player dies - DeltaTeam
- Collision - Zombie hits the wall its game over - DeltaTeam
- KeyboardEngine Logic - Missing speed increase/decrease, shooting - Andre, Ricardo